1. Transparency:
The article notes that businesses no longer have to keep copies of the same transaction separately, as it can now go on a single, distributed ledger. Since the nodes have to come to a consensus to update the ledger, this makes the system more transparent and accurate than relying on traditional accounting methods.
2. Security:
To change a single transaction you would have to alter every transaction before it (block) in the blockchain (and then how would you alter the copies stored locally on computers in the network and get them to agree to the new version)? Blockchain offers increased security because of consensus mechanisms and the fact that you have to hack a majority of computers in the network (51%) to interfere with adding new transactions, versus hacking a single central authority. Also as the network grows you would have to attack more nodes to reach this 51%, making it prohibitively difficult once a network is very large.
3. Improved traceability:
Blockchain offers provenance, or an audit trail. Consumers have more transparency seeing where they products come from. This is notable as consumer spending habits are becoming more value-driven.
4. Increased efficiency and speed: Blockchain allows you to trust in mathematical protocols and avoid human error. You also don’t have to rely on a third party/middleman for trust, instead you have the shared ledger.
5. Reduced cost: Blockchain would reduce costs by streamlining business processes and making them more efficient, reducing costs due to duplication (cost of storing copies of same transaction on different ledger). Rather than having to trust the person/entity you are going into business with, you just have to trust the data on the blockchain.