Reading Assignment: Accessibility and HTML

  1. Accessibility is the practice of making your website accessible by many with or without disabilities by using appropriate codes when building.

  2. Using Screen-reader

  3. Semantic HTML helps websites become more accessible by improving SEO and readability by screen readers through appropriate application of semantics when building html code.

  4. Dashes, abbreviations, unclear language and improper page layout.

  5. A tab index: is a attribute that’s primarily intended to allow tab-able elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.


1: Accessibility is very important. It is the practice of making a website accessible by as many people as possible regardless of whether they are visually impaired or they are using only mobile devices etc.
2: screenreaders, voice overs
3: good for SEO, better on mobile devices (fast to load and performant, good for screen readers, elements with clear meaning
4: not using UI control text labels, starting from ground with no semantic elements, using not a clear language, using bad semantics
5: A tab index is a global attribute. The tab index indicates that its element can be focused. In addition the tab index specifies the tab order where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation. (when the “tab” button is used)

Syntax of the tab index: <element tabindex="value"(number)
possible values: “0”, negative value, positive value


What is accessibility?

Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible for phones or laptops etc.

How do people interpret websites without vision?

With screen magnifiers and screen readers

How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?

Structure and order for users accessing it and easier to navigate for handicapped people

Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

Not using semantic tags
Not using Meaningful text labels
Don’t use abbreviations
Don’t use HTML tables to create a page layout

What is a tab index?

the tab index attribute can give priority to tabbed buttons

There are two other options for tabindex:

tabindex=“0” — this value allows elements that are not normally tabbable to become tabbable. This is the most useful value of the tab index.
tabindex="-1" — this allows not normally tabbable elements to receive focus programmatically, e.g., via JavaScript, or as the target of links.

  1. Accessibility is the practice of making your website viewable by as many people as possible. This is done by utilizing search engine optimization (SEO), and by using HTML semantic language that is as simple and clear as possible.

  2. By utilizing screen readers.

  3. It help with (SEO) because search engines listen for keywords that are written within semantic tags, such as heading.

  4. Avoid abbreviations and dashes, and rather than using an HTML table to construct a page layout, it is better to use semantic tags like header, nav, section, main, aside, etc.

  5. The tab index attribute is used to allow tab able elements to have a custom tab order instead of their default order.

  1. What is accessibility?
    Ability to use HTML code for impaired people in order to make it easier the understanding of a website.

  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    They can use screenreader.

  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    Make sure the correct Hypertext Markup Language elements are used for the correct purpose at all times.

  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Avoiding abbreviations, dashes, acronyms

  5. What is a tab index?
    The tabindex attribute specifies the tab order of an element (when the “tab” button is used for navigating).

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1. What is accessibility?
Accessibility is making web pages useable for people with various visual disabilities, physical disabilities, etc.

2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
People use screen readers that read aloud the elements and content of the page.

3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
It makes the descriptions about the content more accurate. This helps screen readers and helps search engine spiders.

4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

  • Avoid table layouts.
  • Avoid using HTML that isn’t very semantically correct (overly using div and span tags instead of more clear HTML elements.)
  • Include alt text on images

5. What is a tab index?
It’s when various elements are set with a tab attribute in the HTML. This allows users to tab between these key elements more quickly.

  1. What is accessibility? - Accessibility is the practice of making a/your website usable by as many users as possible.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision? - People without vision can interpret websites using the screen reading technology.
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible? - Using good semantics makes HTML easier to develop with. It is better on mobile and it helps with search engines. It also helps the “screen readers”.
  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML. - Try to avoid abbreviations, acronyms and dashes. Also try to keep your code as organized/structured as possible and try to use commands/elements only for the purpose they are intended for.
  5. What is a tab index? - The “Tab Index” attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.

Accessibility has two components, ability and access. In this case access is utilization of web content. Humans have multiple ways to sense their environment. The 5 senses most associated with a human, alphabetized, are hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching. Thus, ability matters, especially for someone who has diminished or complete lack of one or more of these senses. This is where accessibility accommodations arise. Accessibility is encoding specific semantics on the web page that may provide access to the content by utilizing devices that focus this content to one or more of the more fully working senses.

A visually impaired person, who has the hearing sense intact, would benefit from a screen reader. This is software that provides the digital content to the user via a some kind of audio output using a digital voice. The voice “reads” (provides) the content to the user via such audio output.

HTML has been updated since its inception in the early 1990s to accommodate various sense redirection settings, such as an audio reader. Updates have provided certain elements, semantics placed on a web page, allowing adjunct content provider mechanisms, such as screen readers, to work effectively and efficiently. An example is formatting the ‘img’ tag and alternate text so a visually impaired person may still benefit from the ideas captured by an image while utilizing a screen reader for the text. We have not yet arrived at a time where AI can describe an embedded picture element. Since the user may be unable to see well enough to place the image in context with the content of the page, semantic elements are now available to allow a web page to serve content to many users, even those with some impairments in the body senses.

A web page designed for users with various sense deficits may forgo using tables, since the semantic assists to render a table via a screen reader provides minimal assistance. Use of

to set up sections in content does not necessarily read well on screen readers. HTML5 has tags such as and . These help the screen reader from getting confused about what it is reading and the context within which the reading occurs.

One thing that may be hard from some uses is, the mouse. Thus if a keyboard is usable in some way but not a mouse, the user may navigate a graphical user interface, GUI, using the keyboard. One key that is useful is the Tab key.Setting a tab index determines how navigation is handled when the user has difficulty using a mouse for whatever reason.


What is accessibility?
- accessibility is capacity of the web site of be usable for users with physical or mental impairments.
How do people interpret websites without vision?
- the correct semantic permitt at the support external of read a specific element in page web.
How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
- the semantic can help the browser and external app at find different element and the orientate in
document HTML
Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
- avoid use table for divide page’s element
- use only “div” and not specific element for specific function
- use a lenguage more complicate and less clean
What is a tab index?
- tab index, is a index witch tell order of selection of the elements using “tab”

// What is accessibility? 
Accessibility is when elements are used for the correct purpose. Making sense in HTML for viewing, developing and search engines.

// How do people interpret websites without vision? 
A screen reader is a technology that helps people who have difficulties seeing to access and interact with digital content, like websites or applications via audio or touch. The main users of screen readers are people who are blind or have very limited vision. They use screen reader user to read data.

// How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
Semantic HTML helps screen reader user to associate media, articles, rows or columns together as groupings of data.

// Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
- Avoid using language and characters that don't get read out clearly by the screen reader.
- Avoid dashes and abbreviations 
- Avoid Empty alt attributes on important data

// What is a tab index?
Tabindex attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order specified in positive numerical order.
  1. What is accessibility?
    Accessibility is the practice of making websites usable by as many people as possible, which also benefits other groups, such as those using mobile devices, or those with slow network connections.

  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    A person who is blind will rely on assistive technologies, such as screen readers, which is software that reads digital text out loud.

  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    Semantic HTML helps reinforce the meaning of content on a web page, rather than merely define its appearance. Semantically correct HTML helps search engines, screen readers, and other user devices determine the significance and context of web content.

  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Avoid writing headings, paragraphs, etc. using presentational HTML and line breaks. Don’t use dashes (write 1 to 5 instead of 1-5). Don’t use abbreviations (write January instead of the abbreviated Jan.). Expand on acronyms in the first instance (write Hypertext Markup Language vs. write HTML).

  5. What is a tab index?
    A tab index is an attribute primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.
    There are 2 other options for tabindex: tabindex=“0” allows elements that are not normally tabbable to become tabbable while tabindex="-1" allows not normally tabbable elements to receive focus programmatically, e.g., via JavaScript, or as the target of links.

  1. What is accessibility?
    It means web development in such a way that as many users can use all provided features and content, regardless of how the user accesses the web. Even if they have physical or mental impairments.

  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    With native keyboard strokes and screenreaders.

  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    It helps to define the purpose of each element which makes the code easier to read and interpret.

  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Using <div> tags for content, when there are better semantic options, i.e. <button> in case of a button.
    Avoid using characters that cannot be read, instead use descriptive language.
    Try to avoid abbreviations or at least mention the complete word initially.

  5. What is a tab index?
    It allows tabbable elements to have a custom tab order, this is beneficial for navigation with keyboard.

  1. Making your website usable by as many people as possible. This includes users with disabilities, different devices such as mobiles and those with slow network connections.

  2. People without vision will use screen readers to interpret websites. It is an assistive technology that renders text and image content as audio output.

  3. Having good semantics means having excellent content structure on the webpage and makes the content easier to read and interpret by different users. It also improves the search engine optimisation by making the website more findable by users.

  4. It is best to avoid using slang, jargon and abbreviations. This makes the language unclear and harder for screen readers to read out clearly. Bad page layouts should also be avoided as it will make screen readers read out the content in an confusing way and reduce the accessibility.

  5. It is a attribute which indicates elements that can be navigated through the tab key in a numerical order.

  1. Accesibility is the practice of making your website useable by as many people as possible, even if those peoples abilities are limited in some way

  2. By using screen readers for those without vision and screen magnifiers for those with limited vision

  3. Semantic html helps make websites accessible by :

  • Being easier to read, understand and develop with
  • It works better on mobile devices due to semantic html being lighter in file size
    and more responsive due to its ordered, detailed nature
  • Good for SEO, as search engines look for keywords inside headings and links
    etc in semantic html rather than keywords included in non semantic html
  1. Avoid using

    and , dashes, abbreviations and acronyms as it can be confusing for accessibility purposes/unreadable
  2. The tab index overrides the default order of tabbable elements to a custom order - should be avoided if possible but is useful in the instance of enabling an element that is not normally tab navigable, tabbable (such as paragraphs) and when the default order is non sequential in regards to making any sense

Cheers :woman_cartwheeling:


Accessibility is how accessible your web content is and how well its done. Making it easier for most people to view read or listen.

people with visual impairments can use a screen reader to help them listen to whats to be read.

Semantic HTML helps make websites accessible by using correct punctuation grammar and elements.

A few practices to avoid when writing HTML would be things like table layouts, or abbreviations

A tab index makes the user able to navigate through the page with the tab key

  1. Any type of user can understand/access the webpage with ease.
  2. By the help of screen reading technologies.
  3. Same answer as #1.
  4. Using abbr,acro,dash.
  5. Direction for navigation.

1. What is accessibility?

To make the web page more user friendly by creating a better structure that’s easier to read and understand for all types of different users.

2. How do people interpret websites without vision?

Voice assistants, screen magnifiers or screen readers.

3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?

Semantically correct HTML helps search engines, screen readers, and other user devices determine the significance and context of web content.

4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

  • Avoid using dashes, write 1 to 3 instead of 1-3.
  • Expand abbreviations, instead of writing VW, write Volkswagen.
  • Expand acronyms, instead of writing WHO, write World Health Organisation.

5. What is a tab index?

When you give a tabindex to something it means that that element is focusable.
When a user is looking at a page, by hitting the tab key on the keyboard he or she can start cycle through things/ navigate on the page just by clicking the tab key.

  1. What is accessibility? 1. HTML Semantic language with built in keyboard functions, making it more user friendly to navigate.

  2. How do people interpret websites without vision? 1. With Screen readers

  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible? 1. It provides file name information, image descriptions, and important information for user who may be visually or hearing impaired.

  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML. 1. Using images with text in them in order to represent information, using improper semantic elements for sections, using line breaks instead of adding elements as selectors.

  5. What is a tab index? 1. An attribute which allows non-tabbable elements to become tabbable. It is typically used to retroactively integrate accessibility into bad code writing.

  1. What is accessibility?
    -practive of making websites usable by as many people as possible on different device types.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    -thru screen readers
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    a. easier to develop with
    b. better on mobile
    c. good for SEO
    Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    a. Use of complex language
    b. Create page layouts using HTML tables
    What is a tab index?
    -specifies the tab order of an element (when the “tab” button is used for navigating)
  1. What is accessibility?
    -It is the emphasis on using HTML formatting properly for user preference’s with hotkeys and SEO,even though A webpage can function perfectly well without it once you are using the webpage. but to keep uniformity for easier development, and mobile usage

  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    -Screen Readers, depend on ALT text. Screen Magnifiers

  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    -It uses uniformity with developer to show the data clearly. This also helps with accessibility by making your website easier to find and navigate with many users preferences

  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    -Avoid abbreviations, Dashes and spaces with documents, and avoid Acronyms

  5. What is a tab index?
    -It is a design where there is intentionality in the order in which your website can tabbed through for fast and easy keyboard accessibility