no. so the way this dex work is known as an orderbook style dex. here traders come to trade and they basically place bids which are fullfileed by other traders. so for example i have 10 eth i want to sell at 100 euro. well then i come to the DEX and and i submit a sell order for the 10 eth at that price of 100. the only way i will be able to sell my eth is under two circumstances.
another person who wants to buy exactly 10 eth at 100 euro cones to the dex and also submites and order
someone comes to the dex just wanting eth but doest care about the price at all (market buy)
so the way that the current price of an asset is derermined in a orderbook style dex is that the price of an asset is always going to be the price of the order that is at the top of the order book. so in the case of a sell the price will be determined by the least amount someone is willing to sell their asset at. thats why the sell orderbook is ordered from smallest to largest. this has the effect of discouring users from asking for an outragous pric per token as if they do so there order book swill be ordered way down the list and will likely never get settled because i a dex ever time and order is executed its always the order at the top of the order book.
the opposite is true for buying. the buy orders are ordered opposite from largest to smallest so this discourages ppl from trying to buy below market price because again their order will be down the book and will likely not get settled.
so the orderbook is always ordered based on the price. and the next concept is what happens if someone wants to sell 10 eth at 100 euro. but then someone comes along and wants to buy 20 eth at 100 euro, well in this case the order at the top will get completely filled but the buyer still wants 10 eth that the forst ordder hasnt fulfilled, so what happens now is the second order moves to the top and it gets settled. and this is the flow for a dex. this concept is a little more advanced but it is covered in the videos so if you have any more question sdo ping me and ill be glad to help