Programming Reading Assignment

  1. A program is a set of instructions (code) that directs a computer to carry out a task or tasks.
  2. Programs are created using languages and just like any language, code can be highly complex. The goal of a good programmer is to create programs in the simplest way, making them easy to understand and execute.
  3. They allow programmers to create code that computers can interpret and use to complete tasks.
  4. There is no relationship, other than a poorly chosen marketing ploy.
  5. The name ECMAScript is interchangeable with JavaScript as the Ecma International Organisation carried out the standardisation of the language we know as JavaScript
  1. A set of instructions
  2. It can become incredibly complex
  3. A way to convey what you want the program to do
  4. None, JS tried to jump on the back of a marketing campaign by Java
  5. It is the same thing
What is a program? is a set of conditions and loops that can make tedious and straight forward things really fast
What can you say about complexity in programming? its as complex as the problem we are trying to solve.
What function do programming languages have? make repeted things really fast
What is the relationship between Java and Javascript? marketing
What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript? ECMAscript is the Standard Javascript. (same thing but with diffent names)
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  1. A piece of code that tells the computer what to do.
  2. The complexity can grow out of control when the programs size increases, even for the author can be difficult to understand it.
  3. Help us write these instructions or programs in a more human and understandable way.
  4. None only the name Java.
  5. They are two names for the same language.


it’s a piece of text, that gives instruction to a machine in order that the machine returns the expected results.


Programming is resolving a problem , problem is regarded as inherently difficult if its solution requires significant resources. When we are creating a program, we are totaly free, there is not only one solution to achieve something. However, we have to take control of our program in order to understand what the machine is doing. Our program must be the simplest possible.


At the lowest level of a computer (i.e. the cpu), every intstruction is in binary ( 0 or 1 ).
At each level of the computer, a programming languages allows to enter instruction in an easier way than this binary language.
A good programming language helps the programmer by providing a more abstract means of expression.


There no distinction between both languages. Javascript has used this name to profit from the buzz from javascript.


ECMAScript is a set of standards for script programming languages ​​standardized by ECMA Internationa

  1. A program is a set of instructions for a computer to execute.

  2. We have to keep it as simple as possible, in order to let it readable and stable. The more complex is a program, the more spaces for bugs to hide.

  3. The function of programming languages is to transform human-readable instructions into binary code usable by computers.

  4. They have nothing in common apart the beginning of their names.

  5. ECMAScript and Javascript are the same language and are interchangeable. ECMAScript is the international standard documentation on Javascript and it is named after the ECMA International organization.

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  1. A program is a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do, usually written in a simple text format which follows the structure of a certain programming language.
  2. While the basic building blocks and rules of programming are fairly simple, the programs built on top can be quite complex. It is in the programmers responsibility to prevent a program of growing out of control and master the skill of controlling complexity. Using only a small set of techniques or features of a programming language for achieving this is both boring and inefficient.
  3. Programming languages provide a readable maintainable abstraction of low-level CPU instructions; with this they help the programmer by taking care of all the uninteresting details and providing convenent operations as well as allowing to define own building blocks.
  4. The primary reason that JavaScript contains Java were marketing considerations back then when Java was gaining popularity – from a technical perspective there is no relation between JavaScript and Java.
  5. EMCAScript is a standard that describes how the JavaScript language should work. In practice, the terms JavaScript and ECMAScript can be used interchangeably.
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  1. Program are the instructions given by people to the computer in the form of the text. Computer can do what it does.
  2. Keeping the rules that we use during writing program.
  3. Turning computer force for making useful things
  4. Only marketing connection and by the fact that both were popular at this time.
  5. Standard document desrcibing the way the JavaScript language should work. ECMAScript and Java Script can be used interchangeably
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  1. What is a program?
    In simple term, a program is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do.

  2. What can you say about complexity in programming?
    As a program grows, so too does its complexity. A good programmer will manage this complexity by applying certain principles, such as (in an object oriented sense) inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

  3. What function do programming languages have?
    They allow programmers to interact with a computer to have them perform in a desired manner. They are meant to be human readable in order to make it easier for us to understand what is going on in the code. For the computer to understand what a programmer has written, it will first need to be interpreted or compiled into machine code.

  4. What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?
    The name was a marketing ploy to try and ride on the coattails of Java’s success at the time. There are no similarities between the two, except for the name which only serves to confuse newcomers to programming.

  5. What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?
    It is another name for Javascript. Ecma International wrote a standardisation document to describe the way the Javascript language should work.

1. What is a program?
   A set of precise instructions that tell a computer what to do. A program is a building of thought. It is costless to build, it is weightless, and it grows easily under our typing hands.
2. What can you say about complexity in programming?
   The art of programming is the skill of controlling complexity
   Programs are built on top of fundamental rules, they tend to become complex enough to introduce their own rules and complexity. 
3. What function do programming languages have?
   It makes it easier to instruct computers, instead of using binary code. It also lets us do programming,
4. What is the relationship between Java and JavaScript?
   Just for marketing. When JavaScript was introduced, the Java language was being heavily marketed and was gaining popularity. They wanted to ride along on this success and got stuck with the name.
5. What is ECMAScript and how is it related to JavaScript?
   Two names for the same language. Got the name after a standard document that was written by Ecma International organization to describe the way JavaScript language should work so that it was standardized to make sure everyone was talking about the same language.
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  1. It tells the computer to carry out a specific set of instructions
  2. Programs can be written many different ways
  3. They allow complex tasks to be completed
  4. Marketing only
  5. They are both the same
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  1. A program is a set of instructions
  2. Complexity should be avoided. Programs must be simple to use
  3. Programming languages are understood by humans. After you write a programming code it gets compiled and translated to binary language, which computers can understand.
  4. There is no relationship between Java and Javascript. Those are two different languages, which have nothing to do with each other. Java is a programming language while Javascript is a scripting language.
  5. ECMA is a standard that JavaScript follows. Standardization is needed so all Javascript interpreters will handle a certain program the same way.
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  1. It’s a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do, it is data in a computer but it controls the action performed on this same memory
  2. It can be unlimited complex and should be kept under control
  3. Make the set of instructions more efficiently and to appear like languages that is more easily to understand
  4. Javascript just coattailed on the name of Java because of it’s popularity
  5. It is a standard document that describes the way the language should work and to make sure the various pieces of software that claim to support Javascript are actually talking about the same language.

What is a program?
A set of instructions that tells computer what to do

What can you say about complexity in programming?
You should control and have a good understanding of the programs you build otherwise their complexity might eat you.

What function do programming languages have?
way to order computers and other devises to do something

What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?

What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?
they are two names for the same language

What is a program?

A program is a combination on simple tasks performed by the computer.
What can you say about complexity in programming?
It takes those simple tasks and runs millions of them at a time.
What function do programming languages have?
What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?
They are not at all related.
What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?
they are more or less the same thing.

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What is a program?
A set of instructions that fits together to perform a task.

What can you say about complexity in programming?

Each instruction is incredibly simple. Combining them createscomplexity.

A program is a building of thought. It is costless to build, it is weightless, and it grows easily under our typing hands.

The more tasks that need performing the more complexity

What function do programming languages have?

To interact with the computer and deliver the instructions.
To remove mundane simplicities in the instructions by adding functions, allowing the programmer to focus on higher level thinking.

What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?

No relationship. Name JS was chosen because Java was popular at the time.

What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?

Document setting out the standardisation of JS.
They are essentially the same thing.


1. What is a program?

A program—a set of precise instructions that tell a computer what to
do. A program is a building of thought.

2. What can you say about complexity in programming?

Complexity is something we’d better try to manage when designing a program, so that it won’t do crazy thing and give us surprise.

But we shouldn’t stick to the “best practice” for the sake of reducing complexity, coz it is boring, uncreative and set limits for the problem solving mind.

3. What function do programming languages have?

Programming languages helps the programmer by allowing them to talk about the actions that the computer has to perform on a higher level.

4. What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?

JavaScript has almost nothing to do with the programming language named Java.

5. What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?

ECMAScript is a standard, ECMAScript and JavaScript can be used interchangeably—they are two names for the same language.


1- A program is the logic needed to change a given input to a specific output, it’s represented by a code written in an specific program language

2- Complexity is when a program grows and turns its code to a bigger and unreadable code

3- The function of a programming language is to be easy to write the understandable code used by a machine to know what to do with an input

4- Only the four first figures, like car and carpet

5- ECMAScript are the rules defined for an specific version of the JS language

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  1. What is a program?
    A program is a composition of instructions, which makes a computer/machine/robot do,
    what the programmer wants it to do.

  2. What can you say about complexity in programming?
    The complexity can rise so high, that the programmer himself can not understand the
    actions, which the program is performing. So it can get very hard to verify a code by
    clearing out all bugs. Almost no program is really without bugs.

  3. What function do programming languages have?
    The programming language has to interconnect the higher level thinking of a human with
    the rudimentary commands, which a computer can understand and perform.

  4. What is the relationship between Java and Javascript?
    The name Java was taken for JavaScript because of the publicity, which Java already had gotten. There is no other relationship.

  5. What is ECMAScript and how is it related to Javascript?
    ECMAScript practically is JavaScript…uninteresting history.

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  1. A set of instructions to tell the computer what to do.
  2. Program written in a high level programming language available these days can be easy to write but provide you less freedom compare to low level programming. Everyone should follow rules, guidelines and standards so that code adhere to these and easy to read and understood by pears. It can get very complex if serious thought is not given at design phase.
  3. Programming languages provide set of building blocks which can be put together to write program for computer to perform certain task(s).
  4. Only names are similar but both are different. Java is much more powerful language and can be used to develop Ent applications along with desktop as well as mobile apps. But JS is mainly used in web apps.
  5. ECMAScript is another name of JS as ECMA International Organisation developed standard for JS to keep consistency accross multiple vendors.