Personal Security - Discussion

have a routine to update any security passwords:

  • create a unique account that is not pawned and only private email that is not linked to any other social media or any system currently in used:
    example. email linked to linkedin - facebook do not use the same for your crypto exchanges or valuable assets.
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Great content, and thanks for the suggestions. Definitely going to be changing all my basic passwords and implementing the formats suggested. Eye opener.

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Never share your privete key, or any password online. Be careful of the websites you go to.

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Have one computer for day-to-day use and another for crypto.
-Do not store your passwords and seed phrases on a device connected to the Internet.
-Use hardware wallets to store most of your funds.
-Double check the address where you send your funds before making a transaction.
-If you make transactions with large amounts of money, make a transaction with small amounts of money first to ensure that everything arrives safely.
-Check well the pages where you connect your wallet, and make sure it is not malicious or try to pish you (look for the official twitter accounts of the sites where you want to enter and access from there).
-Do not reveal your private keys to anyone.
-Renew your passwords every 6 months at the most.
-Do not use the same password on different websites.

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I will use VPN and two factor authentication where possible. A hard wallet is a good start, and I won’t store my passwords on a computer which connects to the internet. I will use different passwords on different websites.

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What does it mean to use a password for all messaging services? Like say “Messages” on iPhone doesn’t count I assume, but telegram, once you sign in the first time (you use a phone number and then authenticate). I don’t use a password every-time I log into discord or telegram.

Another hardware wallet that can be used is BC Vault.

Nord VPN is another great soulution for security

I liked some of the password manager suggestions and also Malwarebytes

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Combine pass word manager with HW-Key