Here you can discuss and ask help about the course related lesson.
Tips for quick help:
- How to post Code
- Mention the lesson name, Example: “Cloud Code - Triggers”
- Screenshot about the console error if possible.
Here you can discuss and ask help about the course related lesson.
Tips for quick help:
Hey guys, another brilliant course!
Big ups to my boy Chris!
This was pretty dense and even though I have a good amount of experience with Moralis, this amount of depth uncovered so many more opportunities.
Just FYI - the final quiz after the mopup section is the same quiz that we were given at the end of the database section.
Might wanna have a look at that
If you fix this, plz ping me because I wanna have a crack at completing it!
Also, throughout the course, the links to the forum sections on all/most of the lessons are to the general course help thread (here), rather than the section-specific threads.
The link text is right but the anchor href goes to that link ^^
Thanks again beautiful people.
Love your work!!
Hey @jak, hope you are great.
Thank you very much for notifying about the minor issues, I have already solve them
All link forums on the lessons should now redirect to the proper topic
The Quiz at the end of “Mop Up” was moved to “Cloud Code”, also I fixed it so all questions are related to cloud code lessons (“mop up” did not have any quiz at the end, probably we miss placed).
All should work now as expected , thank you man, and congratulations on finishing the course
, very happy to know that you enjoyed it!
Carlos Z