Libraries - Reading Assignments

  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    So we can reuse code for common applications.

  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    It is information on how a particular library or piece of code works and how to use the functions, etc.

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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    We need libraries because there are a lot of pre-programmed functions in there we can use, this saves up a lot of time if we had to program all of them ourselves.

  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    The documentation is created to make it clear what the library is all about and show some real use cases for them so we can learn from them how to use the library.

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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    Libraries are a way of preventing programmers from wasting time writing code time a time again and enables them to use code in which other programmers have added to the library with the intention of others contributing to the cause.
  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    Documentation is required to enable the user to navigate the library, understand the code and to us it to its full potential.
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1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
- Libraries allow programmers reuse certain functions because a library is just a reusable bundle of functions. Enable programmers to utilize certain function on different project.
2. What is documentation and why do we need it?

Documentation is a Javascript file that has a list of the available functions or real-world example in a library

  1. Libraries enable programmers to re-use functions that are useful for a large breadth of webpages.
    2.Documentation is a depiction of how the library works and examples, we need it because it can be used if you get stuck while working with a library.
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1 - We should re-use existing codes when we can, so that we don’t waste our time writing code that another programmer has already written. Also existing codes from a secure library provides security, since the code may have already seen so many battles.

2- Most libraries have documentation with a list of available functions or a real-world example. In order to understand that the functions we can use, we could look at the documentation .

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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?

-libraries allow programmers to be able to reuse code that other people have already solved so we do not waste anytime.
2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
-documentation is the set of functions we can implement in our code

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1 - a library is a collection of useful functions that are commonly used by developers

2 - documentation shows all the functions in a library and exactly how they work

  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    A library is a JavaScript file that contains a bunch of functions, and those functions accomplish some useful tasks for one’s projects. Library avoids developers having to write code to solve problems that have been solved before. They ensure code reusability, promoting time saving and efficiency.

  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    Documentation allows us to understand how libraries work.

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  1. We need libraries because reusing code, especially for commonly used functionality, is to the benefit of all. Having to write all code from scratch all the time would be so tedious, unnecessary, and frustrating that society would likely revert back to the Medeival times.
  2. Documentation offers explanation, requirements, and examples of functions which is extremely helpful to developers so that they don't waste time struggling to figure out these components blindly.
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  • Why do we need libraries in programming?
    *Makes it easier and faster to deploy code that is already done than to re-create it.

  • What is documentation and why do we need it?
    *Documentation shows the codes functions and examples of how its used in a library for other developers to use.

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Thank you for your contributions to this discussion board. In my opinion you did a great job replying to this discussion. Thank you.
Best Regards

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  1. A library is a stand alone group of coded functions that can be referenced and reused without having to recode the same functions repetitively. aka do not recreate the wheel… just use it and build upon it.
  2. Documentation is extremely important to describe how to use the functions, and expected input/output within the library.
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:one: Why do we need libraries in programming?

Libraries typically provided code to provide tools to address common issues faced by many developers.
When a large set of developers have to re-write that same code over and over, it is incredibly inefficient.

When there is a library of code to address this repetitive task, programmers can import the code that’s already been written in the library and better spend their time addressing the problems which are more unique to the project at hand.

:two: What is documentation and why do we need it?

Documentation effectively gives comprehension to the code provided in the library.
When you access a library, it’s inefficient to have to look through the code and understand where the code snippets could fit into the developers project.

When there is documentation written in straight-forward language, it can convey the meaning of the code to a developer without them having to go into the nitty gritty of the code inside the library.

Good documentation will also provide access points to areas where a developer could make modifications to better suit their requirements.

Great documentation can also provide examples of where certain functions would be useful in particular environments, providing additional imagination or inspiration which could be auxiliary to what a developer originally had in mind.

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  1. Libraries are the basis of open source: github.
    Its a standard for devs to share
  2. RTFM is extremely important. Its what tells u about the library. U rrally shouldnt even cade anything without at least glancing at it first but i honestly feel like you get more from reading than watching videos
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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?

libraries help to reuse the same code in our applications

  1. What is documentation, and why do we need it?
    documentation is a kind of tutorial on how to use the library, is it needed to know how to use all functions from a library.
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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    We need libraries because it is a waste of time to solve a complex issue and code it from scratch when it has already been done hundreds of times before.

  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    Documentation includes lists, explanations, examples, and use cases for functions within the library so that it is easier to find what you need and learn how to use it.

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  1. We need libraries in programming because we don’t have to program everything from scratch, which takes a lot of effort to program as well as debug.

  2. A documentation is explains how to use the libraries such as what each function does, what parameters it take, what it returns, and so on.

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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    -A library is a JavaScript file that contains a bunch of functions, and those functions accomplish some useful task for your webpage.
  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
  • If we would like to know what a certain function does in our code.
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  1. Why do we need libraries in programming?
    We need libraries so that we won’t write the code that another programmer has already written.

  2. What is documentation and why do we need it?
    Documentation is a file that contains information about all the functions available in a library such as function name, its I/O, its summary.
    For better understandability and readability of a library, we need a documentation.

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