Lets hack Flash Loans | Flash loan assignment/discussion

Very satisfying to get this working.

Great course Amadeo looking forward to more.


Liquidity pools is a great idea, but this article sums up way that thesis does not work with AMM as far as I can see, https://medium.com/@pintail/uniswap-a-good-deal-for-liquidity-providers-104c0b6816f2

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The Bankless podcast will help, great info

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Thank you Amadeo and everyone that took time to teach us about DeFi in this 201 course. It was amazing and a lot to digest, but what this course really did for me was giving me that hunger to build and push DeFi forward. I will recommend this to everyone I know.

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Uniswap is an interesting decentralized exchange with a lot of possibilities. But I also discovered some “problems” if you do not swap the tokens “in the right time” where it is enough liquidity in the pool. Buying a smaller token with Eth can cause a huge slippage (I almost paided 25% extra compared to the market price because Uniswap obviously did not have much of that token (which was a newly released token with really small market cap). Before I thought Uniswap was kind of a decentralized version of the centralized exchanges I am used to, but I realised that whats matters is not the official “market price” of the token, but also how much liquidity there is in the pool of that token at that specific time when Im doing the swap. Is that correct?

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Hey Amadeo
I have seen some people from the academy becomig ambassadors for crypto companys and I wanted to ask what exactly is the job of an ambassador and how to become one
Greetings from Germany:)


Hey Amadeo and everyone,

I tried to open a new pool/exchange for MKR like in lesson 8
(in https://kovan-uniswap.netlify.app/create-exchange) and when I paste the token address from Aave reserve assets it says that the pool is already exists…
It says that it already exists.
I tried to open the second new pool (https://kovan-uniswap2.netlify.app/swap) and when I paste the token address from Aave reserve assets it says that the pool is already exists…

when I tried to deposit MKR it says:“Please verify the legitimacy of this token before making any transactions”
in Etherscan it says “not available”.

your advice.


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Yeaa some one already added it then I think.
Best to try other tokens? We did not update the GUI etc.

We need to do a playground upgrade I think and show some more coins that where added.
It is cool to see the pools behavior.

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I have been experimenting quite a bit with Furucombo and enjoying it. I haven’t made any actual transactions but it is fun seeing the potential outcome after stringing together an insane list of transactions within a flash loan. At the moment on the mainnet it doesn’t look like there are many arbitrage opportunities. I have been noticing that actually after a bunch of transactions there is more potential in losing money. I feel like this is easy to get lost into.

I was wondering about how uniswap pools work on the mainnet and was wondering if there is an opportunity to create arbitrage if a user finds a pool that doesn’t exist yet. If so, what would the user have to do to create an arbitrage opportunity on uniswap by creating a pool that doesn’t exist. I understand that in the lesson you made us do it on clones but would it be possible to skew the price by creating a new uniswap pool in comparison to something on Kyberswap or something like that. Please let me know your thoughts.

Yes amazing opportunity but there is high probability of infinitive lost.
Would not make new pools best start with investing in some pools :slight_smile:
I find that it makes most sense check https://www.pools.fyi/#/


Hi guys my name is Vlad i know its of topic but i have a situation today on uniswap and i need help.I was truying to buy on uniswap DOS network tokens and i didnt realize they not on uniswap because when i searched for contract address for DOS and i got that instaled in my metamask and uniswap I thought transaction it went through.Now I got in my metamask showing amount of DOS I supposedly bought but with out actually showing amount of money i payed to buy those tokens.Do you know if any way I can fixed that and get my money back or its its gone ? Thanks in advance

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I’m getting this error message now when I try to use remix
Cannot load compiler version list. It might have been blocked by an advertisement blocker. Please try deactivating any of them from this page and reload. Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

I’m using a Mac and Brave as the browser with site shield down. Any suggestions!

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Try a clean browser window>?


I had an error with the Remix and it was solved by clearing the cookies from the site in the browser, and loading the page again. Note: First save in a notepad the code of the contracts that you have in remix because when cleaning everything will be loaded as new.


Hi Thaddeus, I am able to deploy my contract successfully in Kovan. However, when i go to interact with it and call the flash loan, the transaction is reverted every time. What am I supposed to be putting in the parameters to interact with the contract under flashloan and / or execute operation (orange buttons)?

I think this is where I am having trouble, as every transaction gers reverted.

Thanks for any help!

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@cement If the transaction is reverted, it’s because you don’t have enough money to pay back the loan plus the interest.
Are you just making the loan? or are you arbitrating on Uniswap in Kovan?

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Hi Amadeo, I have done this first below

  1. MetaMask wallet funded $16
  2. DEX for ETH to swap for DAI x 3
  3. MetaMask click FAST- save - confirmed then DEX succesfully sent
  4. Etherscan transaction receipt - click on DAI, click smart contract address
  5. MetaMask add token, click custom token, paste smart contract address, Dai balance on.
  6. Compound - connect/confirm MetaMask - click DAI - Max - Supply
  7. MetaMask - confirmation Gas fee
  8. Etherscan - Transaction done
  9. Compound - Earning interest

I find that the processing taken too long from buying - swapping - back and fort etc. I am slow I guess.

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Hi, the faucet won’t give eth not working

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Got 1ETH now but Aave market will not load

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  1. Did you do the process manually or by programming a flashloan?

  2. The Aave is in Kovan?