Iām on the Truffle Assignment and Iām trying to compile the Wallet.sol contract and I keep on getting the same error:
> Compilation warnings encountered:
project:/contracts/WalletContract.sol:3:1: Warning: Experimental features are turned on. Do not use experimental features on live deployments.
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
project:/contracts/WalletContract.sol:37:5: SyntaxError: No visibility specified. Did you intend to add "public"?
constructor(address[] memory _owners, uint _limit) {
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
Compilation failed. See above.
Truffle v5.4.7 (core: 5.4.7)
Node v16.9.1
Here is the contract code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract Wallet {
address[] public owners;
uint limit;
struct Transfer{
uint amount;
address payable receiver;
uint approvals;
bool hasBeenSent;
uint id;
event TransferRequestCreated(uint _id, uint _amount, address _initiator, address _receiver);
event ApprovalReceived(uint _id, uint _approvals, address _approver);
event TransferApproved(uint _id);
Transfer[] transferRequests;
mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) approvals;
//Should only allow people in the owners list to continue the execution.
modifier onlyOwners(){
bool owner = false;
for(uint i=0; i<owners.length;i++){
if(owners[i] == msg.sender){
owner = true;
require(owner == true);
//Should initialize the owners list and the limit
constructor(address[] memory _owners, uint _limit) {
owners = _owners;
limit = _limit;
//Empty function
function deposit() public payable {}
//Create an instance of the Transfer struct and add it to the transferRequests array
function createTransfer(uint _amount, address payable _receiver) public onlyOwners {
emit TransferRequestCreated(transferRequests.length, _amount, msg.sender, _receiver);
Transfer(_amount, _receiver, 0, false, transferRequests.length)
//Set your approval for one of the transfer requests.
//Need to update the Transfer object.
//Need to update the mapping to record the approval for the msg.sender.
//When the amount of approvals for a transfer has reached the limit, this function should send the transfer to the recipient.
//An owner should not be able to vote twice.
//An owner should not be able to vote on a tranfer request that has already been sent.
function approve(uint _id) public onlyOwners {
require(approvals[msg.sender][_id] == false);
require(transferRequests[_id].hasBeenSent == false);
approvals[msg.sender][_id] = true;
emit ApprovalReceived(_id, transferRequests[_id].approvals, msg.sender);
if(transferRequests[_id].approvals >= limit){
transferRequests[_id].hasBeenSent = true;
emit TransferApproved(_id);
//Should return all transfer requests
function getTransferRequests() public view returns (Transfer[] memory){
return transferRequests;
I have searched the forum if anyone else has ran into the same error I have and I have not found anything. In the meantime I will do some further research elsewhere on the internet. But if anyone has ran into this, Iād love to know how to solve this issue. Thank you!