jQuery Reading Assignment

  1. jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps. Often with jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.
  2. jQuery allows developers to invoke a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code. It is alco compatibile with many browsers
  3. The minified has removed all of the comments and indention allowing for the fastest loading speed when visiting the website. The uncompressed file is for developers that want to see the functions in a readable manner.
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  1. It is a JavaScript library
  2. It is adding multitude of features that otherwise the developer would need to code himself/herself.
  3. One is visually easy to read and modify (in case you need to) while the other compressed version that is also smaller, is to be used (usually) as-is when building a website (quicker to download).
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jQuery is a lightweight, “write less, do more”, JavaScript library.

jQuery takes common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.

Both have same functionality but the minified one has all unnecessary characters removed in order to make the file size smaller.

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1. What is jQuery?
jQuery is a special library built with and for the JavaScript programming language. It is constituted of a large set of very useful functions that we can add to our JavaScript programs in order to add high level of programmability and dynamism to our web pages.

2. How does it help us as developers?
jQuery helps developers add highly complex functions to a web page and a great level of interactivity for the user of a page, in very short spans of time. It does not even matter the type of browser that will render our pages in the end. All browsers will display equal results when using this library. By using jQuery, developers save a huge amount of time and cash, since many functions are ready to use!

3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

There are two versions: i. THE UNCOMPRESSED VERSION and also ii. THE MINIFIED VERSION.
It’s very easy to read and to modify. But, it’s a lot heavier. Thus, it takes longer to load.
It’s very light and loads very quicky. However, it’s very hard to read since it has no comments or spaces or any visual aid. The library is its most compact form. It’s very recommendable to use this version of jQuery in order to avoid delays in loading time for one’s web pages.

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What is jQuery?

jQuery is the biggest js library and are used by many big companies

How does it help us as developers?

It help us saving time, we don’t need to invent the wheel once again

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

We have to use the minified its easier to load, because of the 23kb compere to 160kb the uncompressed version have.

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  1. jQuery is a library for JavaScript, which is currently the most popular one for developing websites and web apps.
  2. jQuery allows developers to write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code. This aspect makes development much easier and faster.
  3. The uncompressed version of jQuery is used for development as it’s easy to read and modify. While the minified one is used as a file to be uploaded to the website since it has all unnecessary characters, comments, and spaces removed.
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What is javascript-based jQuery?
jQuery is a popular library used by big brands such as Microsoft, ESPN and Twitter

How does it help us as developers?
It’s a matter of “why reinvent the wheel?” thousands of coders have already tried, rewritten and debugged all the most common types of functionalities needed.
Besides the chance that a piece of code you write might not be compatible with most big web browsers the way jQuery is, it’s still best to understand all the code your program leans on.
However once you do, there is no reason to write it yourself unless you’ve noticed a certain feature you would like changed.

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
The uncompressed version contains comments, whitespaces and unnecessary characters in case you want to enter the file and tinker with it or understand how it works. The minified version isn’t for reading or tinkering but for you to use once you already now that jQuery provides you with the functionality you’re looking for

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  1. jQuery is a library for JavaScript that makes it easier and quick to build web pages and web apps.

  2. It helps us as developers by making the coding of powerful and functional web pages and apps easier. It is great for things like animations, Ajax requests, DOM manipulation, image effects, and user interface elements. It also makes it easy to write JavaScript that is compatible with many browsers.

  3. We have two versions of jQuery because the uncompressed is easier to read and work with, but heavier for users to download. With the minfied version, all the unnecessary characters are removed and making it less heavy for the user to download, and this is why this version is the one that should be used on the sites we make.

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  1. What is jQuery?library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript web pages and web apps, using less code
  2. How does it help us as developers?save time and helps us write less code while accomplishing more.
  3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
    minified - smaller size, faster
    uncompressed - has bigger size, easy to read and modify
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1. What is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript library which is most used and popular around developers.

2. How does it help us as developers?

It does make it easier and faster to develop an app or webpage which using JS, by simply calling jQuery function.

3. Why do we have 2 versions of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

minified - not easy to read its code but its much faster for visitors of the page to download because is compressed into 23kb.

uncompressed - full size of 160 kb but easier to read the code which developer can alter.

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1.JQuery is a free Javascript library that makes building webpages easier and quicker.

  1. It has a bunch of functionalities to create eye catching animated effects and it helps to write cross-browser code. Overall, it helps saving time reusing code.

  2. The uncompressed has everything well-explained and clerarer for the developer and it’s heavier. The minified versions is lighter and makes the weppages run faster.

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  1. jQuery is a JavaScript library that comes as a file you can link to your webpage. Your JS code then accesses the library by calling various jQuery functions.

  2. jQuery makes writing JS code easier and faster.

  3. Minified leaves out some data but it’s easier for users to download, whereas uncompressed contains all of the data and is fully readable.

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  1. ***What is jQuery?
    A. jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier tp build JavaScript webpages and web apps.

  2. ***How does it help us as developers?
    A. It reduces the amount of code that you would have to write in a JavaScript program.

  3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
    A. The minified.js file removes all of the comments, whitespaces and unnecessary characters from the file so that it is a mere 23kb in size.
    A. a Uncompressed, js file is easy to read and modify, but it’s around 160kb is size.


What is jQuery?
=a popular JavaScript Library.

How does it help us as developers?
=the functions are useful and allow developers to minimize the number of lines of codes the have to write

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
=uncompressed is commented and human readable, minified is compressed and easier to load on a website.

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  1. jQuery is a library which you can use when developing webpages with Javascript.

  2. With jQuery you can build Javascript webpages quicker and easier. You also don´t have to worry about different browsers, jQuery does it for you. Without jQuery you have to adapt the webpages to every browser via Javascript. jQuery allows the programmer to use less lines of code in comparison when Javascript would be used and achieve the same result. It contains already a lot of functions/methods which are very useful/necessary.

  3. The minified version contains only the lines of codes without any comments, whitespaces and so on and so forth. That makes the size of the file smaller and it can be downloaded quicker (it is on the webpage). But without any comments the code is hard to understand and read from the outside. That means another developer or even you should continue working on your webpage has problems of understand what the lines of code are doing. Therefore, the uncompressed file contains comments whitespaces etc. which makes it easier to read and modify.

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  1. jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps.

  2. With jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.

  3. Uncompressed is easier to read and it’s 160kb, where minified is only 23kb after all comments, white space and other unnecessary characters has been removed. Minified version is much quicker to download when it’s embedded in the website code.

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  1. jQuery is a library for JavaScript that is free to download and use. The jQuery library is itself written in JavaScript and is supplied in a single .js file. This .js file can be included into your own program files, so the capabilities can then be used in your own Javascript code.

  2. It helps developers by making it quicker to write JavaScript as it provides reusable capabilities (via the functions it makes available) that would otherwise take many lines of code to implement directly in JavaScript from scratch.

  3. There are two versions of jQuery: The uncompressed version is easily readily with white-space/formatted code but has the disadvantage of being very large. Whilst the minified version contains the same code but with all the white-space/unnecessary characters removed - making it difficult to read by humans but with the advantage of substantially reducing the .js file size. This is the one to link to in your programs.

  1. jQuery is a library that makes it easier to build functions into a webpage.
  2. It saves time by only entering one line of code instead of re-inventing the wheel
  3. The uncompressed version is much larger in size, is easy to read and manipulated, the minified version is much smaller in size and does not contain any comments or unnecessary characters and is ideal to load to your page so that the users can download it much quicker
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  1. jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps.
  2. It helps us as developers by making it possible to write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.
  3. Minified has all comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters removed from the file, squeezing the whole library into 23kb making it quicker for visitors to download, while uncompressed is easy to read and modify, but it’s around 160kb in size.
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  1. What is jQuery?
    A free library that greatly simplifies js, and is available in a single file to download or from CDN to be called for the many functions

  2. How does it help us as developers?
    it simplifies what may be a very complex and lengthy code from js into cross-browser code

  3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
    Minifiied is impossible to read easily, but has all of the spaces removed to save space and improve load speed since the browser does not care about the spaces.

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