Good job!! Glad we figured it out
I think it took longer because I was extra insecure because of the browser issues that I had.
OK Firefox did work in the end, but I had shaky hand all the way through, because I was watching a different interface and the method to reach the console was looking different to what the instructions on the article were showing… but there is no other way of reaching the console in Firefox, so no matter what the article was mentioning you can’t do it in another way.
It would have been nice to work with the Chrome browser too as an alternative, but I got burned because the top side of the tabs don’t show on my Chrome page (God knows why), so I was stuck doing that exercise that required to see the title of the tab, as I am not able to see the top of the Chrome pages. Maybe if I get more confidence I can revisit the Chrome browser and do some other exercise there too.
Philip, has anyone else complained about 1) this issue I had with the Chrome browser 2) the different interface I see when trying to reach the Firefox console. Are these things only happening to me, to keep my blood pressure high all the time?
Hi Georgios,
I think everyone struggles with one thing or another in the beginning, especially when you are completely new to programming
Good luck with the rest of the course!
Hello Filip and Ivan.
Hope you had a nice year. Did not do homework the last few days, so now that I came back, I start from the same (and worse level).
One question to start with.
In the exact same page as before it is mentioned: “If you save the above HTML file, and load it into the browser of your choice, you should see a blank page with the title of the page as Today's Date
Can you give me examples of where it is recommended to save the HTML? I tried saving in Notepad, Word Document etc. and it is not producing good results. Where would you prefer to save this HTML file?
When I open the browser I can see the HTML code so it is not a blank document. I do see the “Today’s Date” on top of the page, but that is followed by the extension of the program that I have used to open it with. for example “Today’s Date.txt”.