Hyperledger Composer Basics - Reading Assignment

  1. Ease of use and integration for a user to adapt their current business model to one able to incorporate blockchain.
  2. Composer is built on top of Fabric.
  3. Transactions and how they interact with assets.
  4. They and their roles are all defined by the network model.
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  1. To accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate your blockchain applications with the existing business systems.

  2. Composer supports the existing fabric blockchain infrastructure and runtime

  3. Assets, Participants, and Transactions

  4. Participants can have their access to transactions restricted based on their role

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?

To make implementation of blockchain technology easier

  1. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?

Composer runs Fabric

  1. What do we define within the Model File?

Who interacts

  1. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    Their all a part of the business network.
  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    – to accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate your blockchain applications with the existing business systems

  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    – Hyperledger Composer supports the existing Hyperledger Fabric blockchain infrastructure and runtime, which supports pluggable blockchain consensus protocols to ensure that transactions are validated according to policy by the designated business network participants.

  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    – your current business network, containing your existing assets and the transactions related to them; assets are tangible or intangible goods, services, or property. As part of your business network model, you define the transactions which can interact with assets. Business networks also include the participants who interact with them, each of which can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks.

  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    – they are all components of the business system, each having their own role and requirements and ultimate interaction points in the system

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
  • to make developing blockchain applications easier.
  1. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
  • You can Compose/ create a Business Network Definition that can be packaged up and deployed on hyperledger fabric.
  1. What do we define within the Model File?
  • Assets
  • Transactions
  • Participants
  1. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
  • The participants have transactions with the assets on the blockchain.
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  1. The primary goal is to accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate your blockchain applications with the existing business systems.

  2. Composer supports infrastructure and runtime, which supports pluggable blockchain consensus protocols to ensure that transactions are validated according to policy by the designated business network participants.

  3. The list of networks that will interact between each in the blockchain. The business network definition

  4. They are part of business model within blockchain network.

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  1. The primary goal of Hyperledger Composer is to save time and make it easier to integrate the blockchain applications with the existing business system

  2. H. Composers supports H. Fabric blockchain infrastructure and runtime.

  3. In a business model we need to define: Assets, Participants and Transactions

  4. Assets: goods tengible or intengible or services offered by business
    Participants: buyer, sellers. suppliers
    Transactions: buying, selling

The relationship between participants are defined by their roles. The particular role determine the access to certain transactions. Ex: SELLER owes an ASSET, thus he performs SELLING transaction

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3. What do we define within the Model File?

In the Model File you define the Assets, participants and transactions rules or behavior.

4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?

Assets : tangible or intangible goods, services, or property.
Participants : A permissioned network user, each can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks based on their role.
Transactions : An action applied on an asset based on an agreement protocol from 2 or more participants .

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.