Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  1. Value is kept in protocol, not apps on top of it. This is decentralized network where users will benefit by interacting with it, what gives advantage for small companies to compete big giants of Web 2.0.
  2. These are programmable digital assets built on top of smart contract platforms.
  3. It can be coded using Solidity by following ERC20; 721; 1155 standard, depending if you want these tokens to be fungible or non-fungible.
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  1. Web 3.0 introduces the concept of decentralisation. With web3.0, monetisation and
    control can remain with the user.
  2. A token is a digital asset that is built on a smart contract platform like Ethereum. It can
    be fungible (all tokens have the same value and are inter-changeable) or non-fungible
    (ERC721 / ERC1155).
  3. Tokens are created using smart contracts that follow specific ERC20 standards.
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1 The value lies in the protocol itself. This way you can compete with big centralized competitors.
2. A token is a token smart contract built on top of ethereum. Most often by using ERC20 standard
3. A token can be easily be created by using ERC standards.

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  1. Everyone can partake and be rewarded for their participation
  2. It is a form of smart contract using the ERC20, ERC721, ERC115 standards to create assets defined as tokens
  3. Solidity is used to program smart contracts on Ethereum network
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  1. User participation is rewarded directly to the user and not to the centralized app hosting the content.
    i.e. the value is in the protocol.

  2. A token is created based on a standard like ERC20 and the result of this can be in-game assets, art, collectibles, and various other assets. These tokens are built on top of the ETH protocol and can interact with other projects that also use the same standards.

  3. You can program using Solidity and stick to the ERC20 or other ERC standards to ensure interoperability with other tokens.

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  1. The opportunity for smaller companies and individuals to compete with large corporations. Especially if you are and early network adopter.
  2. A token is an object which represents the right to perform some operation.
  3. A token can be created as a smart contract in Ethereum.
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Homework on Web 3.0, and Tokens - Questions

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
  • Allows for the creation of new economic environments i.e. Basic Attention Token / Steemit / etc. where more of the value of the protocols are captured or controlled by the protocol’s creators and users.
  1. What is a token?
  • A smart contract that defines a digital asset for the purpose of holding value or operatational utility that is required for the platform to function.
  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
  • By writing a smart contract within the Ethereum platform utilizing the standard codes required. Written in Solidity, compiled for and run by the EVM on Ethereum blockchain nodes.
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  1. Web 3.0 provides the ability for the protocol to actually receive benefit, giving incentives for the user and creators alike.
  2. A token is essentially created on top of a smart contract program that uses a specified standard. Ie. Chainlink token built on the Ethereum network via ERC20
  3. By following the ERC20 token standard and programming in solidity it is possible to create and launch a token on Ethereum.
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  1. The benefits of web 3.0 are the protocols are where the value are now. anyone can create decentralized apps
  2. a token is a programmable digital asset that can be used for anything and a database entry with a smart contract.
    3.Use the ERC20 standard to create a smart contract
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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
The decentralized web is beneficial for the internet as it moves away from the monopolies of tech corporations owning large parts of the internet via their applications.
There is more transparency, fewer authoritative figures in charge of information and is far more valuable as content and information is verified by all users.

2. What is a token?
A token is a cryptocurrency asset that is created and developed on a blockchain ecosystem. For example Ethereum utilises its programming language to create smart contracts where different tokens can be created. It can be seeing as programmable money with limited supply.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
Tokens are created on the ethereum blockchain via the use of smart contracts. Additionally DAPPs can be created that come with websites and are slick and user friendly.

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  1. A token is a form of smart contract that can be fungible or non-fungible and is deployed on a blockchain for use as a currency.
    2.A token is created on Ethereum by programming a smart contract in Solidity and using a standard such as ERC20.
  1. Transparency but also privacy, data ownership, and incentivizing creator and user interactions.

  2. The virtual currency of different blockchain.

  3. Follow the ERC20 standard

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  1. Decentralized & centralized, inflation help rewarding, create their own token, could succeed and get mass adoption, create their own economical system and contribute to the network by posting & liking and get rewarded.

  2. Constitutes a unit of value issued by an organisation , accepted by community and also supported in a blockchain. Is a cryptocurrency built on top of an existing blockchain.

  3. To be created, an Ether token is bought in order to execute their instructions from the nodes.

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Web 3.0 can help smaller companies/dapps get a chance of growing their community instead of the big apps like Facebook google etc, if you support a company on any platfrom it will help to whole platform’s economy increase which will benefit all.

A token is a currency based on an actual coin that implements a smart contract to handle it.

To create a token on ethereum you need to use the smart contract

  1. Transparancy, privacy, fewer or no middlemen, data ownership, your data will be esier to share if wanted, incentivize creators, decentralized.
  2. It is a digital asset/cryptocurrency that is developed using a smart contract.
  3. Tokens are created writing a smart contract by coding the logic and number of tokens.
  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Independent of government manipulation. No Fed, payments can be made across state lines, and country borders. This means true peer to peer transactions w/o a middleman markup.

  2. What is a token?
    A Token is an electronic currency that runs on top of the Ethereum Platform. It can be traceable / fungible or an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Examples are the ERC20 / ERC721 / ERC1155.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You create a smart contract on top of the Ethereum Platform with some code functions, for financial transactions ERC20 is used. A Token can be created on Ethereum using a smart contract.


  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

Web3 is a JavaScript library and is used to communicate with the Ethereum node; for example, we have a frontend interface in our application for users to interact with the blockchain, then Web3 allows the user interface to interact with the contracts deployed over the blockchain without fear of loss of security or privacy and have more control over their data.

  1. What is a token?

Tokens are a different concept from cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is a native coin for a standalone blockchain. In contrast, a token is a representation of the value of some asset. It is usually built on top of an existing blockchain. For example, ether is the native cryptocurrency or coin of the Ethereum blockchain, a token is created on top of an existing blockchain and does not have its own native and dedicated blockchain.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

A token is created by deploying a smart contract using specific protocols such as ERC20 (fungible tokens) or ERC 721 (non fungible tokens)

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

More democratic use of the internet, small start-ups can compete with the tech giants. Early adoption is rewarded which incentivizes growth of content and usage before a project is popular. The user reaps the value for his/her contribution instead of corporations profiting from user data or purchasing power…

  1. What is a token?
    A token represents a value, either a currency (fungible) or a digital asset (non-fungible)

  2. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    A token is created by writing and deploying a smart contract written to a standard such as ERC20 for fungible tokens, or ERC721 or ERC 1155 for non-fungible tokens .

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  1. It is more secure and transparent, as smart contracts can be viewed and verified by anyone. No central company has control over resources. Money can be distributed more fairly between companies and contributors.

  2. A token is a currency, from projects build on another coin. Like an ERC20 token is built on top of ethereum.

  3. You can create a token by programming a smart contract on the ethereum network. You can then program how the token should operate and the amount of the token that should be available.

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    the benefit of web 3.0 is that most of the money is captured at the protocol level. Which means that not all the money goes to the apps like on web 2.0. This means that even smaller companies can succeed.

  2. What is a token?
    A token is a smart contract built on top of a standard (ERC20).

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You need to create a smart contract that is compliant with the ERC standard.