Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  1. Web 3.0 allows smaller companies to compete with large corporations. This is done by incentivizing early adopters with local cryptocurrencies
  2. A Token is a cryptocurrency developed by a smart contract within a network like Ethereum.
  3. Basically you code a smart contract within the Ethereum network for your token.
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  1. Web 3.0 gives economic incentives to early adopters and enables small businesses to compete with the tech giants like Facebook and Google.
  2. A token is a Fungible or Non-Fungible digital asset built as smart contracts or Dapps on the Ethereum blockchain.
  3. You build on top of Ethereum using a small piece of code called a smart contract.
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  1. Web 3.0 give user possibility to intaract with web trought own cryptowalet or metamask to run daps. User could be incetivized by web or send money to smartcontract owned by web pages creators.
  2. Token is a digital asset build on decentralized network. Token is a smart contract that was deployed to blockchain and you can interect to it trought main chain. Token has to folow rules of main chain. Example: Ehereum and Aragon.
  3. You use Solidity and program smart contract/token compile it and deploy it to network. Once smart contract is minned/accepted you have new token. You should follow same token standard ecr20 ecr1155 to simplify addoption.
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1: What are the benefits of Web 3.0 (decentralised Internet).

The benefits of Web 3.0 is that it is decentralised, where the captured value on Web 2.0 it was all gained at the top, (big corporations) the captured value on Web 3.0 is gained at the protocol level, the base level, early adopters are incentivised, so smaller companies can gain traction quickly , innovate with new ideas and grow without the barriers usually present.

2: What is a token?

A token is basically a smart contract built as an application upon for example the Ethereum blockchain, it can be fungible or a non-fungible programmable digital asset representing a unit of value.

3: How do u create a token on Ethereum?

To create a token on Ethereum you need to decide what you want your token to be, for an ERC20 token, you need a code and contract, then test the token on the TestNet, verify the source code to then put it on the main net, finally get it verified on etherscan. The important thing to remember is it must be written according to the standards governing say erc 20 tokens.

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  1. It gives incentive to early adopters through the token / cryptocurrency economic model. It is decentralised and not controlled by a central company and is transparent. Dapps can be created to run on the blockchain.

  2. It is a digital asset created on top of a coin network I.e. Ethereum. It can be used to fund the economy for a dapp or the smart contract.

  3. The standard is to create them as part of a smart contract using a standard protocol ERC20 for fungible and ERC721 / ERC1155. Where the creator will set rules for the total supply, mining etc.

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  1. Web 3.0 is open, accessible for everyone network where peer-to-peer interactions are possible with no need for third parties (guaranteed transparency and privacy).
    Web 3.0 enables adopters to benefit from contributing to the network and early adopters can benefit the most.

  2. Token is a cryptocurrency built on top of a smart contract platform

  3. You need to decide which standard you want to use for your token (e.g. ERC20 or ERC71). You write a smart contract for your token in Solidity keeping the chosen standard rules, then you deploy it on Ethereum blockchain.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    The protocol captures the value of the internet, early adopters are incentivized for using the platforms helping the growth of adoption.

  2. What is a token?
    Is a smart contract built on top of a platform either Ethereum, Eos, Neo etc.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    By creating a smart contract using one of the token standards of Ethereum ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155

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  1. The benefits of web 3.0 are that the new web creates a new dynamic of the Internet that enables protocol to capture value and create dapps. It also incentivizes individuals to add value to the network by rewarding them through inflation, this benefits early adapter a lot.

  2. A token is a smart contract built on top of a protocol. The token can either be fungible or non-fungible.

  3. You create a token on the Ethereum protocol by creating a smart contract using a standard in solidity. The standard could for example be the ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 depending on if the token should be fungible or not. You also need Ether tokens to be able to create your own token on top of Ethereum.

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  1. The benefits of the decentralised internet web 3.0, is that value can also be harnessed by the network as well as the applications built on the framework, as well as the protocol. It’s a new economic model as well as a new technology.

  2. A token is a programmable digital asset. It can be used as a means of exchange, currency, a collectible or many other things depending on developer creativity.

  3. You create a token on Ethereum by using one of the Ethereum token standards, ERC20, ERC721, ERC223, etc… and programme what you want the token to be / do.

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  1. Web 3.0 is a decentralized manner to directly reward network users financially with cryptocurrencies unlike web 2.0 where centralized giants (Facebook, Google etc.) gain financial advantage when users use the network.
  2. Token is programmable money that is considered a digital asset with cryptocurrency as a “fungible token”; in games such as “not fungible token”.
  3. Use the Ethereum token standards of coding like ERC20.
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  1. Rewards can remain at the original application and nobody centralized these services
  2. It’s a programmable unit of value that represents a fungible or not fungible asset.
  3. Generating a contract that represents a fungible (ERC20) or NFT token (ERC721-ERC1155)
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  1. decentralized apps , peer to peer internet, taking down the big giants and allowing smaller business to grow

  2. fungible or non fungible coin you can add on a ethereum smart contracts/wallets

3)a token can be created with a ethereum smart contract

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What are the benefits of web 3.0?
Unlike web 2.0 where value is centralized around a few powerful apps, web 3.0 and the applications built on top of it accrue value for the network and network users as a whole.

What is a token
A token is a non-native cryptocurrency representing a smart contract built upon a blockchain protocol. Tokens can be fungible or non-fungible. ERC20 tokens (fungible), ERC721 and ERC1155 (non-fungible) are examples.

How do you create a token on Ethereum
To create a token on Ethereum, one must create a smart contract with Solidity using the ERC20 token standards.

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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
Web 3.0 is decentralized meaning no single authority can manipulate the eco-system. There are opportunities for individuals and users in different layers of the system to capture the values they create. The reward system is maintained by protocol, not the tech giants. There will be more transparency and fairness.
2. What is a token?
A token is a value stored in a smart contract and used by users of the decentralized app to perform all kinds of transactions.
3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
One must program a smart contract using one of the standard protocols of Ethereum.

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  1. The benefit of Web 3.0 is that by creating a decentralized system, there is a value aspect involved where there wasn’t in web 2.0. Due to the value component of Web 3.0, users can make money (in crypto) by engaging rather than the big tech companies making money every time a user engages.

  2. A token is a smart contract that is built on Ethereum that is not particularly native to a certain platform but instead, it works on top of a platform.

  3. You can create a token through a smart contract on top of the ethereum platform using the ERC20 standard.

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  1. A decentralized and reward-based experience gives early adopters incentive and gives small companies a chance to build support and a community of long-term thinkers.

  2. Tokens are programmable digital assets that are built on and require a separate blockchain to operate. Their purpose is to economize Dapps, and give governance and monetary value to users.

  3. By coding a smart contract in Solidity.

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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
Web 3.0 captures value on the protocol level, it focuses on machine-based understanding of data to provide a data-driven and semantic web. It evolves from centralized platforms to include decentralized websites and various Dapps. It enables increased transparency, fewer middlemen, privacy, data ownership & sharing, permissionless blockchains, interoperability, and incentivizes both users and creators to participate.

2. What is a token?
Tokens represent programmable assets or access rights, managed by a smart contract and an underlying distributed ledger. They are accessible only by the person who has the private key for that address and can only be signed using this private key. They are created on existing blockchains and are used to interact with dApps that are built on top of different blockchains and are often used to activate features of the application they were designed for.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
You can create an Ethereum token with a smart contract. ERC-20 is a standard that specifies how this token smart contract should work.

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  1. Web 3.0 is a decentralized internet that gives rewards to users and encourages early adopters by giving higher rewards; rewards become less with more users are using the network. This system supports individuals rather than big companies.

  2. Token is a digital currency created programmatically by using smart contracts on top of blockchains such as Etereum, Tron, or Cordano. These tokens can be fungible or Non-fungible.

  3. Tokens are created on Ethereum by using smart contracts and Dapps.

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In web 3.0 uses may benefit by earning money. In Web 2.0 beneficiant were mainly big tech giants. In Web 3.0 common people could earn money by engaging in new community gathered aroun i.e. cryptocurrency.
Token is a smart contract build on top of Etherium
By making it compatible with ERC20 standard.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    No central authority to benefit financially from the peoples data, financial incentives to contribute, transparency, no censorship

  2. What is a token?
    A token is a digital asset built on top of the Ethereum network

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    Implement a smart contract utilizing Ethereum’s standard code functions