Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  1. Web 3.0 is more decentralized, secure, and private.
  2. A token is a currency or DAPP built on top of Ethereum
  3. Using Solidity a token can be created and programmed.
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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Web 3.0 essentially establishes an environment for decentralized web sites and applications. This creates the opportunity for novel incentive structures, freedom from censorship by large companies and provides the flexibility needed for true innovation.

  2. What is a token?
    A token is a digital asset generated via smart contract code upon the foundation of a blockchain, such as Ethereum. It is typically created in the format of a standard code, such as the ERC20, so that it possesses interpoperability across the blockchain. Projects often create tokens to generate income in the form of Ether so that they have the required funds to operate on the blockchain.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You create a token by encoding a smart contract through Solidity, according to the format of Ethereum’s standard tokens (ERC20, ERC1155, etc).

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  1. value is captured not by the tech giants, but by everyone that utilises the network.
  2. a token is a fungibile or non-fungible asset built on a blockchain
  3. you create token by writting contracts on the enthereum network that complies with the ERC standards.
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  1. Users who provide input to the network by participating are rewarded with tokens. \
  2. Token is a fungible or nonfungible digital asset that has value and is created on the ERC20 network.
  3. Via smart contract.
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  1. One of the main benefits of web 3.0 is decentralization. Also the to avoid the monopoly of a handful of companies. Semantic web will helping the connectivity of online data. More efficient searching, better marketing, more efficient web browsing. The ultimate goal of web 3.0 is to create more intelligent, connected and open decentralized websites.

  2. A token is a kind of crypto currency that was built on top of an existing platform. It represents and asset or a specific use and resides on their blockchain. They are created through an initial coin offering (ICO), often used to raise funds for crowd sale.

  3. By encoding a smart contract on Solidity, and then decide on the ETH’s std token format: ERC20, etc…

  • Code the contract

  • test it

  • verify the source code

  • Get it on the main net

  • Get it verified on ETHERSCAN

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  • What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
  • What is a token?
  • How do you create a token on Ethereum?

1.Capture Value on protocol level which web2.0 failed to do.
Also incentivizes early adopters to compete with big tech by getting rewarded and making money on Dapps.a
2.A token is a digital asset created on blockchain networks
3.Create a smart contract using the ERC20 standard.

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  1. With web 3.0 networks and dapps people can create different economic models that not only provide value to the centralized technology companies, but also for users in form of circulating tokens.

2.Token is a sort of currency that is utilized in dapps built on top of a network, such as Ethereum. Dapps are individual ecosystems that are built on and closely linked to their native blockchains. In Ethereum network dapps use mostly ERC20 standard in their smart contracts and ether for transaction fees.

  1. A token can be created by building a dapp that uses one of the Ethereum standards such as ERC20. Inside that dapp you can create a new ecosystem that has tokens with different functionalities. For example, token in Steemit is used to reward users for different activities.
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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
We all can contribute to the network and we all can be rawarded.
This can be done because in 2.0 not only companies do participate also the user as a person can do it.

2. What is a token?
It is a digital asset. Built on Top of Blockchain and defined by a smart contract

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
You simple create a Smart Contract, written in SOLIDITY. And if you follow the ERC 20 Std you can build it on the Ethereum blockchain

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  1. Incentive to earlier adopters, there are many niche economical models. No middle man trustless

  2. A token can be fungible or non fungible digital asset created on Ethereum or other blockchain network.

3.by utilizing the protocol standards of ERC20 in creating a smart contract and associated tokens.

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  1. Give more power to startups to ‘fight’ the big companies, since it incentivise users to join the project in the begin.

  2. It is a digital asset/cryptocurrency. And it can be Fungible or non-fungible.

  3. Using smart contracts.

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  1. Decentralization, incentivized early adoption, competition for big monopolies.
  2. A smart contract built on top of another network.
  3. Write up a smart contract using the ERC20 standard.
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What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

The benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet) are a personalised experience where a move towards decentralised internet or Dapps will give individual users rightful ownership of their data by taking back control from centralized entities.
The engagement of using web 3.0 will also assist in financial incentives by allowing promotion or staking of Dapps (Decentralized applications) through use of native tokens.

What is a token?

In blockchain technology, a token is representative of a set of rules encoded in a smart contract. It is a currency of sorts which promotes the existence of a Dapp.
The tokens are bought and/or staked, and the token holder is rewarded for the gaining interest in the DeFi company or the technology the company stands for. This is done in the form of getting more voting rights in the company, for value exchange, user experience enhancement or just as a 'currency'.

How do you create a token on Ethereum?

To create a token on Ethereum, you must first adhere to using the functionality and capabilities Ethereum provides for these purposes. These are to be an ERC20 Standard Token and be able to create smart contracts.
Then, launching an ICO (Initial Coin Offering), to be able to fund and develop a full-fledged version of your project.

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  1. Benefits of web 3.0 are incentives for early adopters to use the decentralized programs being developed and compete with the bigger giants like google and facebook who have a monopoly on the internet now.

  2. A token is a digital asset built on top of a blockchain network like Ethereum.

  3. A token can be created on Ethereum as a smart contract using ERC20 standard.

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  1. The benefits of web 3.0 are:
    a- Allows creators to own their content and data.
    b- Rewards creators for their content.
    c- Allows monetization for creators.

  2. A token is a digital asset that is programmable and it can represents anything.

  3. A token can be created on Ethereum, it can be programmed within a Smart contract, using the ERC20 standard.

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  1. You are able to create your own economic model and create your own cryptocurrency.

  2. A token is a type of cryptocurrency that represent an asset or specific use and reside on their blockchain.

  3. By using the protocol standard ERC20 in creating a smart contract.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

Web 3.0 allows for a decentralized layer on the internet which allows for multiple systems to work with each other. Provides economic incentives to early adopters, and allows smaller companies to compete.

  1. What is a token?

A token is a digital asset either fungible or non-fungible that are developed via a smart contract.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

By writing an Ethereum smart contract.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    -democratization of the internet and economic reward on a protocol level. Prevention of super-companies becoming monopolies

  2. What is a token?

  • a fungible (or non fungible)economic asset built on ERC20 and operating off the Ethereum netwrk
  • tokens offer the possibility of monetizing non mainstream ideas and DApps
  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
  • using a small code called Smart Contract, which in turn can be part of a larger DApp
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1 decentralized web3 allows the benefits of the world to grow without the control of a few companies
2 a token is a representation of an asset
3 to make a token in eth you write a script that follows the pattern of erc20 or other styles

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1 web 3 allows decentralized apps to function
2 token is a representation of an asset on the blockchain
3 using erc20 standards

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1web 3 allows distributed apps
2token is a representation of an asset
3using erc20 standards

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