Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

1, It’s more private, decentralized as well as its transparent internet. And can deploy Dapps on it. helps to start a business and find costumer directly.

2, Tokes are smart contract implemented on the top of Ethereum. And contribute a lot. It might be fungible or non fungible.

3, By coding smart contracts.

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    • Value is captured not only in the applications but also on the protocol level =
      incentivising early adopters and not only content creators but also the content
      consumers :exploding_head: - Monopoly Killer??
    • Nobody has to trust anybody, but can instead verify hem or her self without the need of
      a 3rd party.
    • censorship resistant, it becomes almost impossible for 3rd parties to delete or alter
      historic data like messages and transactions.
  1. A token is a fungible or non-fungible (NFT) asset on a smart-contract utilizing blockchain
    like Ethereum.
  2. By deploying a smart contract using the appropriate standard like ERC20, ERC721,
    ERC 1155 (fungible or unique)
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  1. Benefits are that you are getting value for yourself by engaging and participating in the network. You get rewards for making the space better.

  2. Tokens can be cryptocurrencies/digital assets , they are fungible and nft, they are made on top of Ethereum through smart-contracts

3… By doing a smart contract

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  1. Value is at protocol level, incentives for early adoption, more secure interactions, ownership of data.

  2. A token is a tradable digital asset that exists on a blockchain. Tokens can be programmed to execute smart contracts.

  3. An Ethereum token can be created by implementing a smart contract. Tokens have different standards ERC20, ERC233, ERC721 and ERC1155.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

Protocols capture the value, not only apps.

  1. What is a token?

It’s a fungible or non fungible value that’s running on the blockchain, created by a smart contract.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

Token can be create by writing a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain by following the standard codes required, then executed by the EVM and validated by the blockchain nodes.

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  1. The benefits of web 3.0, a decentralized internet, is that the users themselves are in control.
  2. A token is digital asset that exist on a blockchain and is controlled by smart contracts.
  3. You create tokens on the Ethereum network by using a smart contract.
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1- More companies will be able to compete with big corporations because of the public offering structure.
2- A tokens are smart contracts build on top of a blockchains such as ETH.
3- You can create a token on ETH using Solidity programing language and following ETH network Standards such as ERC20 etc.

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  1. decentralization would enable small buissnsess to compete with giants by cuting out the middle man and also incentiviting early adopters by rewarding them with tokens.

  2. a token is basicly a smart contract on top of eth, programable money

  3. using the erc20 standard, smart contracts

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  1. Benefits are decentralisation, the ability to capture value at the protocol, Dapp and user levels of the value chain.
  2. A token is a smart contract based on the ERC-20 or ERC720 (non fungible) standard built on top of Ethereum.
  3. You use Solidity to create a smart contract to launch a new token (using erc standards).
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  1. Some benefits of Web 3.0 (decentralized internet) are that the blockchain protocal has
    value as anything running on the blockchain pays for it’s use whereas in Web 2.0 the
    organizations running on the internet protocols are making money out of HTTP, WWW,
    without supporting it’s development financially or with research. There is an incentive for
    the developers of a blockchain to keep innovating and improving the blockchain if they are
    being rewarded by anyone using it.

  2. A token is a dapp functioning on top of a blockchain using the blockchains power and

  3. A token is created on the ethereum blockchain with a smart contract using ERC

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  1. Benefits of Web 3.0 (decentralized internet) are that there isn’t a monopoly of the internet and there is value in the protocol.

  2. Tokens are smart contracts built on the ethereum blockchain. Ethereum tokens are ERC20 which is fungible or ERC721 and ERC1155 which are non-fungible.

  3. You can create a token on Ethereum by creating a smart contract on Ethereum using one one of Ethereum networks token standards ERC20 for fungible token or ERC721 and ERC1155 for non-fungible.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Small companies have the opportunity to compete with bigger companies.

  2. What is a token?
    Tokens are smart contracts on top of Ethereum or another platform.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    Using Solidity programming language, using the ERC20 standard.

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  1. The benefit of web 3.0 is that the data will be interconnected in a decentralized way. Also, users will be able to interact with the data a lot more and freely. Unlike web 2.0 where the data was stored in a centralized way and the apps had access to the data like amazon and Facebook etc. Web 3.0 also allows for a stronger symbiotic relationship with cryptocurrencies and blockchain and allowing ease of integrating smart contracts.

  2. A token is a type of crytpcurency built on an existing blockchain. The most common one of these is Ethereum. All tokens are built using the ERC20 standard. Tokens are generally used to raise funds, be an asset, and or specific use. You have two types of tokens usually, be it a fungible token or a non-fungible token.

  3. You can create a token on ETH by using the ERC20 standard for fungible tokens or ERC721/ERC1155 for NFTs. These ERCs define how you program the tokens. It also standardizes all the tokens to be understood by the eth network. If you don’t follow the standards your tokens won’t be accepted onto the blockchain.

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  1. Web 3.0 can store Value, so company’s can reward users with tokens.
  2. A token is a digital cryptocurrency
  3. Its created by a smart contract. It can be a ERC20, ERC721, ERC233, ERC 1155,…
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  1. Small start ups can compete with large companies because of the network effect. The network effect is fuelled by the incentives given to early adopters in the form of tokens, which can be converted to ETH.

  2. A token is a cryptocurrency that is created using a smart contract on networks like ETH.

  3. By creating a smart contract

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  • What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    The platform like ethereum is being rewarded by users.
    every website can have it’s own token and rewardsystem.
  • What is a token?
    It is a currency on the blockchain. It can be fungible or non fungible (nft)
  • How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    By writing a smart contract in ERC20.
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  1. A new economy where small players can compete with big players like Facebook and Google by building decentralized networks that are powered by tokens. As the network value usage grows users are rewarded with tokens and inflation increases their value.
  2. A token is a cryptocurrency built with an Ethereum smart contract.
  3. You use a ETH smart contract.
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  1. It empowers smaller players. Where web 2.0 is dominated by big companies, web 3.0 makes it possible for everyone to compete with them.
  2. Tokens are built on an existing blockchain. They represent an asset that may be a currency but can also be anything else defined in a smart contract.
  3. By creating a smart contract on the ethereum blockchain.
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1 WEB3.0 give as the freedom of decentralized finance and cut the middle man .Thank god.
2 It is a program you can write as smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain erc- standard or BSC, CardanoADA , Polkadot.
3 Token are created by writing a smart contract.

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  1. Allows online applications to gather information from the web and distribute it to the users. The more people contribute to the network the smarter it becomes.
  2. Represent an asset or specific use and reside on the blockchain. Can be fungible, meaning they are identical or Non-fungible (NFT) meaning each is unique
  3. Implement a smart contract using a standard such as ERC20, ERC721 and ERC233