Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

  • What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Smaller business can make a living without the severe unfair cuts from centralised system, make a more fair market place for everyone. No middle man, no need to trust the people but the network, creating a safer place to deal business with a stranger
  • What is a token?
    A token is a smart contract written on Ethereum
  • How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You create a ERC20 smart contract on top of Ethereum
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1 Everybody can control teir own data
2 If a dApp bulding on an existing blockchain and releasing its own cryptocurrency it would be a token.
3 Building a dApp in Eth ecosystem and release own token.

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1.With web 3.0 the protocol layer captures value of everything built on top. Because of this it can attact early users to take a chance for a shot at economic gain.
2. A token is the currency used on any given protocol for incentivising usage or securing the network.
3. Tokens are made by creating a smart contract. For example you can use the ERC-20 standard for creating a token on the ETH network.

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  1. Value is held in the protocol, great for protocol innovators. This gives incentives to innovators and early adopters. It also gives small budget projects a chance to compete with bigger projects.
  2. A token is a coin built on top of an ecosystem/blockchain network. For example, Enjin built on top of Ethereum would be a token.
  3. To create a token on Ethereum you must use the ERC20 codes and comply to the rules of the Ethereum network.
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  1. Benefits of web 3.0 include decentralized websites, dapps being developed that require tokens to execute instructions with increases the value of Eth and promotion of niche economic dynamics with give early adopters economic incentive and can compete with big monopolies.

  2. A token is a programmable cryptocurrency that holds value or a part of an asset and is implemented via a smart contract built on Ethereum or other blockchain.

  3. A token can be created on Ethereum by using the standard ERC20 instructions.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Decentralized internet would give less powers to monopolies and more powers to individuals that use the internet.

  2. What is a token?
    A smart contract written in solidity that can be used as currency

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    create a smart contract in solidity

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What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
Some of the benefits are that users can access data from anywhere, increased transparency, and increased competition

What is a token?
A digital asset created on top of the Ethereum network

How do you create a token on Ethereum?
A token is created by a smart contract programmed in Solidity, for example.

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  1. Some of the benefits of web 3.0 are no middle men are needed for transactions, incentives are gained as an early adopter, and more value at the protocol level.

  2. A token is a digital asset created by a smart contract that is built on top of a blockchain network.

  3. A token is created by the use of Solidity in Ethereum.

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  1. Web 3.0 will allow are economic and social parts of economy grow by taking the power of decentralization and spreading it to humans all over the planet. Less power in the hands of the few and into the hands of everyone.
  2. A token is a digital asset built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the ERC20 standard.
    3.Tokens can be created using smart-contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

The benefits of Web 3.0 is that smaller players can attract new users by offering real financial rewards.

  1. What is a token?

It’s a programmed money of fixed supply based on smart contract.

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

On Ethereum you can create a token by smart contracts.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

  2. What is a token?
    it’s like a dapp. created by eth

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    smart contract

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[quote=“filip, post:1, topic:8447, full:true”]
Homework on Web 3.0, and Tokens - Questions

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
  2. What is a token?
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

Answers :

1/ There are some benefits of webs 3.0 first of all it is decentralized internet and bring a huge potential in general as nowadays everything runs on internet and we need it.

It gives an opportunity to smaller companies, or any individuals to compete with the big techs Company such as Google ,Amazon, Facebook in terms of innovations .

Early adopters are incentivized to use a news platforms or technology, they can be hugely rewarded as a network effect grown and adoption increased .
Take in consideration that with the web 3.0 you avoid to deal with middle man that can be a issue in the tech you believe!
So in conclusion Decentralization , Dapps , WEB 3.0 have a bright future :wink:

2 /A token is a cryptocurrency it is a digital asset, but some are considered as Fungible /Non Fungible they are developed and programmed as smart Contract , coded and interacted into a blockchain and the network Example : Ethereum --ERC20 Tokens / ERC720

3 / A token can be created with a programmed language like Solidity it is build with a smart contract and interacted with Ethereum Blockchain and his Network.

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Web 3.0 Homework

1- it will be a whole new playground, with dApps, creating ecosystems of their own, with their own tokens to incentivize use among people. This will boost adoption in many cases
2- A token is a digital asset or utility created by a smart contract that establishes a supply and it is a way that a project has to capture and distribute value.
3- A Token is created by a smart contract on the standard ERC20

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  1. Everyone can get payed for their contributions and not just the monopole companies
  2. It’s a contract on top of Ethereum
  3. To create a token on Ethereum, you need to buy Ether
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  1. Are you kidding?
    2.A smart contract runing on Blockchain.
    3.By editing a smartcontract.
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  1. It allows for decentralized websites and DAPP’s which can compete with large competitors.
    Early adoption is incentivized due to higher rewards early on that can gradually decrease over time due to growing adoption.
  2. A token is a digital asset created on a blockchain network such as BTC or ETH using a smart contract and can be fungible or non fungible.
  3. By implementing a smart contract on the Ethereum network using such standards as ERC20,ERC721 and ERC1155.
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  1. Most of the value is in the protocol level. Being an early adopter can be incentivized. Helps smaller platforms grow in the beginning. There are no major corporations and users get a piece of the value.

  2. Tokens are cryptocurrencies built on top of Ethereum using smart contracts.
    There are Fungible tokens = all tokens are identical in every way
    There are Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs) = each token is different, like collectible items in a game.

  3. You can create a token by using a smart contract and representing its own cryptocurrency.

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What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
Web 3.0 give us the possibility to generate and receive value on the contents we provide to the community. Since all applications work under the same standard, under the same coin, it is now easier to transfer funds across platforms and users, because all wallets accept them as one single coin Ethereum.

What is a token?
A token is a currency, associated with a smart contact, that is programed on top of a larger coin. This tokens can be:

  • fungible - all tokens are the same, there is no difference between them, they are all identical and all have the same value
  • non-fungible - each token has it’s different ID, properties, market price, …

How do you create a token on Ethereum?
To create an Ethereum token, we just need to make sure we are using one of these standards to write our own smart contacts:

  • ECR20: fungible token
  • ECR 721 or ECR155: non-fungible token
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  1. The protocol level of development will receive value as well as the things that are built on the platform itself—such as the Ethereum blockchain and the dApps created on it. The shift away from decentralised websites means that users have far more discretion with their online experiences, and are not forced into having their personal data mined by monopolies such as Google and Facebook.

  2. A token is a unique form of cryptocurrency that spawns from a smart contract built on a specific platform—such as ether on Ethereum.

  3. To create a token, one needs to utilise a protocol such as ERC20 (fungible token) or ERC721 (non-fungible token) in the creation of a smart contract.

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[quote=“filip, post:1, topic:8447, full:true”]
Homework on Web 3.0, and Tokens - Questions

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    web 3.0 is a evolution of the web as an extension of web 2.0
    AI, like blockchain, can also remove the human factor from blockchain technology may also be instrumental to Web 3.0, allowing users to interact and removing trust issues through smart contracts.


  1. What is a token?
    Tokens are crypto asset, are special kinds of virtual currency tokens that reside on their own blockchains and represent an asset or utility.

  2. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

Ethereum is decentralized platform that runs SC written in Solidity programming language and allows dapps that runs ont he network to be protected against downtime , censorship, fraud or third-party interference.
Everytime a new app is added to the network, a new token can be created if no appropriate token exists.
ERC-20 tokens are essentially smart contracts running on top of the Ethereum blockchain, however,they also act as digital assets that can represent a host of things in the Ethereum ecosystem. Token creators decide how their token interacts with their business and how the user interaction with tokens is handled.

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