Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

  1. Private keys are very large randomly generated numbers which the users keep secretly like a password. The public keys are a number that is generated from the private keys using a hashing algorithm meaning that the private key cannot be obtained inversely from the public key.

  2. Public key cryptography can be used

  • to encrypt messages using publicly visible keys
  • to digitally sign messages or transactions such as in Bitcoin
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The way I understand it, the private key and the public key have a special “asymmetric” relationship.

The public key is derived from the private key and you can derive many public keys “easily” and quickly and these public keys can easily be proven to belong to the holder of the secret private key that generated it or signed a particular transaction.

The private key on the other hand cannot be “easily” derived from the public key and therein lies the power of the public key cryptography or as it’s often called, “asymmetric” cryptography.

That relationship between public and private keys within the context of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is their power, but individually.

The public and private keys are just numbers. Very large Integers. That’s all.

I could guess a very large number … 102389328309242483089283092 … and that might be the private key of a Bitcoin wallet that holds, 1000 Bitcoin. It took no effort on my part to propose that it might.

If I’m wrong, guessing the next 5000 Trillion numbers might take a while and I’m tired.

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  1. A public key is generated from a private key. However, there is no way to trace back from public key back to the private key. It is impossible.
    2.Public and private keys are basically used for two functions which is encryption of data and digital signatures.
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If you like to know how exactly keys and addresses are generated from a randomly created private key, check this post:

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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    Public/Private key cryptography is a method used to secure data over the internet so that only the sender and receiver can decode the data. The sender creates two keys (a series of letters and numbers) using an algorithm. One is a public key and it is given it to the receiver. When the sender transmits a private message or makes a secure transaction the private key is used to create a hash code that is transmitted along with the message. The receiver can decipher the data by using the public key. The public key and the hash are put into a formula. If the answer meets certain criteria, it is valid and the message can be decoded. If not, it will not be decoded.
    Bitcoin uses a method that doesn’t encode the message, it just sends the hash (which is called the signature) that was generated by the private key. When parsed with the public key, the answer proves that the sender is valid and the transaction goes through. This keeps the identity of the user anonymous while making the transaction visible on the blockchain.
    Public key cryptography is a simple code to create but astronomically difficult to hack with a brute force attack. Even if you have the public key and the hash you can’t use them to reveal the private key. This is why it is called a “one-way code.”

  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    Communications and financial transactions.

  1. A private key is a randomly generated number by a computer. The public key is derived from the private key. If someone has access to your public key they cannot find your private key, it is almost mathematically impossible. It is imperative to keep your Private key PRIVATE or others will have access to that information.

  2. Two uses for public key cryptography would be sending money via Bitcoin and sending encrypted emails.

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  1. A private key is a randomly generated very large number that is kept private. The public key is derived from the private key.

  2. Two use cases:
    (a) sending private emails over a public network: message encrypted with recipient’s public key and opened with recipient’s private key.
    (b) digital signatures: Bitcoin - sender of transaction verified by private key and sent to bitcoin address which is linked to sender’s public key that is derived from the private key.

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  1. Private Key is a extremelly large number randomly generated by the computer which is used to sign transactions / messages.

Public Key is derived from Private Key by a mathetical function in a way that it is impossible to retrieve the Private Key from the Public Key and this used to encrypt message.

  1. Public Key cryptography can be used into the Bitcoin network to secure the transactions & in a messaging service in order to keep your message safe from all eyes (encrypted) but readable by the receiver as he/she will use his/her own Private to read it.
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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
  • Private key is a random generated number only for personal use.
  • from Private key we generate random number which we call the Public key - this key can see anyone in the open network.

This public key we use to encrypt the message…
The sender will encrypt the message with Public key of the recipient
and the recipient of the message will decrypt it with his private key.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    1. Encrypting
    2. Digital signatures
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  1. Your public key is for receiving data. Your private key is for signing your public key with the data you’re sending from your wallet. You generate a private key that then generates a public key.

  2. Your public key can be used by other people to send you data. It’s like an e-mail address where you can send an e-mail to someone but you can’t read their e-mails without their private key. The public key is also your signature when you send data to someone else, as your public key is linked to your private key.

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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    The private key, a huge number, is generated by your computer and it is used in the receive mode. Through some mathematical formula, this private key is turned into a public key. With this public key you can send something that’s encrypted and the computer that receives it will use the private key to decode your message. Where the only way to a public key is through that formula that turns it public out of a private key, there’s no reverse process. having a public key does not tell you what the private key is. This thing only goes one way.

  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    A) encryption
    B) digital signatures

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  1. Through hashing, a private key is used to create a public key. The public key can be used openly without fear of your private key being exposed.
  2. Encryption and Digital Signatures.
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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

Public key is a random number that is created from a private key to be used only for receiving transactions. It also generates bitcoin address.

Private key is a secret key that we store our valuables and, in most cases, it can not be shared with anyone. It also be used as a digital signature to proof ownership and we can also send and receive transactions with a private key.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

Encryption and digital signature

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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

A private key is a randomly generated number that is used for encrypting or signing a message. A public key, instead, is a number derived from the private key that is used to decrypt or verify the origin of the generated message.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

It can be used to either decrypt a message or verify the origin of a signed message, if and only if it is generated from the corresponding private key.

  1. To compare with legacy systems, a public key is like an account number, and a private key is like a secret pin number or password. The difference is that in crypto, the secret pin (private key) is used to generate the account number (public key). This one-way function has useful security properties.

  2. Public key cryptography has two main use cases: encryption and digital signatures. Bitcoin and the like don’t need encryption really, but digital signatures are a vital component. Private keys are used to sign transactions. Only the person with the private key to an address has access to the funds.

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  1. Public keys are addresses linked to you that are open to the public to see. Any time you use your public key to send or receive something, anyone can trace the exchange or transaction back to you. Private keys are addresses linked to you as well, but are not open to the public. These are encrypted messages or signatures that have limited access.

  2. The 2 use cases for public key cryptography are Encryption and Digital Signature. Encryption allows someone to codify a message and make it legible only to the receiving party that has the private key to decrypt the message. Digital Signatures allow someone to send a message that is open to the public, but is sent anonymously. To discover who the signature belongs to requires the receiving party to compare the signature with a public key. If the signature and public key successfully compare, that is the party responsible for sending the message.

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[quote=“ivan, post:1, topic:8431”]

  • Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    The public key you can share with others, but the private key not. The private key is to decrypt message’s and putting your signature on the public key (you need the private key to open the message).
  • What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    For sending for example a message, or receiving funds.
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Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    Let’s say your that your public key as a mailbox. The mailbox is public, open and people can use this mailbox to send mail to, for example. The private key however is this secret key that no one (should) have access to open the mailbox. So, everybody knows your public address to this mailbox, but not the private key. This mailbox is specifically created from this private key. See this as a tailored mailbox for a special key… the private key and the public key (mailbox) is a one-way function. It’s impossible to open without the private key and it’s no use extracting the key from the mailbox.

  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    This is used to prevent others to see read mail in a mailbox for example or conversations in a chat.
    Digital signatures
    It’s all about integrity and verify identification. It identifies who you are and ensures the integrity of the message you’ve received. It helps to protect the identity and integrity of a message.

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A public key is for the world to see. A private key is to be kept private. Anyone with access to your private key has access to your wallet. From a private key which is actually a random number you can derive a public key and then a bitcoin address. The other way around is not possible, that means you cannot find out the private key by using the public key.

Public key cryptography can be used in two use cases: One is Encryption of messages like in emails where you turn messages into secret messages so that other unauthorized people cannot access them. If you want to send a secret message to Bob you encrypt the message with his public key (which is on the internet for everyone to see) so the message becomes unreadable to the public. After receiving your message, Bob can decrypt it by using his private key. If he loses his private key he will not be able to decrypt the message. Also, if someone else gets access to his private key they can read all his secret messages.

The other use case is Digital Signature . It can be used for messages as well like using your private key to sign a message. For this you generate a private key (a random number your computer generates) and from this you derive a public key. Then you use your private key to sign the message (a mathematical equation is used to use the private key and sign the message which again can be encrypted as well or not). The recipient, Bob, can verify if the message was sent by you for real by looking at the signature and your public key (which is available on the Internet). He will be able to mathematically see that the signature that was generated comes from your private key. He does not have nor does he need to have access to your private key in order to do that.

The digital signature is the use case applied in Bitcoin as well. This is how transactions in Bitcoin are sent. When you send a transaction you sign it with your private key. Anyone can see that you authorized the transaction because only you have access to your private key. When you start your wallet your computer generates a random number which is your private key. From your private key you then can generate a public key and then a bitcoin address. A legitimate pair of Private and Public key is automatically a legitimate Bitcoin address.

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Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

The public key is your adress. You can share your adress with others, and others will interact with you using this public key by sending or receiving funds from you. You can also use the public key to digitally sign transactions, due to the fact that your public key is also unique and derives from the private key.
The private key is the unique and secret key that you use to access the funds.

2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
See 1

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