Homework on Functions - Questions

  1. A function is a computation with an input and an output based on the input.
  2. I do not like assuming, but I do not know what “^” means, and google could not help me, so I will assume that it means “*” like everyone else seems to do.
    a. 4
    b. 17
    c. 0
  3. f(x)=x/4-5 or (x/4) - 5, although both will render the same result.
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It seems like ^ means to the power of.


1 Function is smart way to calculate.
2 a 4
b 17
c 0
3 f(x) = (x/4)-5

  1. A function is something that takes an input and gives you an output.

  2. a) 4

  3. b) 17

  4. c) 0

  5. f(x) = (x/4) - 5

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Yes, @JohanLie, the symbol ‘^’ does mean an exponent / ‘to the power of’.


Describe what a function does in your own words
It receives input to do a computation and create an output.

Calculate the output of the following function

f(x) = {
x^2 if x is even
x+10 if x is odd
What will be the output for the following inputs?

a) f(2) = 4
b) f(7) = 17
c) f(0) = 0

Write the definition of a function f that takes an input x, divides it by four and then outputs that result subtracted by 5.
f(x) = x/4 - 5

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A function is a relation where each input entered to the function has a single output.

a) f(2) = Since X is even (2) then f(2) = 2 power 2 = 4
b) f(7) = Since x = 7 = odd then 7+10 = 17
c) f(0) = since x = 0 and 0 is even then 0 power 2 = 0

Write the definition of a function f that takes an input x, divides it by four and then outputs that result subtracted by 5.
f(x) = (x / 4) - 5


Task on functions - Questions

1.Describe what a function does in your own words.
R / The function is a mathematical process that expects data entry (input) and then generates a series of predefined calculations with that data to generate an output or result.

2.Calculate the output of the following function

f (x) = {

x ^ 2 if x is even

x + 10 if x is odd

What will be the output for the following entries?

a) f (2) {2 is even? if then 2 ^ 2 = 4} // f (2) = 4.

b) f (7) {7 is even? no, then 7 is odd? yes. Output 7 + 10 = 17} // f (7) = 17.

c) f (0) {0 is even? if then 0 ^ 2 = 0} // f (0) = 0.

3.Write the definition of a function f that takes an input x, divides it by four and then the outputs that are subtracted by 5.
f (x) = (x / 4) -5


1.A function defines a specific output for a given input x

  1. a) 4
    b) 17
    c) 0

  2. f(x) = (x/4)-5

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  1. A function takes input does a computation on it and returns an output.
  2. a) 4
    b) 17
    c) 0
  3. f(x) = x/4 - 5
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  1. A function is a sequence of mathematical operations and computer code that takes in an input and returns an output
  2. a) 4
    b) 17
    c) 0
  3. f(x) = (x/4) - 5
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  1. Mathematical calculation
    2.a) 4
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  1. A function takes any number as an input, and then performs a defined mathematical computation with that input. The result of this mathematical computation is the function’s output.

  2. a) 4 b) 17 c) 0

  3. f(x) = (x / 4) - 5

Footnote for those of you who, like me, weren’t sure whether to treat ‘0’ as even, or neither odd nor even :thinking: … surely I can’t be the only one?? :wink:

I initially had undefined as my answer to 2c) as I thought ‘0’ was neither odd nor even. I then noticed that pretty much everyone else had the output as zero (0), having treated the input ‘0’ as even. On further investigation I’ve discovered ‘0’ is in fact even, as can be seen in these links:

  1. A function is a mathematical process where an input is manipulated to produce an output.

  2. Assuming that ^ means multiplied by-

a. 4
b. 17
c. 0

  1. f(x) = x/4 - 5
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  1. Describe what a function does in your own words:

  2. A function is a computation that takes an input, compute it and gives an output.

  3. Calculate the output of the following function:

  4. a) f(2)= 2x2=4
    b) f(7) = 7+10=17
    c) f(0) = 0

3, Write the definition of a function f that takes an input x, divides it by four and then outputs that result
subtracted by 5.
3, f(x/4)-5

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1- A function describe an action to be done with an input.

2- (a) = 4
(b) = 17
© = 0

3- f(x) = {

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Thanks for your efforts

  1. Describe what a function does in your own words.
    A function is a mathematical computation that takes some kind of input inorder to generate an output.

2.Calculate the output of the following function
f(x) = {

x^2 if x is even

x+10 if x is odd

What will be the output for the following inputs?

  • a) f(2)
  • b) f(7)
  • c) f(0)

a) f(2)=4

3.Write the definition of a function f that takes an input x, divides it by four and then outputs that result subtracted by 5


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A function takes input data, performs an operation, and then gives us output data.

a) f(2)=4

b) f(7)=17

c) f(0)=0


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1 - Describe what a function does in your own words
A function is a group of instructions we apply on variables (input) in order to get a certain output.

2 - Calculate the output of the following function:
a. f(2)=4
b. f(7)=17
c. f(0)=0

  1. f(x)=x/4-5
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