Homework on Consensus - Questions

  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    Blockchain consensus is similar to democracy. It takes a consensus of 51% of the determining base to decide the truth.
  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database?
    In a standard database, it is the host that determines the truth. Google decides what news is true and puts if forward based on the consensus of Google’s algorithm. Not the majority of Google news users.
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100% consensus must be reached at all time, if not the chain will fork :slight_smile:


Please explain this is not the case for BTC or Ethereum? it is why you have spits in the chain.

  1. Consensus determines truth by validating the data with multiple computers in a decentralized network.
  2. Consensus is different from how truth is determined in a central database by incentivizing the validation from multiple sources.

Great answer. A central database usually has an incentive to be dishonest for ones individual benefit. Quite the opposite from blockchain. :slight_smile:


If two nodes are not in consensus, they will start working independently. If each of them is a miner, each will start to build their own chains.

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  1. What 51% or more of the network nodes agree upon is the truth… Effective and efficient consensus algorythms use game theory based incentives that motivate network participants (miners) not to cheat/lie by rewarding them (money) for being accurate or truthful.

  2. In a central database, the authority in control of it determines what is the “truth”. Since this is a single entity, its interests can differ from those of other network participants, which can create an incentive for the central authority to cheat. Such a system can only function if there is enough trust between participants.

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  1. Unless all the nodes can verify that the transaction is valid it will be rejected

  2. A central DB can be edited/updated by a single person or entity meaning that the history can be changed or erased.

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  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    Consensus enables transactions to be checked by independent, decentralised sources before they are accepted as true.

  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database?
    In a centralised database the transactions are closed to public and lack transparency. This enables the risk of manipulation.

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1- In blockchain, multiple nodes are determining individually whether or not to accept any transaction as valid for inclusion into the ledger at the same time. If it makes sense as a valid transaction, it is included.
2- In a centralised database, the data can be deliberately changed by bad actors - or simply entered incorrectly in error to begin with. The content of the database is accepted as true based on trust (and though it may be checked or audited, the competence and integrity of the auditors also requires a degree of trust).

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  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    A. all the computers on the network have local copies of the blockchain and new blocks(containing new transactions) must be verified and show consensus between the various computers on the network.
  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database? In a central database there are not multiple parties involved, so consensus by definition does not determine the truth, but truth is simply how data is simply recorded in the database by the central authority.
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  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    All computers check the transaction and have to agree that it is ok. so consensus is truth and allows the transaction to be put on the blockchain.

  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database?
    In central databases the data can be supplied by many different sources, changed and manipulated at any time.

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  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    it means that the truth is decided and agreed on collectively by the people.

  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database?
    Because in a central database there’s a central authority that decides what the truth is and has control over the network.

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  1. What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth? It means that the truth is determined by the people who are incentivized and that participate in the network
  2. How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database? It’s different because instead of one central authority determining truth in the network, it’s many people. You can’t trust a central authority database.
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  • What does it mean when we say that in blockchain, consensus determine the truth?
    team work between nodes collaboratively to reaffirm a transaction allowing different parties to behave in a trustiness manner

The transactions of all parties involve are transparent and can be tracked down and verified.

  • How is this different from how truth is determined in a central database?
    its trust-less and decentralised, no authority over site whilst a database is centralised and an authority can intervene

The mathematical process allows for flawless executions

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  1. For bitcoin in particular. Consensus is achieved when the majority of miners verify a transaction as legitmate. This can also lead to forks and 51% attacks as well but that is a topic for later I suppose. The miners are able to verify the transaction by matching the records of the person trying to use bitcoin with the records of all the other miners. If all their records match, the transaction goes through, if not, it gets blocked…

  2. In a central database, truth is determined by actions and results. The consumer never really knows what he is getting when he purchased in a centralized database so he is forced to trust the seller. This is where brand recognition comes into play, because people are more likely to trust an old company than a new one.

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  1. Consensus = truth because all nodes must agree on data that gets permanently recorded into the blockchain.
  2. Truth is determined in a central database only by the central authority, which can add, edit, or delete whatever it wants. The nodes do not need to agree on the edits, they simply replicate the edits made by the central authority.
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1- You have many parties deciding an a transaction, verifying is key, not trust.
Verify a fals one will backfire on you.
2- A central database the truth is made by the ones who made it, and kept in status quo.Too the truth is
more easily being corrupted in many forms

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  1. consensus determines the truth by multiple entities verifying previous actions and the current known variables to determine the current state of affairs. It’s the decentralised network affect in opposition to a centralised power saying what is right or wrong.

  2. as touched on above the a central database is often governed by a sole party that can input any information they desire which cannot be immediately verified if it is true or false but in the first instance this data is presented as true. It may take a long time to actually check if the information is true through thorough investigative measures. After such investigations it maybe determined by the investigating party the information the centralised power gave was actually wrong. However that is not necessarily the end of the story as it maybe hard to actually believe that the first investigation found contradicting information and as such multiple other parties may want to then verify this investigation which will take more time. In particularly potential damaging situations, such as contamination cases, this could prove to be hazardous or even lethal to potential victims.

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Welcome to the forum @Machiavelli! :smiley: