The cryptographic linking of blocks ensures that the level of effort required to change blocks would be easily recognizable outside of one node or a small cluster. This is no small effort.
[Block Structure] Below
- Magic number: value always 0xD9B4BEF9|4 bytes
- Blocksize: number of bytes following up to the end of block|4 bytes
- Blockheader: consists of 6 items 80 bytes
- Version: Block version number
- hashPrevBlock: 256-bit hash of the previous block header
- hashMerkleRoot: 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block
- Time: Current block timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC
- Bits: Current difficulty target in compact format
- Nonce: 32-bit number (starts at 0)
- Transaction counter: positive integer VI = VarInt|1 - 9 bytes
- Transactions: (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transactions)|the (non empty) list of transactions|-many transactions