Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

• Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
o Because if a block is changed, all of the subsequent blocks and links become invalid.
• What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
o Three parts: a) The hash of the previous block, b) the hash of the TXs in the current block, and c) the nonce, a random number, that causes the resulting hash to be less than the target, a number based upon the network has rate and the goal of 10 minute blocks.

Answer to both questions is entanglement

  1. Because if a block in the chain is modified, the hashes of the subsequent blocks will be completely different and the chain will be broken. Blockchain is really a chain of blocks that is immutable.

  2. A block contains a nonce (a random number), a timestamp, a list of transactions, the hash of the previous block, and its own hash which is the answer of a complicated mathematical puzzle that has to be solved by the miners (Proof of Work).

When they are linked together it will keep the integrity of the blockchain. If one block is altered all blocks will change and the hashes will no longer be correct on any of the blocks.

The block structure in bitcoin has the hash of the previous block plus the hash of the current block plus the nonce and list of transactions.

1, As with the unique value of the nonce, the link between blocks is also a unique finger print which when altered affects all forward blocks and all previous blocks. It contains data that is unique and derived from the previous and next block its linked to.

2, It contains the block number(height), previous hash-link, tx data, nonce, new hash

  1. It guarantees the immutability of the tx content and the chain.

  2. Txs + previous hash + Nonce (guessed number below a target) -> SHA25 --> Block hash (fingerptint)

  1. To maintain blockchain integrity. If a previous block is changed, all subsequent blocks and links will have to be rehashed, which is impossible.
  2. CurrentHash = SHA256( CurrentBlockTransactions + PreviousBlockHash + nonce )
  1. Blocks are cryptographically linked to ensure the integrity of the data in the blockchain.
    If a change to any previous block in the chain is made, every subsequent block would then need to be re-mined. This makes is virtually impossible to “hack” the bitcoin network.
  2. A block contains the list of all transactions in that block, the hash of the previously mined block, and the nonce.
  1. It is important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together to make sure that data in previously mined blocks are not altered.
  2. Block structure consists hash of thee previous block, transaction data and nonce. All this is then combined to produce the hash that must meet the network target in order to be added to the bockchain.

It creates very high security so that no transactions can be edited. The cryptography (respectivly hash) also makes sure that you cannot get any data out of the block, for example knowing information of the person who did a transaction inside there.

Hash, Confirmations, Timestamp, Height, Miner, Number of Transactions, Difficulty, Merkle root, Version, Bits, Weight, Size, Nonce, Transaction Volume, Block Reward, Fee Reward, Transactions

1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
For security, so that if someone tries to change the contents of a block, the network will be notified and reject it.
2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
Block #, Nonce (target), Data, Previous Hash, Hash.

  1. Because if so there is no way for someone to change previous data without changing hash. Hash is needed as a part of next block hash so if changed the next block wont fit with puzzle solved earlier
  1. This provides network security. Can not alter previous blocks.
  2. The block is created from data, the previous block hash, and a nounce which is used to calculate the hash number.
  1. It makes it secure, data can’t be tampered and it’s easily traceable

  2. Block consists nonce, previous hash, transactions.

1- to make it more difficult to change the blocks. Since the blocks are linked, once the miner try to change one block, it has to change all the next blocks… which makes that procedure much more expensive
2- previous block hash + data/txs + nonce = hash

  1. If they are linked cryptographically linked together they depend from each other, this way if a little change is made in one it affects all the blockchain. As cause of this all the blocks need to be hashed, what is not reasonable in terms of electricity costs needed to make all puzzle calculations.

  2. Previous hash - Transaction/Data - Nonce; the sum of this 3 components gives the new block hash

  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    To ensure the integrity of the blockchain. To make it impossible to cheat by changing a previous transaction.
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    Previous TX Timestamp
    TX_Root Nonce
  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

To secure the network against hackers among other things.

  1. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

You have a hash and the nonce of the block which are linked to the hash of the previous block as well as the data-transactions of this new block.

  1. It is important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together to ensure security. Once a block is added to the chain it will be difficult to change. Changing one block will mean changing all of them.

  2. In the block, it will have data such as UXTOs, list of Tx, current and previous hash and a nounce.

Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Answers

  1. It is important for the blocks to be cryptographically linked together so that it can not be modified and ensures all miners to follow the rules.

  2. The block structure in bitcoin contains a previous hash, transaction data, and nonce. Which all three gives the current block hash.