Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
It is important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together to keep an ongoing real time record of the current blockchain. The cryptographic link ensures that all of the data is synchronised and cannot be changed.

What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
The block structure in Bitcoin is made up of the previous hash, the new transaction data, a randomly chosen ‘nonce’ number and the hash of the current block. Valid blocks are visually green and invalid blocks are red, which would signify an invalidation.

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  1. To maintain blockchain integrity. If a previous block is changed, all subsequent blocks and links will have to be rehashed, which is impossible.

2 . Each block will have its own hash which was generated using the transactions within it, the previous blocks hash, and the correct nonce.

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  1. In order to make the blockchain immutable and secure the blocks are cryptographically linked.
  2. the structure of a block is made up of: Block number, Version, Merkle root, Hash of previous block, Nonce, Difficulty target, timestamp and list of transactions.
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  1. Because the previous block is considered as one of the references in the sequence for the new blocks, ensuring the immutability of data. Then, the new nonce takes a random number and the TX list to process and validate the new orders for the possible next block of the network.

  2. A block is formed by the previous hash connection, the current TX list, and the nonce. It includes details like the block size, block header, transaction counter, and transactions recorded.

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  1. Ensures that previous blocks are not being remined.

  2. A block has information on the previous blocks hash, Tx list, and an nonce number. Collectively this information forms a hash for the block.

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1- to secure the blockchain, that way avoid changes in old block and double spend.
2- the block structure looks like a list of data where you can find the hash of the previous blocks and the hash generated for the created block.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    That is done to increase the immutability of the block, such that no data can be altered from already mine block as that will equally render the blocks that follows invalid.
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    HASH = the finger print of a block
    * Previous block hash.
    * Transactions list of present block.
    * nonce.
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  1. It is important because it helps make sure that no previous block can be modified without affecting all subsequent blocks.

  2. The block structure is just a chain of blocks linked together.

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  1. To secure the network.
  2. Block# - Nonce - Block data - Prev Hash - Hash
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  1. To stop people from changing blocks in the chain making it more unlikely to be changed when completed for trustful certification.
  2. The block structure in BTC has the hash of the previous block and there own transactions, as well as the nonce which is created by a miner.
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  1. It is important that blocks are cryptographically linked because this ensures the security and integrity of the previous and subsequent blocks. This integrity is ensured b/c if one blocks data is altered every subsequent block after that one will also change; this change will be immediately recognized by all nodes and they will reject that block.
  2. The block structure consists of a nonce, a transaction hash and the previous block’s transactions hash.
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  1. its important those we can see everything is in order
  2. the block structure in bitcoin is connected to each other simultaneously continuously
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  1. This ensures immutability of the blockchain by making it exponentially more difficult to mine new blocks that include any change in previous blocks, as each block includes a hash output of the previous block in an unbroken link all the way back to the genesis block.

  2. Each block is composed of the previous block’s hash as well as the current block’s Tx list, block reward, hash, and valid nonce to show proof of work.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

    When any of the 3: previous hash, transactions list, and nounce, is changed the next hash changes too. That means that the blockchain is in good state. The new block will only be accepted if they mined correctly the longest chain.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

    List of transactions, Previous Hash, Current Hash

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Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually – Questions

1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

To further secure a blockchain by implementing a random hashing algorithm. Linking a particular block’s hash value to its previous block’s hash further complexifies the over hashing process required to validate blocks (ensures greater security and immutability/integrity of its data).

2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

Block structure = Transactions (TX) list + previous block’s hash value + random nonce value

In other words, a block structure is made up of the list of transactions it aims to verify in addition to its previous block’s hash value and the nonce value that needs to be guessed by miners (such that the block’s overall hash, dependent on those 3 elements, falls below a specified target level).

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  1. It’s important because it makes changes on previous blocks very difficult, because they’re all linked and cannot be verified if they’re not.

  2. The structure of bitcoin blocks is defined by the block header, block size, number of transactions, transactions, nonce, and previous hash.

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  1. To ensure the blockchain is secure and difficult to almost impossible from being altered.
  2. data, previous block hash and a nonce .
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  • Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    This keeps block secure and immutable. To change one means you would have to change all that followed.
  • What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    Block, nonce, transaction data, hash of previous block, hash of current block
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1.because this makes it very very difficult if not impossible to go and change something in a previous block. You would require 51% of the network nodes to even make it feasible.
2.Block structure consists of PREVIOUS BLOCK HASH + TX list + NONCE . The sum of these once hashed must equate to equal or lower to the target.

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-To secure the integrity of the chain
-The Block’s main components are the Nonce that is the puzzle the miner should solve, the transactions, and the hash from previous blocks.

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