The importance of the coupling of the blocks cryptographically is that if any change is conducted by anyone the Hash will change completely and all the succeeding Blocks will have to be redone. The BTC block Structure is as follows:
1.- Block size (4 bytes)
2.- Block Header (80 bytes)
3.- TX Counter (1-9 bytes)
4.- Variable (TX)
In number 2, will be sub-divided just like:
2.1.- Version - Tracks Software/Protocol Upgrades
2.2.- Previous Block Hash
2.3.- Merkle Root - The way the Hash of the Tx that are joined up
2.4.- Timestamps - Time elapsed since Unix Epoch in Seconds
2.5.- Difficulty Target - PoW Algorithm of the Difficulty Target
2.6.- Nonce - A counter used for the Difficulty Target
I used the link provided by @alko89 to help my Research.