- Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
It is important that blocks are cryptographically linked together so that POW is established and integrity in the system is maintained. Since miners are incentivized to make money, they must do it by not breaking any rules. This is ensured by their significant upfront cost of electricity use in order to solve a cryptographic puzzle. If they are the first to solve it, the block gets appended to the blockchain and they get the block reward with inflation and the transaction fees from all the transaction fees from the block. However, if there is an error in the block entered by the miner, then the block will not accept it in the network and they would have lost their initial upfront investment costs. The process of appending to the blockchain is very expensive but the reward is greater. Hence, this reward incentive keeps the miners focused on appending only blocks with integrity.
2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
List item
- Previous Hash (first transaction/block reward with inflation)
- Miners in nodes attempt to solve the next block by solving a cryptographic puzzle based on the previous link
- If POW is established and they are the first to solve it, then the next hash block is established and the miner is rewarded
- The process is repeated