Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

  1. block chain remains correct, double entry prevented
  2. previous hash, txs, nonce number
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  1. To keep the immutability and integrity of the system. By keeping them in cryptographical order you are forced to mine all other subsequent blocks if you attempt to make any changes to prior ones in order for your change to be added to the blockchain.

  2. The block structure is a combination of nonce, data, previous hash, & current hash per block that are in cryptographical order.

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  1. To make it realistically impossible to alter or erase old transactions.

  2. Prev Hash + Transaction data + Nonce = new Hash (which must be lower than target value)

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1 Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

It improves security, as any changes to a block will make that block and the blocks that link after it invalid.

  1. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

Each block contains a nonce, transations, the hash of the previous block and the hash of the current block that is calculated based on the first three.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    Because they are linked, you would need to alter the entire chain in order to make any alterations
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    Each block contains data of every previous transaction as well as transactions in the current block
  1. It is important for the blocks to be cryptographically linked together so that tracking every transaction becomes easier and honest. And if someone changes a tx in a previous block, then that will affect every link and block that comes after it. It gives integrity to the blockchain.

  2. previous block hash
    tx list of current block
    Nonce to be guessed

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Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

So that it is very difficult for someone to go back and change a transaction that is already in the blockchain

What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

They have a block header (which is a hash derived by hashing the data in the block, the nonce, and the hash/header of the previous block), the list of transactions stored in that block, a time stamp, the nonce, and the difficulty target of the current block. On average, blocks are 1MB in size.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    To secure the network and create immutability.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    It’s made of a header, containing metadata, follwed by a long list of transactions that make up the bulk of it’s size.

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  1. Ensures security and integrity. One can not get away with altering one block without impairing the preceding blocks.

  2. A block consists of block size, block header, previous block hash, nonce, and a list of transactions(data)

  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    To maintain the integrity of the data which is imputable. If one data bit changes, all of the following blocks change and have to be re-mined.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    It is combination of a string of data, turned into a hexidecimal hash, multiplied by a nonce which creates a new hash output. That hash output becomes the hash data in the next block which follows the same process. So on and so forth, thereby forming a blockchain.


1: It ensures that a miner cant change a previous block.

2: Previous block, transactions, nonce

  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together? it is important to prevent the blocks from ever being altered or changed. It enhancing the security of the system, and allows the condition that we don’t need to trust a PERSON like we do in CFi; we can trust math only.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    the structure is previous hash (or block reward) - transactions - new hash - nonce

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1- For security. If everything is linked together then everything has to be changed in order to tamper with it.
2- The blocks are comprised of the transaction, the previous has and the guessed nonce.

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1.) It’s important for the blocks to be cryptographically linked together to prevent nefarious miners from altering previously mined blocks. This way, if a miner does try to break the rules, all blocks after the illegally altered one will need to be remined by that miner alone. This causes the miner to completely stop making money despite continuing to pay for extraordinary amounts of electricity.

2.) The block structure is comprised of the following parts:

a.) An 80-byte block header. This contains:

…i.) Block version number [4 bytes],
…ii.) A SHA-256 hash referencing the previous block’s header [32 bytes],
…iii.) Merkle root hash referencing all tx’s in this block [32 bytes],
…iv.) Timestamp (when miner started hashing header - according to the miner) [4 bytes],
…v.) nBits (this is an encrypted version of the header hash target for this block) [4 bytes],
…vi.) Nonce [4 bytes]

b.) Transaction count

c.) Raw transaction data from all transactions included in this block, the first of which must be a coinbase transaction. This stores the new block subsidy (currently 6.25BTC) and transaction fees that will all be paid to the miner who solves the block. Collectively, the transaction fees & block subsidy are referred to as the ‘block reward’.

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  1. So it is impossible for any miner to change any data and get his way back in the blockchain, it brings 100% security to the network
  2. It contains the hash of the previous block, a list of transactions (data), a nonce (guessed by miners) wich results in a new hash
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  1. It is important to link the blocks so that any changes made in any of the earlier blocks are identified immediately due to the Hash output not matching.
  2. Blocks contain the previous block hash + transactions list + nonce
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  1. For the security of the blockchain. This way the data can’t be altered or removed.
  2. Block #. Nonce. TX. Prev Hash. Hash of the current block.
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  1. It is important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together to ensure that nothing in the previous blocks could be added, edited, or deleted.

  2. It is composed of: hash of previous block + hash of current block (current transaction list) + nonce

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  1. If blocks were not cryptographically linked together, there would not be a workable algorithm useful for communicating, and communication, transfer of data would be faulty, vulnerable and insecure to the Network The security and integrity of the Network depends on structured logical algorithms. The linkage of blockchain includes its origins and history making it uniquely unidirectional and asymmetrical. Previous hashes might not be readily ascertainable. If previous hashes are not accurate, then the targets would be incorrect. The linked blocks protects the Network from double spending, and cheating (making it immutable). The linkage of sophisticated, complex math and physics, non-random data and then random nonces is the wonder of this new science and currency.

  2. Blocks within a chain can look different in size and shape from one another (not having to match) depending on the transaction data in each block. Blocks are organized in a linear sequence over time. Transactions recorded in each block may have different and more or less information. Each block is unique.

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1 Its for security. Its much harder to change anything in the block.

  1. The hash of a block = hash from the previous block + data (transactions in this block)+ the nonce.
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