Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

1.) Its necessary to link the blocks cryptogr. together, to build a strong and secured block-CHAIN as it is.
The security is made by the dependency of the blocks among themselves.

2.) The block structure in bitcoin is made of a hashed number, which includes the transaction list + the hash of the previous block + a nonce number.

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  1. All blocks are linked to prevent a data change and keep integrity of data. If a block is changed then the link is broken and the chance is not accepted by the network
  2. Previous block hash + current transactions + nonce
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  1. Because of this chain, it is nearly impossible to change something. When a transaction is confirmed/written it will be there (forever).

  2. Because the hash of the block is based on: previous block, nonce and the current transactions.

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  1. It’s important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together to maintain the integrity of the blockchain. If one block in the blockchain is changed, then the link to subsequent blocks is broken.

  2. The bitcoin block structure contains the nonce, the data, the previous hash and the current hash.

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  1. It makes the blockchain more secure and making the data harder to alter.

  2. The block structure of bitcoin includes the hash transactions of the current block, the hash of the previous block, and a nounce.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    This ensures that changes can not be done to alter the blockchain
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    It has the nonce, the transactions, the previous hashing and the new hashing
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  1. To ensure that information which is added to block chain is validated and can be trusted. It gives database immutability.
  2. Block in bitcoin consists of previous block hash, timestamp, transaction list, nonce.
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1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
Because every sub block depends on the previous mined block. If you go back in time and do some changes ( let`s guess this is an option) then all the following blocks have to be mined again.

2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
Every block has a number, a nonce , data in it and information about the previous block number before and of course a hash

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Its the previous block hash that links the blocks. :slight_smile:

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  1. It is important that blocks are cryptographically linked together to ensure the network’s security and the integrity of the miners.
  2. The hash of the block currently being mined is a function of its list of transactions and the hash of the previous block. The current block’s nonce will produce a hash that is lower than a target and has to be guessed using trial and error. The lower the target, the more difficult it is to mine new blocks.
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  • Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    -> Because even a very small modification in a block will impact all the blockchain and it would be easy to detect it and complicated to implement.

  • What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    -> A block contains
    – list of transaction (UTXO’s)
    – nonce
    – block hash

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  1. The blocks are cryptographically linked to prevent changes to the past blocks and uphold the integrity of the blockchain ledger.

  2. The block structure has a unique header, a hash from the header of the previous block and the transactions stored on the block.

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  1. The blocks needs to be cryptographically linked together to ensure that there is no way to easily guess what the hash should be and also to ensure a unique fingerprint of the previous block is carried forward (certifying) the uniqueness of that block. The carried over fingerprint is not lost and saved in the successive block (so the certification is not lost) and ensures the block contents cannot be changed once linked…

  2. The Block structure in Bitcoin will include the Nonce, the previous hash, and the transactions that are part of that block which will form the block to be linked to the next block

  1. Each block carries the “DNA” of the previous blocks. The importance of this link is so that to corrupt one invalidates the data carried over moving forward. The hash function is unique, so any corrupted data is easy to decipher as a result of a different hash. This interdependency ensures integrity and further demonstrates the immutable nature of the blockchain.

  2. The BTC block structure contains; the previous hash from previous TXs, the newly guessed nonce, a list of TXs to be submitted and newly generated hash, derived from all other TXs, to be carried forward to the next block.


It also contains the hash of the previous block, which is important because it links the blocks together in a chain :wink:

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  1. The cryptographic link between to blocks is the hash, this ensures that the result of the previous block is directly related to the has of the next block. through hashing we can ensure the integrity of the chain and make it practically impossible for bad actors to change the transaction history on the block.

  2. The block structure of bitcoin contains:
    previous hash - the “answer” to the last block
    nonce - the input to give the correct answer on the current block
    transactions - the data that the block is set up to record
    The hash of current block - which has meets the required difficulty criteria of the network

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  1. The cypto-based linking of blocks provides the security and integrity of the blockchain. It provides immutability and traceability.

  2. Bitcoin blocks are made up of 4 main components: The Hash, the previous Hash, the list of transactions and the nonce.

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    It keeps the integrity of the blockchain intact. Changing a previous block will change its hash number along with all the following blocks. This will make it impossible for the minor to earn incentives.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    Current block transactions, previous block hash number, and nonce.


The reason why blocks are cryptographically linked is to prevent anyone going back to alter the blocks, this keeps data and all blocks secure and trustless.

Block #
Prev Hash
Current Hash

  1. it becomes impossible to manipulate the previous transaction as it will break the chain. this help prevent the data from being altered

  2. Previous hash
     Transaction list
      nonce -- which is the number being guessed