Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

  1. The importance of the blocks being cryptographically linked together is to maintain the security of the blockchain.

  2. It is like a chain link, hence block"chain", this structure is dependent on the previous link and block and if one were to fail then the system would fail.

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1 To contain integrity and provide difficulty to change the transactions
2 Block number - nounce - data - previous block hash - current block hash

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  1. to prevent hackers. to safeguard the transactions.
  2. block + hash
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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    To insure the integrity of the system, no one block can be altered without messing up the entire chain.
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    The block includes the list of transactions, the hash of the previous block and the nonce the miners guess.

Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
For security. If one block is altered even the slightest bit, since they are linked together by a mathematical puzzle, it breaks the link to all other blocks.

What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
previous block hash, current block transaction data, and the nonce

  1. To secure that nobody tries to double spend or changes the data inside the validated blocks (Attack the blockchain)
  2. Hash of the previous block + data of the current block + hash of the current block. (like a chain)

What is the program that Ivan is using in the ā€œMining Visually Demonstratedā€ class?
Iā€™ve tried googling but canā€™t seem to find anything similar.

1 To ensure the whole system follow the rules, no one can change, modify, or delete any history transaction practically.

2 In the block we have the previous hash, transactions, and nonce. The hash of current block base on all these three factors.

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You mean this one https://andersbrownworth.com/blockchain/blockchain ?

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avoid double spending, and remove censorshipā€¦ in other words to secure the network and improve integrity!
the previous hash, all inputs and outputs and nonce used to make a new hash for the new block and to insert the block to the chain .

please tell me if i wrong somewhere:) this course very important to me and i wanna be sure that i understand correctly all the course stuffsā€¦ (english not my native language)

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Looks good to me :slight_smile: if you want to learn the block structure in more detail than look no further than the great Bitcoin book :stuck_out_tongue:


thx its looks interesting i will try to read this but maybe i dont understand some due to my not good enough english :face_with_thermometer: but i am try later to read and understand this article :blush:

  1. To develop data ingrate by ensuring the blocks are immutable
  2. As Follows:
    Previous Hash
    Merkle root hash
    Difficulty target
    Transaction List
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  1. This is important to ensure the safety of the network. As each of the blocks have cryptographic relations to eachother ensures that a block further back in the chain cannot be changed without all following blocks and the links between them will be broken as the cryptographic relation is compromised.

  2. The block structure in bitcoin consist of the following

a)Hash from Previous block
c) Nonce

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  1. then if a block in the past is changed the intire blockchain notices that and it becomes invalid
  2. TX hash input and ouputs
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1.Its give security which contains information about previous and future block.
2.Tx time,tx size,blocksize,hash of chain

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Yes, that is it!! Thank you!

It contains other metadata than just tx data. Do you know what they are? :slight_smile:

What is tx time? :slight_smile:

transaction time ;)am i correct?