It is important that blocks are cryptographically linked together so that as the block chain increases in # of blocks, it becomes more and more unlikely any potential hacker or party trying to change a prior transaction would be able to overcome an impossible recalculation task - because the party would have to rehash all subsequent blocks (since subsequent block headers would change by virtue of change in a transaction already in a confirmed block) and the party could never catch up much less surpass the length of the already expanding chain - it comes down to computing power - a hacker or “rule violator” would have to have computing power at least equal to 51% of the combined computing power of the entire decentralized network.
Blocks have the following structure, illustrated from top to bottom: Magic No, Blocksize, Blockheader, Transaction Counter and Transactions. The Header, in turn, consists of 6 items: The Block software version, the unique hash of the previous block, the hashMerkleRoot, the TIme (elapsed since 1970-01-01 UTC), Bits = current target (which adjusts up or down every 2016 blocks), and Nonce (the number increased incrementally from zero to attempt to produce a number less than the target).