Homework on Blockchain and Mining Visually - Questions

  1. As soon as changes come up in previous blocks the links get broken. It is practically impossible to re-create the previous blocks.
  2. Consists of a hash, the current transactions, previous hash and nonce.
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  1. To make immutable structure (digital stone).
  2. Previous block hash, transactions, nonce.
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  1. So if anyone tries to interfere with any of them by default it will affect the rest of them.

  2. one block made up of all the transactions linked to the previous and next one just like it by a hash.

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Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
So that changing a previous block (editing the ledger) would result in the break-up of the entire chain. This offers a strong disincentive for dishonest miner behaviour and conversely a big incentive for honest behaviour. Why? Because if the chain breaks, the miner breaking it has a near-zero chance of ever earning any further BTC rewards or of getting the revised transaction accepted by the network because the only blockchain version accepted is the one that has the most computational difficulty (this might be the longest blockchain, but is not necessarily so) and the miner attempting to dishonestly edit the blockchain would never be able to catch up with other honest miners who are adding new blocks while that miner is re-mining all blocks in their copy of the blockchain.

What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
Each block has a hash that is the output of the following inputs: the transactions in the current block, the hash from the previous block and the nonce. The nonce is a random number that needs to be guessed by the miner which must produce a current-block hash that is less than the target.

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  1. Because block links are based on hashes of the previous blocks, it proves their authenticity.
  2. The block has:
  • Nonce
  • Block Size
  • Block Header
  • Transaction Counter
  • Transactions
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Homework: Blockchain & Mining (Answers)

  1. For security in network, Consensus Algorithm.
  2. It contains the following;
    a. Previous Hash
    b. Transactions List
    c. Nonce number
    d. Current new hash.
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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?

To make it incredibly hard for anyone looking to alter any previous data and have it passed as a valid transaction / block. If the blocks weren’t cryptographically linked data would sit in silo and anyone could change it and it wouldn’t affect subsequent blocks so by having them linked ensures the security and validity of the blockchain and the transactions it contains.

  1. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?

A list of contained transactions
Correct nonce value
Previous block’s hash

All combined together to form this block’s own hash

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So no data can be changed = data immutability

Prev hash
New Hash

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    -To ensure the integrity and immutability of the blockchain.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    -A block structure is formed by the previous hash, the transaction list included in that block and by the random nonce number that need to be guessed.

  1. Because it is a security for the network, no data will be able to change. That’s why we are talking about Immutability on the Blockchain.

  2. We have the hush code, the previous hush block, block number, timestamp, transactions , block Header, block Size, difficulty target and Nonce.

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  1. For the security of the blockchain, this way no changes can be made to the previous block as it would break the link or hash to the next block etc
    2.The block consists of the previous block hash and a nounce, which is then used to calculate a hash number to move to the next block.
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  1. To make sure it’s integrity is in place, it will be harder to hack it also.

  2. The block has previous hash, transactions and nonce, this will be recognised by the next block and the block after that and so on.

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  1. Because it makes it impossible to alter previously mined blocks.
  2. in the block we have previous hash, transactions and nonce, the hash of the current block based on all these three factors.
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  1. More secure and almost impossible to change or hack
  2. A block has transactions , nonce and previous hash which given a new hash for the current block
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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    So that it is harder the mess with the data.

  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    Block number
    Hash of previous block
    Transaction data
    hash of current block

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  1. Why is it important that the blocks are cryptographically linked together?
    Cryptographically linking blocks ensures that no one can make a change to previous transactions. If any change is made to any previously recorded transaction all subsequent blocks will not verify in the network. It will break the block and the signature on the block will no longer verify.
  2. What does the block structure look like in bitcoin?
    1.Block number
    3.Coinbase amount
    4.Transaction List of input and out with public keys of each sender and recipient
    5.For each transaction in the list there will be a message signature derived from private key
    6.Previous Block hash
    7.Current Block Hash
  1. By linking the blocks together it is not possible to change or remove things in “the past”. So the blockchain will be immutable.
  2. The data in the block itself (list of transactions) + the hash of the previous block + the nonce
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  1. The cryptographical link ensures no one can go back and change the chain. It is these puzzles that creating the links that provide not only security, but transparency, certainty and easy verification.

  2. The block structure is composed of the precious hash, TX or data and a nonce.

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1.when the blocks would not be cryptographicly linked the blockchain would be invalid . To secure the network it is important that all data on the blockchain is valid and therefore legit and confirmed by all nodes.It’s not a Mather of trust but just verification. (Math & physics)
2.The structure of a block in the blockchain consists of the hash of the previous block , all transaction data (list) en the nonce (random number) a miner needs to guess and makes sure to create a hash low enough to be below the target . (Difficulty)

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exactly, and the most important part of cryptographical linking blocks (adding the previous blockhash in each block) is that you can’t change information in any block without breaking the link. So if you change information and you find a nonce that makes that block valid, you have to remine all blocks that follows over again. Because the hash wouldn’t match in the block on the next blockheight. And this has to be done before anyone else mines a new block on the current blockchain. It’s just not feasible.

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