Game Loop - Reading Assingment

  • What is a game loop?
    -The game loop is a controlled infinite loop that makes your game keep running

  • What phases does a game loop normally have?
    -Game loop has 3 phases and they are : initialize, update and draw.

  • What happens in each phase?

  • The initialize phase is used to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases.
  • The main purpose of the update phase is to prepare all objects to be drawn.
  • When everything is properly updated and ready, we enter the draw phase where all this information is put on the screen.
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What is a game loop?

a controlled infinite loop that makes your game keep running; it’s the place where all your little pieces will be updated and drawn on the screen.

Har phases does a game loop normally have?

initialize, update and draw

What happens in each phase?

initialize: prepare the environment for the next phase.**

Update: Prepare objects to be drawn…**

Draw: all the information is put on the screen.**

  1. The game loop is where the game code is run.
  2. The game loop has three phases: initialize, update and draw.
  3. In the initialize phase all the preparation for the update and draw phases happen like creating entity objects or detecting hardware capabilities.
    The update phase is used for updating the all of the active entities (for example: updating entity positions, reducing health or collision detection)
    And finally the draw phase which is used to draw the entities on the screen.

1 The game loop is the section where all the code which makes a game interactive is present. It is controlled infinite loop.
2 A game loop has three phases: Initialize, Update And Draw
3 Initialize: In this phase, we set up the environment of the game and prepare it for the next phase i.e update phase
UPDATE: In this phase, we prepare all the objects to be drawn. All the physics code goes into this phase. Capture and process user input in this phase.
Draw: In this phase we put all the objects on the screen.

  1. What is a game loop?
    A state that will make the game run over and over until the state changes

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    Start/initialize, update and draw

  3. What happens in each phase?
    You start the game with a button click etc. The game loops over and over, You have states and loops inside the main loop which changes what happens in the game. You draw in elements and also remove them. Until the game is done

1. What is a game loop?
The game loop is the central code of your game, split into different parts.

2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
initialize, update and draw

3. What happens in each phase?
The initialize phase is used to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases. Here you should create your main entities, prepare the menu, detect default hardware capabilities, and so on.

The main purpose of the update phase is to prepare all objects to be drawn, so this is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong. This is also where the input will be captured and processed.

When everything is properly updated and ready, we enter the draw phase where all this information is put on the screen. This function should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels, layers, chars, HUD and so on.

  1. What is a game loop?

A game loop is a controlled infinite loop and source in which behaviors executed in this loop are reflected within the game such as visuals, statistics etc…

  1. What phases does a game loop normally have? / 3. What happens in each phase?

initialize - Define objects/variables of the game environment including screen dimensions etc… goes here.

update - Changes to any variables are changed here such as score, lives etc… Also, input will be captured and processed here. This is the preparation phase before the visuals are updated.

draw - After properties have been updated dependent on the inputs provided by the player inside update, draw will render the visuals to reflect the changes in the game to be seen.

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  1. The game loop is the overall flow control for the entire game program. It’s a loop because the game keeps doing a series of actions over and over again until the user quits

  2. Initialize - Update - Draw.

  3. Initialize: setups the initial state of the came
    Update: Updates movement, changes, settings to be made.
    draw phase: Code which will show the items on the screen.

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  1. What is a game loop?
    The game loop is a controlled infinite loop where all components of the game will be updated and drawn on the screen.

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    Initialize - Update - Draw

  3. What happens in each phase?
    Initialize - game setup and preparation of the environment.
    Update - preparation of all objects to be drawn. This is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong.
    Draw - All information is put on the screen. This section should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels, layers, chars, HUD and so on.

  • What is a game loop?
  • What phases does a game loop normally have?
  • What happens in each phase?
  1. The game loop is the central code of your game, split into different parts. Generally, these are: initialize , update and draw .
    2.initialize , update , draw
    3.basically it starts with a set up to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases.
    then the update phase is to prepare all objects to be drawn,
    and then finally When everything is properly updated and ready, we enter the draw phase where all this information is put on the screen.
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  1. What is a game loop?
    The game loop itself is a controlled infinite loop that makes your game keep running; it’s the place where all your little pieces will be updated and drawn on the screen.

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    The game loop is the central code of your game, split into different parts. Generally, these are: initialize , update and draw .

  3. What happens in each phase?
    The initialize phase is used to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases. Here you should create your main entities, prepare the menu, detect default hardware capabilities, and so on.

The main purpose of the update phase is to prepare all objects to be drawn, so this is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong. This is also where the input will be captured and processed.

When everything is properly updated and ready, we enter the draw phase where all this information is put on the screen. This function should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels, layers, chars, HUD and so on.

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  1. What is a game loop?
    a game loop is a loop that is running until a movement is made from the player which can affect the game when this happens the game updates and does the loop again. This is basically an infinite loop that always runs

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    initialize, update and draw.

  3. What happens in each phase?
    With initializing this sets up the game for the updating and drawing of the game.
    With updating, the game prepares all the objects to be changed/drawn.
    And last but not least the game is being built/drawn after a player has done an action.

  1. What is a game loop?
    Is controlled infinite loop that makes your game keep running and changing/updating the main state of the game.

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    Generally we have 3 phases in a game lopp, these are: initialize , update and draw .

  3. What happens in each phase?
    initialize - Is used to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases.
    update - Prepare all objects to be drawn, so this is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong.
    draw - This function should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels, layers, chars, HUD and so on.

Hey guys can’t wait to start this course, my answers as follows:

  1. What is a game loop?
    A game loop is an infinite loop which just keeps running.
  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    Initialise, Update & draw.
  3. What happens in each phase?
    Initialise - This is used to create the necessary game set up and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases.

Update - This is where the information will be captured and processed. The main purpose of the update phase is to prepare all of the objects that are to be drawn and is where all the physics code, updates etc belong.

Draw - The third stage is the draw phase in which everything is updated and ready to put on the screen.

1. What is a game loop? 
2. Answer: A controlled infinite loop that keeps game running. It's the place where all your little pieces will be updated and drawn on the screen and is  the heart of every game.
3. What phases does a game loop normally have?
4. Answer: Initialize, Update, and Draw
5. What happens in each phase?
Initialize phase:
	- Used to do any necessary setup and prepare the environment for the update ad draw phases. 
		○ Create main entities, prepare the menu, detect default HW capabilities , and etc. 
Update phase:
	- The main purpose of the update phase all objects to be drawn, so this is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong. 
		○ Input will be captured 
Draw phase:
	- When everything is properly updated and ready, we enter the draw phase where all this information is put on the screen. This function should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels layers, chars HUD, and so on.

1 - What is the loop?
the Loop is the heart code, transforms a game into an interactive experience, it is continuous and dynamic, split into different parts/ levels which translates into step by step development to be deployed as follows:

  • Initialize;
  • Update;
  • Draw;
    2 - What phases does a game loop normally have?
    Initialize, Update, Draw
    3 - What happens in each phase?
    Initialize: This phase is about the game setup where environment will be layered for the following phases. At this stage we create the game main entities, menus and detect hardware capabilities needed for the following stages.
    Update: Here we prepare all the objects to be drawn, code, coordinates, health point changes, char upgrades and all operations start gaining shape.
    Draw: After all the updates, this last phase brings all the information together on screen, bringing about the drawing of the levels, layers, chars, HUD, and so on.
  1. What is a game loop?
    A gameloop can be described as a controlled infinite loop.

  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    The phases within a gameloop include; initialize, update, and draw.

  3. What happens in each phase?
    The update phase prepares the environment. The update phase prepares all objects to be drawn. The draw phase updates to the data on the screen.
    Best Regards,

Retrieved From:

  1. The game loop is ALL the code that make the game interactive and dynamic.
  2. The major phases are the initialize, update, and draw phase.
  3. Initialize is where the necessary game setup happens preparing for the update and draw phase. The update phase is where all of the physics of the game take place. The draw phase is wherer the information appears on screen.
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1- The game loop is a controlled infinite loop that makes the game keep running.

2- Initialize, update and draw.

3- The initialize phase is used to do any necessary game setup and prepare the environment for the update and draw phases.

The update phase is to prepare all objects to be drawn, so this is where all the physics code, coordinate updates, health points changes, char upgrades, damage dealt and other similar operations belong. This is also where the input will be captured and processed.

The draw phase where all the information is put on the screen. This function should contain all the code to manage and draw the levels, layers, chars, HUD and so on.

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  1. What is a game loop?
    -the game loop is a controlled infinite loop and it has an inner loop to interact with the different entities of the game and it has a state machine that takes user input and moves the code into the different sections of the game.
  2. What phases does a game loop normally have?
    -Initialize, update, draw
  3. What happens in each phase?
    -The initialize phase prepares the game environment and sets the game up for the update and draw phases.
    -The update phase is used to prepare all of the objects that are going to be drawn. The physics code, coordinate updates, health changes, etc… operations belong in this part of the code.This is also where the input is captured and processed.
    -The draw phase is when all of the info is pout onto the screen .
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