Functions in C++ - Reading Assignment


A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job


the function main()


The actual value returned from a function is called the return value.


Functions can not be defined inside other functions (called nesting) in C++
  1. A function is a sequence of statements designed to do a certain job.
  2. Program execution starts with the function main().
  3. Return values allow functions to give back a certain value to the caller. They have a certain return type (being void for functions not returning anything).
  4. Nested functions are not allowed in C++.

1. What is a function?
Function is a resuable sequence of statements written to perform specific task.

2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?

3. What are return values?
Return value for a function is a single value that is calculated or could be value of variable or expression or just a number, text etc. Return statement starts with ‘return’ keyword.

4. Are nested functions allowed in C++?

1. What is a function?
A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.

2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?

3. What are return values?
The actual value returned from a function to the caller is called the return value.

4. Are nested functions allowed in C++?
No, nested functions are not allowed in C++

  1. A function is a sequence of statements that are designed to complete a specific task
  2. Main()
  3. Return values are the actual value that gets returned after executing the function.
  4. They are not allowed to be nested in C++.

1. What is a function? A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.

2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program? The main() function gets executed first.

3. What are return values? The value that’s returned from a function is called the return value.

4. Are nested functions allowed in C++? No, functions can’t be defined inside of another function.

1. What is a function?
It is a set of statements oriented to do a specific task.
2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?
The main() function.
3. What are return values?
It is the result of a computation, the value which is calculated by the function or the value found after at the end of the function body. If the function does not return any value the return value is void.
4. Are nested functions allowed in C++?
No. Functions cannot be defined inside other functions.
1a) output 16
1b) it doesn’t compile, nested function in return7()
1c) it compiles but it doesn’t print any value.
1d) output
1e) It doesn’t compile. printA() returns a void and cout needs a value to be printed out.
1f) output
1g) it doesn’t compile because of return is not allowed as function name.
1h) it doesn’t know if 5 is printed.

What is a function?
- A function is a reusable piece of code that performs a specific function.
What function is run first of all in a C++ program?
- the main() function runs first.
What are return values?
- A return value is the value that a function returns to the caller of that function.
Are nested functions allowed in C++?
- Nested functions are not allowed.

1. What is a function?
A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.
2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?
3. What are return values?
They are the values returned when a function is executed. When creating functions, the programmer can decide whether a value should be returned by the function by declaring the type during function declaration.
e.g. string aFunction() //This function will return a string
If no return value is needed, then we can use void during declaration.
e.g. void newFunction() //will not return any value
4. Are nested functions allowed in C++?
No they are not.

What is a function?
A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.

What function is run first of all in a C++ program?
main() is run first in C++

What are return values?
Return values are values returned by a function completing in C++

Are nested functions allowed in C++?
Nested function definitions are not allowed.

What is a function?
A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.
What function is run first of all in a C++ program?
What are return values?
The actual value returned from a function is called the return value
Are nested functions allowed in C++?
No. Functions can not be defined inside other functions (called nesting) in C++.

Functions in C++

  1. A function is a piece of code that is reuseble, it has an input, couple statements and produces an output.
  2. main()
  3. To return a value to the caller of the function: ex. return 0 to main()
  4. You can't define a function in another function in C++
  1. A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.
  2. The main() is the first function where the program starts execution.
  3. The return value is a value which is sent to the caller by using a return statement.
  4. Nested functions are not allowed in C++.

1.Function is a reusable sequence of statements.
2. main()
3. It is a value returning to the main program.
4. No.

  1. What is a function?

A function is a block of code that exists to execute a particular task.

  1. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?

main() is run first in all C++ program.

  1. What are return values?

A return value is the value given back to the caller of the function at the end of its execution.

  1. Are nested functions allowed in C++?

Nested functions are not allowed in C++.

  1. What is a function?

A set of instructions that can be re-used

  1. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?


  1. What are return values?

the data types that will be used to store the return statement of a function

  1. Are nested functions allowed in C++?

no, you can only call functions, not create functions within a function.

  1. A function is a re-usable sequence of statements that execute something.
  2. Main () function is run first in a program.
  3. Return values are specific values being returned in a function.
  4. Nested functions are not allowed. You can’t write functions in functions, you have to call another function.
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  1. A function is a reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.
  2. The int main() function is run first in C++
  3. Return values are those returned to the function caller by the function callee.
  4. Nested functions are not allowed in C++

What is a function?

A way to encapsulate a set of statements.

What function is run first of all in a C++ program?

The main function.

What are return values?

Values that a function return to the caller.

Are nested functions allowed in C++?

They are not allowed.

1. What is a function?
A reusable sequence of statements designed to do a particular job.

2. What function is run first of all in a C++ program?

3. What are return values?
The actual value returned from a function

4. Are nested functions allowed in C++?