Frontend, Backend, Databases (Stanford Bonus Lecture)

Really great lecture and I liked the way the instructor broke it down. It put everything that was done in the course so far into one big lecture and it was easy to follow. I got through it at 2X speed.


Very good! Worth it…

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I liked this lecture in that it demystified excellent to me and the creation of databases. Its realy refreshing to hear a lecture from someone that actually knows his subject very well and is able to articulate its complexity in a simpler way so that a newebe can get it…


Your material is cohesive and well put together in general. I liked the material.

That was an excellent lecture, it really helped me in bringing the whole database topic together, thankyou.


I think I was able to get more clearer understanding of the material, through the academy short lectures and reading homework we’ve done so far. Otherwise the lecture just seen would of been a bliss.

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It felt good to watch this video to solidify my thoughts and understandings on the subjects.
At first it was a bit much, but because I already tortured myself with studying as much as I could stand
on the last couple of class segments it was easier to understand this time around.

As he wrapped up the session in the video, I didn’t feel overwhelmed anymore because it collectively started to make good and comfortable sense. (Also, he gave a brief on the keys/values etc that was brief and easily understandable for JSON)