1.) What was Matthew Green’s involvement in Zcoin (not Zerocoin)?
Matthew Green was Poramins mentor at faculty and one of the investors of Zerocoin protocol which contributed to inspire the development of ZCoin.
2.) What was Poramin’s solution to the ‘trusted setup’ problem?
His idea was to mitigate this risk to a third party by picking the parameter used in the RSA factoring challenge which took special care to destroy the keys, had a sizeable bounty to break it and was done back when the RSA was an organization that strongly valued privacy, even exposing the government’s attempts to install the Clipper chip.
3.) Is Zcoin direct implementation of the protocol described in the Zerocoin whitepaper? Why / why not?
No it is not, when trying to follow the paper exactly he ran into performance issues.
4.) Why did he abandon Zerovert for Zerocoin?
The Vertcoin community did not liked his idea to integreate the Zerocoin protocol into an actual cryptocurrency. At the same time, he put a lot of effort in making first cryptocurrency to implement Zcoin without any ICO. Without investors this was impossible. This was why he had discontinued the project at that point.