Exercise – Compare and contrast Cargo with npm

  1. Both are package manager
  2. npm is also a task runner. Cargo has dependency overrides.
  3. npm init
  4. Cargo.toml
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  1. NPM and Cargo are package managers which are used to install, create and build dependencies respectively on Node.js and Rust.

  2. Cargo is built for Rust programming language. Whereas, npm is built for javascript.

  3. npm init

  4. Cargo.toml

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  1. Both maintain package libraries. Also, create package manifests/dependencies so that other developers can download all of the packages used in our project.

2.Cargo is a building tool/test runner/project bootstraper in addition to being the package and dependencies manager for Rust.

3.npm init -y


Cargo and Node Package Manager (npm) are both package managers, but they are used for different programming languages and have some differences in their features and functionality. Here are the main differences between Cargo and npm:

  1. Programming Language: Cargo is the package manager for Rust programming language, while npm is the package manager for JavaScript programming language.
  2. Registry: Cargo uses the official Rust package registry called crates.io, while npm uses the official Node.js package registry called npmjs.com.
  3. Dependency Management: Cargo has a built-in system for managing dependencies called Cargo.toml, while npm uses a package.json file to manage dependencies.
  4. Build System: Cargo also includes a build system, which is not available in npm.
  5. Binary Packages: Cargo supports the creation and management of binary packages, while npm is primarily focused on managing JavaScript packages.
  6. Versioning: Cargo uses semantic versioning (major.minor.patch) to version packages, while npm uses a similar versioning system but allows for a wider range of version specifiers.
  7. Development Environment: Cargo provides tools for building and testing Rust applications, while npm includes tools for building, testing, and running Node.js applications.

In summary, Cargo and npm are package managers for different programming languages with different features and functionality. Cargo is primarily focused on managing Rust packages and includes a built-in build system, while npm is primarily focused on managing JavaScript packages and includes tools for building, testing, and running Node.js applications.

The equivalent of cargo new in the npm world is npm init .

npm init initializes a new Node.js package and generates a package.json file that contains information about the package such as the name, version, description, author, dependencies, and other configuration options. It is typically used to create a new project or package from scratch.

To create a new project with npm init , you can navigate to the directory where you want to create the project and run the command npm init in the terminal. This will prompt you to enter various configuration options such as the package name, version, description, entry point, test command, etc. You can either enter the values manually or use the default values by pressing enter.

Once you have answered all the questions, npm init will generate a package.json file in your project directory that contains the configuration options you entered. You can then use npm install to install any dependencies your project needs to run.

The equivalent of package.json in the Cargo world is Cargo.toml .

Cargo.toml is a manifest file used by Cargo to manage Rust projects. It contains information about the project such as the project name, version, authors, dependencies, and build configuration.

Similar to package.json , Cargo.toml is used to specify the dependencies required by a Rust project. It includes a section called [dependencies] where you can list the names and versions of the required packages. Additionally, Cargo.toml includes a section called [dev-dependencies] where you can list packages that are only required during development, such as testing libraries.

Here is an example of a Cargo.toml file:

makefileCopy code

name = "myproject"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <[email protected]>"]

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = ["full"] }

pretty_assertions = "0.8"

In this example, the project is named “myproject” and has version “0.1.0”. The required dependencies are serde and tokio , and the dev-dependencies include pretty_assertions .

Once the Cargo.toml file is defined, you can run cargo build to download and install the required dependencies. Cargo will create a Cargo.lock file to keep track of the specific versions of the dependencies that were installed, which ensures that your project is built with the same versions of the dependencies each time it is built.

node is a command-line tool used to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is the runtime environment for Node.js, which is built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine used in the Google Chrome browser.

To run a JavaScript file with node , you can navigate to the directory where the file is located and run the command node filename.js in the terminal. This will execute the code in the file using the Node.js runtime environment.

For example, if you have a file called app.js that contains the following code:

javascriptCopy code

console.log("Hello, world!");

You can run it with node by navigating to the directory where app.js is located and running the command:

Copy code

node app.js

This will output Hello, world! to the console.

Note that unlike cargo run , which automatically compiles and runs a Rust program, node only runs the JavaScript code directly and does not have a built-in compiler. If you need to compile your JavaScript code, you may need to use a build tool such as webpack or gulp .

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The similarities:
Both are package managers that let downloads dependencies.

The differences:
Even though both Package managers, Cargo provides additional features such as builtins supports for commont tasks like running code, building code, etc. It also has workspaces, dependency overrides, etc, etc. I found an article that states that Cargo is essentially NPM but with steroids.

The equivalent of “Cargo new” with NPM:
I guess the answer is “npm init --yes”

What is the equivalent of package.json in the cargo world?
I think is “Cargo.toml”, Is it correct?

Excellent explanation!

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  1. They both similar in a way that they’re both package managers that gets dependencies for real world projects as following dependency management, package registry, version control of dependencies, custom scripts
  2. language, build system, security, cargo relies on rust strong typed language and memory safety guarantees
  3. npm create, if using yarn yarn init
  4. cargo.toml
  5. npm run, yarn run or custom with npm {custom script} or yarn {custom script}