Ethereum Advanced

Ok will post my comments here

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Maybe EOS is faster and cheaper, but were are all the devs and community?
If it is not ERC20 its not Defi

Just want to say hi and thank you to Ivan and all the people who make the academy possible. I am learning a lot!

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Hello sir, glad to hear that you are learning a lot!

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

Obviously this is a somewhat limited perspective… but so far I particularly like how focused everything seems. It all seems relevant. The homework questions dont appear to be questions just for the sake of having questions… so far all killer no filler. So far so good.

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Regarding the smart contract example of putting money into a contract to pay out your child should they finish school:

In order for the SC to “check”, do you program it to check school records for a particular name at graduation? What if they change their name for some reason; would the money be sent back to parent due to the condition not being met?

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it was awesome so far this journey…

Hello @Anon1478! I’m not a moderator, but I think I know the answer to your question. It is to my understanding that smart contracts are limited to on-chain data (the information on the blockchain to which a smart contract was deployed). However, more and more blockchains are using oracles. Acting like data feeds, oracles take off-chain data (information unrelated to the blockchain like a weather forecast or the results of a sports game) and relay it to the smart contract.

So, to use your example, you could program the smart contract to give the child money after he/she has passed the number of classes needed to graduate. While a D is considered a “pass” in some US schools, perhaps, you could even program the smart contract only to accept a pass as a C or higher. As a teacher, that’s something I would definitely do…ijs. :sweat_smile: So, the student’s name change would be irrelevant. It isn’t the kind of data the smart contract needs to determine if the student gets the money or not.

I’m not a techie, but I hope my answer cleared things up for you.

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Thanks for the response!

The oracles idea is something I have to look into more. I assume it is a bit more advanced than where I am in the learning currently.

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No problem! If you are interested, you can learn more about blockchain oracles here:


Great - now that I understand at least what Oracles do, it all makes more sense.
I was wondering where the SC would get the information about my kid’s grades - as this data is most likely off-chain.
Thanks for the post!


Thank you Ivan for the first part of the lecture, looking forward to the advanced part of the Ethereum course.

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was a good one the add on the end of Eth Gas about Porsche advertising ! funny moment :slight_smile:

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hello everyone… i cannot believe im on the Ethereum Advanced course, it was just like yesterday i dont have any clue what Ethereum is all about :slight_smile:


Hello miss, glad to see you around Ethereum course :slight_smile:

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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Thanks @thecil - will let you know for sure :slight_smile:

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Very enlightening so far!!!

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not having a problem yet . thank you

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Learning so much! Enjoying so much!

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Learning lots of great info! Finally learning and understanding lots of the terminology I hear about the blockchain and the difference between how Bitcoin and Ethereum work. Keep up the good work!