EOS Installation Discussion

G’day all,

I am getting an error when I try to use the command

cleos get info

That spits out:

1133636ms thread-0   main.cpp:2756                 main                 ] Failed with error: Assert Exception (10)
response_content_length >= 0: Invalid content-length response

Any clues on how to fix this one? Cheers

I have not seen that issue before. What OS are you running? And which eos version/tag?

Cheers for the quick response Filip. So, for starters, I skipped this step previously

git checkout tags/dawn-v4.2.0

As when I ran it, git threw an error along the lines of “error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout: blah blah blah (loads of files starting with libraries/)

I have now restarted the setup following the video, and when I got to this step, it gave the same error, so I ran this:

git checkout -f tags/dawn-v4.2.0

Note the addition of the -f. This forces git to checkout the branch regardless. I then get the same submodule error as in the video, run the suggested line of code and I was then able to execute the build script. After running the build script, I came across this error:

Installation of boost libraries failed. 1

Exiting now.

So I went to my tmp directory and deleted the boost folder and re-ran the script, and it built successfully. I then ran the sudo make install command which is successful. I then keep following the video and when I get to running this command:

nodeos -e -p eosio --genesis-json filipgen.json --delete-all-blocks --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin

I get an error saying:

2289551ms thread-0   main.cpp:129                  main                 ] boost::filesystem::remove: Permission denied: "/home/mitchell/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/data/state/shared_memory.meta"

So I go and remove the nodeos folder in that path (need root privileges) and now im getting this error:

409890ms thread-0   controller.cpp:264            ~controller_impl     ] db.revision(): 1 head->block_num: 1 blog.read_head()->block_num(): 1 
410005ms thread-0   main.cpp:119                  main                 ] Throw location unknown (consider using BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION)
Dynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >
std::exception::what: bind: Address already in use

No idea where to go from here…

Thanks, but at the time I posted this, I was hoping for a little more insight into each argument on the command line.


In particular, what is the “eosio” account that gets referenced? From my own research, it appears that this is an authorizing account used to bootstrap EOSIO nodes. But I’d like more info. about this. Is this account native to every EOS blockchain? Is this a pseudo account that makes use of the private key listed in the genesis.json file?

Also, what are these --plugin directives and how do we know which ones we need to use for our local blockchain?

And finally, how do I communicate w/the EOS mainnet using my locally installed cleos?

Yes, this command works for me.
I’m running Ubuntu 18.04 and using the latest version of EOSIO (as of 7/12/2018).

I have not experienced that error before. I would not attempt to move forward running nodeos if the installation was unsuccessful. Instead I would try to make the build script run without error.

Have you tried to solution layed out in this thread? https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/2610

Give that a go and let us know.

Hi! Good questions.

eosio account is as you say a special account that is used to create other accounts. Without a “root” account no other accounts can be created in eos since all new accounts need an existing one to fund the new one. Yes it’s native and the keys are in the nodeos config file.

Plugins are just a way of making the nodeos application more modular. You use different plugins according to your needs. There are quite a lot of plugins and I’m by far not familiar with all of them. You can find all the plugins here: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/tree/master/plugins. As to which you are suppose to run I would recommend you to follow the videos. I have not yet found any good documentation on what each plugin does in detail, but the names are pretty self explanatory and with some trial and error you can find the plugins for the functionality you need.

I add a couple of videos to the course in august on how to work with test and main net. In the mean time I can recommend this blog post: https://hackernoon.com/getting-started-on-eos-mainnet-in-10-minutes-bf61dd9ec787

You basically need to have keosd running and then run cleos with two extra flags.

–wallet-url http://localhost:8888


-u https://api.eosnewyork.io:443

This url could point to any node on the mainnet

Sorry for the late reply and good luck!!

Thanks Filip, can I rename my eosio account? Also, can I use another account other than eosio?

You can create how many accounts as you please with the cleos tool. It’s just that the first account will always be eosio. Or did I misunderstand your question?

I’m not understanding why there’s a “-p <acct.>” cmd. line option if I’m not able to change it. I created another account w/cleos and tried to specify it w/-p and the nodeos wouldn’t sign blocks. It appears as if I’m locked into “eosio” but if so, why even allow me a -p option?

I think you need to have the private keys for that account in your config.ini file if you wish to use other accounts. Just like the eosio keys are in that file.

Hi, having some problems at the moment getting things installed / built.

First I get

git checkout tags/dawn-v4.2.0

and get a bunch of override errors (same the post from mharv above)

to which I ran :

git checkout -f tags/dawn-v4.2.0

which seems to force it, but then on the build I get the following error/s :

– Auto-configuring bsoncxx to use MNMLSTC for polyfills since C++17 is inactive
CMake Error at src/bsoncxx/CMakeLists.txt:86 (find_package):
Could not find a configuration file for package “libbson-static-1.0” that
is compatible with requested version “1.10.0”.

The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
** /usr/local/lib/cmake/libbson-static-1.0/libbson-static-1.0-config.cmake, version: 1.9.3**

– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also “/tmp/mongo-cxx-driver/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log”.
Cmake has encountered the above errors building the MongoDB C++ driver.

Exiting now.

And I follow the fix recommended here : https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/4062 of editing the builder\Dockerfile

But it doesn’t seem to do anything and I keep getting the same problem if I try to run the build script again. Anyone having the same issue and/or got through it ?

Thanks !

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I have not seen that error before. What platform are you installing on?

I have the same,


If you find any solution please let me know

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I’m using windows 10

With a VM? Or how are you installing it on windows since it’s not compatible.

Yes, sorry definitely with the VM, I have been careful to follow along exactly as you do it with virtual box and Ubuntu VM.

Thanks. And both of you changed the line 339 in eosio_build_ubuntu.sh to “git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver.git --branch releases/v3.2 --depth 1”? And you still get the same issue?

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Hi Filip,

The nodeos command is not found.
What do I have to do to get this working?


on windows ubuntu I am getting the following error when I try to build eos

It is telling me that I have 0 of everything from CPU to Disk Space but when I look at the VM stats it says I have 45GB of which I have used about 5?