Efficiency Value Questions

  • How do we work with constraints? Trying to keep them to a minimum avoiding bureaucracy.
  • Why is writing down things important? Because its more reliable than memory, takes less time than having to explain, and is out there for the rest to suggest improvements.
  • What is a boring solution and why do we prefer boring solutions? Choosing the technology that solves the problem in the easier way. This reduces complexity and makes development faster.
  • What can you say about self-service and self-learning? First try to solve your own questions, and then ask, with no shame. Once you got the answer, document it for others in the future.
  • How do we value each others’ time? Avoid unnecessary meetings, make them optional is possible, trust their judgement instead of having them asking for permission all the time.
  • Why do we have to embrace change? Because of the nature of the business and customer’s requirements things change quickly. The company might need to change teams, managers, etc and this should be embraced as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • What is the concept of “manager of one”? Even if not managing other people, we are always managing ourselves.