Discussion - Bitcoin as Money

and anOTHER thing (from the reading at https://unchained.com/blog/dollar-crisis-to-bitcoin/ ):
“Because bitcoin’s supply is fixed and cannot be manipulated, it will eventually become the most reliable pricing mechanism in the world and consequently, the greatest distribution system of knowledge. The volatility witnessed today is nothing more than the logical path of price discovery as adoption increases by orders of magnitude and as we advance toward that future state of full adoption.”

greatest dsitribution system of knowledge… maybe not: maybe the ever-fluctuating price of BTC actively prices the value that investors want to put in, but once it settles down in “dollar value” (why are we pricing it in dollars?!), it will be more easily intuited with respect to other assets (most notably houses/cars/devices) maybe services too… at which point it would have established itself as a similar measurement tool that the dollar and gold had before it: measuring the value of work/productivity, e.g. GDP, i.e. it will be priced in “productivity”, as described in the Hayek 1945 reference from that reading above.

Maybe the “domestic” here is not necessarily an entire country but only the community of coin holders.

Nevertheless, as GDP fluctuates, so would BTC be expected to fluctuate (in what is arguably the best form of insurance –against widespread disasters/risks to personally stored value– a.k.a. socialized risk)

(Imagine, first, evaluating all goods/services offered by a community … extrapolating that to the GDP of the entire world… now imagine all the goods/services that can not be paid for yet provide enough value to command an exchange of value, i.e. a “price”…)

The only ways to increase its value would be to add new users’ productivities to the community or increase that of current users; thus it will track GDP inflation (just like the dollar was supposed to do, i.e. dollar inflation is a way of saying “we’re more productive!” than is truly the case, especially when considering that what we often enough “produce” is ideologies, all too often for export…imperialism, baby!) in a zero-sum way.

BUT on the way there, imagine how many goods/services still can not be paid for digitally yet provide enough value to command a price… as the variety of commodities/services increases, so to will the desire to pay for them and so will the different values being exchanged increase

SO WHAT?! --> a diversity of coins that each represent a community of espoused values (priorities) is what i see…

Bitcoin is a perfect option for store of value and can act as a money for sure as a replacement of FIAT currencies, however the large transaction time need to be resolved via a Layer 2 protocol to make it faster and to reduce transaction fee. Also a some point of time it need to be used as a credit card because not everyone may like to always use a smartphone for the fear of hacking etc.

I believe that they can be rewarded for validating transactions.


Part of that fight is in regulations and price manipulation.

Is very interest ING how Bitcoin Is auto regulated by the amount of Bitcoin that Will be created, i understand that after allá Bitcoin aré created the ones who keep It Will see am increase of value of price

Im thinking that Will be possible with ethereum too ? Or un other cryptocurrencies ?

So one of the “problems” everyone talks about is how BTC loses/Gains every day against your choice of fiat. my argument is so does fiat. Dollars vs. euros vs. pounds vs. yen they all gain and lose every day that why we have people who make a living off trading currencies. there are ZERO stable currencies unless you compare it to itself.
Case in point… in ancient Rome a troy ounce of gold would buy a sword and a set of traveling grade clothes. Today gold is about $1,800/troy ounce, good enough for a firearm (with ammo) and a nice suit. Gold has kept its relative value.
Fiat on the other hand only loses value but we call it inflation.
NOW, let’s look at BTC, bitcoin has increased value, the only currency to do this yet we gripe about its fluctuation against our favorite fiat. maybe we should gripe about our fiat ALWAYS losing value or just make BTC the default and everything else fluctuates compared to BTC.

Seems like a point of view problem.

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Fascinating thing this: that the characteristic of provenance (Bitcoin’s chronological record of ownership) may affect fungibility as it is conventionally understood.
The shadings of meaning, in the understanding of a thing, are drawing me deeper down the rabbit hole… :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

I am really fascinated by the concept of Bitcoin and how it serves as money. I am completely inspired by the digital asset world and hope to dive deep into this sector. I want to work in this area. I try to explain the value and concept of Bitcoin to others but the adoption by all those I have tried to influence has been maddeningly slow. This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the evolution of finance and the creativity unleashed in developing applications can provide opportunity and freedom. My concern is that it is supposed to provide accessibility but there is a technological hurdle and trust issues to overcome in adoption. I dare say that having existing financial institutions bridge the gap either through ETFs or having some kind of a product to present to existing customers would hasten it’s adoption by the masses. Bitcoin as money is in so many ways better than money but we are still really at the beginning.

There’s no need to bash the Catholic Church for the monopoly of publishing books before the creation of the printing press. There was censorship by the Catholic Church on some topics (which is of course evil). There was also low access to education promoted by everyone in power (not just the Catholic Church), but it’s unclear there was a Monopoly.
There are a few classic Greek books that are very liberal in their views which were written well before the invention of the press. The Kamasutra was written around the year 300-400 BCE. Literacy rates in other parts of the world where the Catholic Church had little to no influence were very poor too until recently.