I commented the script and the changes i did to the original script.
I made the mapping private.
I also changed the names of the arguments to be more logical to me, and then i understood that the my updated balance was stored to memory and would be deleted when the function call ended. then i removed the line (User memory user = users[id]; ) and set the users[id].balance to newBalance instead.
I also set the functions to view, just because the compiler told me to do so.
I hope you understood what i did and that the assignment is passed. At least it workes…
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
// updated from 0.5.1 to 0.5.12 compiler
contract MemoryAndStorage {
mapping(uint => User) private users;
// Creates an mapping the key is a number and the value is User, mapping is private and is named users
struct User {
// Creates an struct User and contains an id number and a balance
uint id;
uint balance;
function addUser(uint id, uint initialBalance) public {
// This function add User and takes id and initialBalance as arguments
users[id] = User(id, initialBalance);
// this creates an User with an id and initialBalance, then adds it to the users mapping
function updateBalance(uint id, uint newBalance) public {
// This function updates the balance of the id to the newBalance argument
users[id].balance = newBalance;
function getBalance(uint id) public view returns(uint) {
// This function returns the stored value(balance) in the users mapping of the given id argument
return users[id].balance;
Now i`m going to watch the assignment solution…