Course Feedback

Missing verb ‘fill’:
“This is a perfect and fun lecture from Harvard that will recap everything we’ve learned and will [fill] in some of the gaps you currently might have about HTML.”

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There are a lot of responses so far and I don.t really think that my feedback will take a fancy to you, but so far, I have a couple notes. At first place, I should mention that I am a software developer. I started watching from the beginning but caught myself on the thought that I’ve gone through all that so many times and can’t follow myself though it again, but, I should highlight that the approach in first videos was cool and informative enough. Then I skipped some (almost all) videos and watched only the “hard ones” for the beginners just to see how accurate they were. And there we have some issues. Well, I should make an announce that it is only my opinion and it is not some kind of discontent! From the last video I watched - it was about the pointers. (I am not a C++ developer but as a programmer I have a good picture of all that staff and all) I haven’t met any mention of a data type kept in the memory the pointer is pointing to, but that is one of the key points that should be made. (I hope you got me - that is. where you say that pointer int* pointing to the memory without saying “with data type and size of int!” or any other type and size). I haven’t watched all other videos but it seems to me that if I would do these videos I would do it the same way you did it, like from a programmer to a programmer… if you know what I mean. I just hope the rest of the course will not be so " stealthy" :slight_smile:

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OK, I left my first feedback, and I realized I’ve just got a taste of it) I have not mentioned a Promises from javascript in the previous reply - there were also some kind of misleading information as such when Ivan said that this is some kind of new stuff (recent javascript technology) but it is not as a concept - it is as old as the internet i guess (I mean the concept) and anyway for the beginners that would not make any sense anyway. (But I would focus on the concept) That is more mind banding stuff, as you say:) Again, the course is great and I like the way you try to explain this stuff.
Now I get to the Ethereum contracts and all and as from the start - we just open remix IDE without any explanation, I think that we is a lack of 2-5 minutes introduction to the Ethereum environment, don’t you think?:slight_smile:

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Hi Tave, thank you so much for all the feedback, happy to have you here. While I partially agree with you, I also do not. I think it’s all about prioritizing what’s important to include in a course like this for beginners while still keeping it engaging and intersting. A lot of details and historic accuracy might be important to you as someone more experienced, while newcomers are after the big picture and hands on action. (For example, while historically correct that promises have been around as a concept before, they are a recent standard in JS).


I guess you are right, I might be a bit harsh on all that stuff, but for a moment I just tried to put myself in a beginner place and I would not get that stuff any way. But, again, as I said, I am looking forward to get all this course done. And, by the way, you didn’t answer about “introduction to the Ethereum environment”:slight_smile:

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Another thing, I am not trying to show my displease in any way, I just thought that these notes might be helpful to you when you start to rethinking some stuff.

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Remix Environment intro is a good idea, we will add a video, thanks! Yea good feedback :slight_smile:


I agree. I see the course has ETH & NEM dapp sections. I’m hoping EOS dapp section coming soon. That is why I bought the course. There are already smart contract tutorials for EOS out there on the web, but lacking the front end tutorials.


Currently at 4%. The course is looking so organized and smooth so far.


In the lecture “JavaScript is Easy”, I almost fall sleep until minute 21 where it kind of started to make sense. I´m totally newbie to this subjects buy I think you could improve that lecture for JS introduction. Sesame Street characters would have been more interesting. Keep it up.


You guys did a wonderful job with the organization and content of the course.


I’ve been thinking lately, cause I had a feeling that something is really missing in the course and ECUBITCOIN’s review made me realize that the course is missing pictures, images, schema. drawings. I guess that is why when I tried to put myself in a beginner place I thought that it would be hard for me to get the subject. It is a known fact that people think in images: it is hard to memorize words but drawings - that is another matter.
Another thing. I am going through Ethereum section and in the video about arrays, Filip keeps saying “ID”
instead of correct and well-known word “index” - that just hurts:) But the most killing part is when he says that an array’s method “push” returns “ID” while it seems to return the new length of that array. That is why you have to subtract one.


I start and finish the 1st course and i really tought its an important tool for all the info compacted in one single course, it give me the tools i need to reoriented my plans has a miner and hodler, also it opens a new way to understand each and new use cases coins we have launching each and every day of the crypto space.

The GUI from the course its very well designed to keep everything very easily to reach and keep track of.
I do love the assignments after each lecture, it helps to create my own point of view of what i understand from it and then compare it with the answer provided already (its not about if im right or not, its about if i understand it has it suppose to be).

Looking forward to new courses, its already improve my knowledge about the crypto space so much!


A little hard for a novice to navigate but we’ll learn, I hope.


Pointers schmointers!
An extra layer of complexity that will only confuse not enlighten

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Agree 100%, this video is a lot more interesting :smiley:


Thank you Ivan for this course!


Hi Ivan you always amazing, thanks for this huge mountain of knowledge that you and your team has been done for us

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I think is a fantastic course with very logical structure. Well thought of for sure.

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Hi Ivan,

Just started the course, totally blown away by the amount of content in this course, going to a take year to get through this. Professionally organised and structured and loads of content. Be great if we get a certificate at the end to say we have completed it.
Many thanks,