Console - Reading Assignment

What is the console used for?
The Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
What does console.log function do?
It shows the result of the code in the console.
How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
The Console provides you with a space to experiment with modifying HTML pages, but you’re not changing the HTML document when you do things on the Console. Once you reload the page it will return to a blank document.

1. What is the console used for?
It is used to change a webpage but in your browser only and implement changes there before uploading them online where everyone can see them.

2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Ctrl+Shft+J or go to Developer Tools

3. What does console.log function do?
It prints or displays a message.

4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
By using JavaScript.

  1. The Web Console it’s used to experiment with javascript in the loaded web page document. It allows us to experiment with HTML elements, in the DOM, and with it’s style, through CSS.
  2. In Google Chrome the Web Console can be opened through the keyboard, with the CTRL + SHIFT + J shortcut.
  3. console.log is a function that prints text into the console.
  4. HTML content can be changed in the Web Console through the DOM. New elements can be inserted, for instance, through a command like “document.body.innerHTML = “<p>New paragraph</p>”;”
  1. to view / inspect / edit or add code - it is the cmd of a website visualized

  2. Firefox - ctrl+Shift + K - Chrome ctr + shift + J / additionally F12 does the job - or from the menu

  3. it logs all commands and can execute code directly on the website from the console

  4. using the correct commands to interact with html element reflected in the Document Object Model (DOM)- ex: document.createElement <- creating a new HTML document

your explanation of 4) was very helpful for me - thanks:ok_hand:

  1. The console provides you with the ability to write, manage and monitor JS on demand.
  2. menu - more tools - developer tools - console
  3. The console.log function prints out strings and also does calculations but seems to stay in the “developer area”.
  4. HTML can be added by using
    The HTML can also be changed on the web page by going to Elements and changing the HTML. The changes will disappear when the page is refreshed.
  1. Console is used on a web browser to monitor, manage and write on java script on demand.

  2. To open console in google chrome, all you have to do is press command - shift - J or go to the three verticial dots in the right corner, where under the tab more tools will be the tab developer tools.

3.Console.log logs code in the console window

  1. By assessing the document object model through the inspector tools under the elements tag within console and clicking and edit elements within the code
  1. Console is used for logging information as part of the JavaScript development progess and allow the programmer to interact with the webpage.
  2. Go to right top corner => More Tools => Developer Tools => Console
  3. It enables to print the string and do calculations
  4. Use the DOM which will display the html elements, and the contents of the webpage can be modified there
  1. The console enables users to execute the JavaScript code within the HTML.
  2. On Google Chrome, click the 3 dots in the top-right corner, click more tools, click developer tools, or simply right click the webpage and click inspect element (on windows).
  3. Console.log allows users to log into the console and execute tasks.
  4. Use the console to edit and change the parameters of a HTML page, by inserting headings and titles.
  1. To have ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. F12
  3. Logging it to the Console with console.log instead of other function such as alert function which print out popup.
  4. You can then open up the Console and begin working with JavaScript to modify the page.

let d = new Date();
document.body.innerHTML =

"Today’s date is " + d + " = “lightblue”; //etc

1. The console creates a space for us to interact with the website in realtime through a Shell interface. In this Shell interface we can change, manage and monitor Javascript code(expressions) in realtime.


3. If we want to log an result from an evaluated expression in the console we can use console.log. It is used during debugging process.

4. You cant change the content using a console, just experiment with it and ones you refresh the page the changes are gone.

  1. The Console can be used to log information as part of the JavaScript development process, as well as allow you to interact with a web page by carrying out JavaScript expressions within the page’s context
  2. CTRL+SHIFT+I or F12
  3. A console is a tests box where you can test your code to see if it works.
  4. You can change it in the console by clicking on the element.

1- What is the console used for?
The console is used to debug the html page.
2- How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
By going to the three vertical dots in a row and “More tools” then
“Developper tools”. This will open a panel where you can click on Console.
3- What does console.log function do?
the console.log function will log the result of the command to the console.
4- How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
By creating specefic element and adding created nodes to these element.

  1. What is the console used for?

The console is used to execute Javascript code directly in the browser.

  1. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?

Chrome Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools then select the Console panel.

  1. What does console.log function do?

console.log is a function that prints whatever is evaluated in the argument.

  1. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?

Using the console we can modify an HTML page by executing Javascript code. These changes are temporary and will be erased when the page is reloaded.

What is the console used for?
The JavaScript Console provides you with a space to try out JavaScript code

How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
Click on the orange exclamation mark on the top right of the screen, navigate to more tools, then developer tools, then select Console which is second tab along. Crtl+Shift+J is the shortcut in windows

What does console.log function do?
The console.log function saves having pop-up alerts

How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
With the page open in the browser, use the console to alter the contents of the html

  • What is the console used for?
    Console provides ability to edit and experiment with JavaScript and other elements on the webpage.

  • How do you open the Console in Google Chrome?
    CTRL + SHIFT + J
    or top right corner of the pull down menu (three vertical dots) - more tools - developer tools

  • What does console.log function do?
    Console.log is testing ground for JS features.

  • How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console?
    Using HTML and JS elements in the console, you can edit and add new code.
    For experimentation purpose only. As soon as the page is refreshed all changes are gone.

  1. The console is a way to interact with a web page by using Javascript. JS code can be inserted directly to the web page without modifying the original file
  2. Should press three dots on right corner > More Tools > Developer Tools
  3. It commands to log the function’s result on the console
  4. Typing Javascript directly into the console we can alter the contents of the webpage
  1. The console is an interface that gives you the ability to write JS on demand.
  2. Ctrl+Shift+J
  3. It logs info to console
  4. Through the console, with Javascript, you can change all aspects of HTML elements by updating their properties directly or by using functions. Once the page is refreshed, these changes will be deleted.
  1. The Console provides you with the ability to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript on demand.
  2. CTRL + SHIFT + J.
  3. Try out JavaScript code in real time by letting you use an environment similar to a terminal shell interface.
  4. Using JavaScript to insert code into the HTML.
  1. What is the console used for? Experimenting with modifying HTML pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. How do you open the Console in Google Chrome? I use firefox and will answer relative to that. In firefox you click the button shaped like 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner. In that dropdown menu click on “Web Developer” and in that dropdown menu click on “Console.” In addition you can use the hotkey “command+option/alt+K”
  3. What does console.log function do? Logs a command to the console. Can be thought of as “executing/performing a command”
  4. How can you change the contents of an HTML page through the console? You cannot actually change the contents of an HTML document with the console alone. However using the DOM you can view and inspect HTML elements. By double clicking on them you can actually edit the HTML.