Codeblocks for Mac?

I downloaded VSCode and I was receiving the same error code as when I was using block code.

“xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at:”

I will try freeing up some more space on my computer and see what I can do. Thank you for your help.

Yea you need to install xcode. I think there is a way to only install xcode cli tools, but I’m not a mac person so I can’t really help you get around low storage issue.

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I was able to free some more space on my computer and got VSCode to work 2nd time through. I had to download clang in my terminal by using this following code. Xcode-select --install

I had under 35 GB free space doing this. I have a link to a video below for anyone else who runs into the same problem. Thank you for your help.

Hi guys.

Codeblocks is unavailable for the current OS version im using (catalina);
Xcode unfortunately only runs on Big Sur (newest update) - wich i cant do because of third party plugins im using for music production;

The last solution is VS Code wich works as a plattform to write code but i dont really get it to run / give me an output if i “run and debug”. It just opens a new tab with a file called settings.json and thats it…

any recommendations how i can run and debug using VS Code so i can follow along properly and do the assignments? Or is there any other option i could use?

appreciate your help.

VS code you have to do some configurations. You require a plugin and install a compiler for which I think you need xcode anyway. You could try installing a VM with Linux. :slight_smile:

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thank you! might as well just upgrade to Big Sur and hope for the best. have a nice day!