Bulletproofs - Reading Assignment

  1. Bulletproofs increases the privacy of digital currency tx’s and at the same time decreases their size.
  2. G.Maxwell, A.Poelstra, P.Wuille with researchers from the Stanford Applied Cryptography Group
  3. Zcash
  4. Decreasing the size of cryptographic proof about 10 times.
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  1. Bulletproofs aggregate all the range proofs of a Confidential Transactionand and collectively prove their validity - this greater reduces the size a transaction takes up on the blockchain

  2. The Bulletproof authors are also connected to Blockstream and other projects

  3. Compared to zk-SNARKS, Bulletproofs don’t require a trusted setup for parameter generation but is more time consuming

  4. Without Bulletproof transactions scale linearly, with Bulletproof they scale logarithmically

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1.) What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?
They can increase the privacy of digital currency transactions and decrease their size dramatically at the same time.

2.) Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)

3.) How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?
Relative to zk-SNARKs, the NIZKP system proposed by the Bulletproof white paper has both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, the use of NIZKP Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation , like Zcash’s Powers of Tao ceremony. On the other hand, the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

4.) How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?
Bulletproofs can be seen as an approach to vertical scalability as they can greatly decrease the size of a cryptographic proof from over 10kB to less than 1kB.

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1 The bulletproofs technology is intended to address one of the main drawbacks of RingCT: the size of the range proofs this scheme produces.
2 I found this paper https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf wher the followin appear:

3 https://github.com/matter-labs/awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs
was the source of this image.

4 Instead of a linear relation between TXs and time Bulletproofs have a logarithmic relation. If 1 TX require 1 unit of time; if linear: 10 TXs require 10x the time, but logarithmic will be less than 10x.

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Bulletproofs are actually (a lot) more time intensive to verify. Their main advantage is storage requirement that scales logarithmic instead of linear. True that would also increase transaction throughput due to being able to cram more transactions in a block :slight_smile:

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1.- Reduce the size of range proof, decrease TXs size.

2.- Greg Maxwell, Andreu poelstra and Pieter Wuille, they have been working in Schorr multi-sig, Zero knowledge range proof, mimblewimble, smart contracts, coin join…

3.- Bulletproof does not required a trusted setup for parameter generation.

4.- The size of XMR TXs scales mostly linearly depending on the number of outputs, with bulletproofs scaling is logarithmically.

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  1. Bulletproofs impact on Monero by increasing its privacy, decreasing transaction size and solving RingCT’s range proofs’ size issue.
  2. It was developed by Benedict Bunz and Jonathan Bootle.
  3. The comparison between Bulletproofs and zk-SNARKs highlights that they both have pros and cons, but the main differences are: zk-SNARKs require a trusted setup for parameter generation while Bulletproofs don’t; Bulletproofs have a more time-consuming verification process.
  4. Bulletproofs need less space within the transaction, because they have lower size and would enable greater security while freeing more space for transactions. A reduction in size would make the entire blockchain more efficient and scalable, leading to better results and wider diffusion.
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  1. What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?
    A) Bulletproofs reduce the size of range proofs using non interactive zero knowlage proofs, makin the blockchain more scalable.

  2. Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)
    A) Greg Maxwell. Peter Wiulle and Andrew Poelstra along with researchers from Stanford Applied Cryptography Group.

  3. How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?
    A) The verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs but smaller in size

  4. How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?
    A) It decreases transaction sizes.

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1.- They increase privacy and decrease the transaction size.
2.- G.Maxwell, A.Poelstra, P.Wuille
3.- zk-SNARKs require a trusted setup for the generation of the parameter while Bulletproofs have a more time-consuming verification process.
4.- Bulletproofs decreases transaction size, thus, allowing more transactions to fit in the same block, generating a blockchain more efficient and scalable.

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  1. They can increase the privacy of digital currency transactions and at the same time dramatically decrease their size.

  2. NIKZP

  3. Relative to zk-SNARKs, the NIZKP system proposed by the Bulletproof white paper has both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, the use of NIZKP Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation, like Zcash’s Powers of Tao ceremony. On the other hand, the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

  4. Bulletproofs can be seen as an approach to vertical scalability as they can greatly decrease the size of a cryptographic proof from over 10kB to less than 1kB. The Bulletproof white paper focused on applying NIZKPs to the Bitcoin blockchain and stated that, if implemented, total size of Bitcoin’s UTXO set would be only 17 GB (compared to 160 GB) if Confidential Transactions were to be implemented.

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Reducing the proof size.

Greg Maxwell, Andrew Poelstra and Pieter Wuille teamed up with the researchers from stanford applied cryptography group.

It does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation, but the verification is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

It decreasing the size of cryptographic proof.

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What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?
This technology is intended to address one of the main drawbacks of RingCT: the size of the range proofs this scheme produces

Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)
Gregory Maxwell is an American computer scientist, a bitcoin core developer and the former chief technology officer of Blockstream. Maxwell was also an early contributor to Wikipedia and was previously employed at the Mozilla Foundation.

How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?
the use of NIZKP Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation , like Zcash’s Powers of Tao ceremony. On the other hand, the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?
Under the current range proof format, the size of XMR transactions scales mostly linearly depending on the number of outputs (ex: 1 output = 7kB, 2 outputs = 13kB). Under bulletproofs, transaction sizes will then scale logarithmically instead (ex: 1 output = 2kB, 2 outputs = 2.5kB). Therefore , this technology has the potential to greatly contribute to Monero’s scalability.

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  1. improving the privacy of Confidential Transactions by implementing “non-interactive zero knowledge proof”. also reducing transaction sizes
  2. Prio, Balloon Hashing, PowerSpy, Riposte, Gyrophone, etc.
  3. Bulletproofs do not require a trusted parameter generation ceremony
  4. reducing tx sizes (logaritmhic scale)
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  1. What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?
    Bulletproofs increase the privacy of digital currency transactions and decrease their size in Monero blockchain.

  2. Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)
    Blockstream, Mozilla Foundation ( Gregory Maxwell )

  3. How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?
    the use of NIZKP Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation, like Zcash’s Powers of Tao ceremony. However, the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

  4. How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?
    Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero by decreasing the KB size of the files.

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  1. What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?

Bulletproofs increase the privacy of Monero transactions and at the same time dramatically decrease their size.

  1. Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)

Greg Maxwell is a Bitcoin Core developer and the former chief technology officer of Blockstream. Andrew Poelstra is a Bitcoin Core developer who is also the director of research at Blockstream and Pieter Wuille is a Bitcoin Core developer and the co-founder of Blockstream.

  1. How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?

Benefit of NIZKP Bulletproofs over zk-SNARKs is that it does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation, and the drawback is that the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

  1. How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?

Previous size of multi-output XMR transactions scaled mostly linearly depending on the number of outputs (ex: 1 output = 7kB, 2 outputs = 13kB). Under bulletproofs, transaction sizes scale logarithmically instead (ex: 1 output = 2kB, 2 outputs = 2.5kB).

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1. What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?

It addresses the sizing issue of the range proofs RingCT produces. As a result, decreasing the overall size of transactions.

2. Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)

Greg Maxwell - Co-Founder and CTO of Blockstream…the company Blockstream was founded by Hashcash creator Adam Back and eight other people.
Andrew Poelstra - Director of Research at Blockstream
Pieter Wuille - Co-Founder and Core Tech Engineer at Blockstream…worked on BIP32 , SegWit which enabled development of layer two scaling solutions such as Lightening Network…etc…

3. How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?

Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation however the verification of Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

4. How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?

Bulletproofs pack a smaller fingerprint size that would greatly decrease the size of Bitcoin’s UTXO set. As a result, multi-output transactions comprising of one or more UTXOs would be a lot smaller in size.

  1. they can increase the privacy of digital currency transactions and at the same time dramatically decrease their size

2.Coinjoin, Monero, just to name a few

3.They unlink any connectivity to identities to any crypto transactions

  1. Using the NIZKP system to aggregate all the range proofs of a Confidential Transaction and collectively prove their validity.
    For context, the basic concept is to cryptographically prove that something exists, without knowing what that something is.
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  1. What exactly do Bulletproofs do on the Monero blockchain?
    they can increase the privacy of digital currency transactions and at the same time dramatically decrease their size.

  2. Which other projects are the Bulletproof authors connected to? (hint: do some googling)
    Gregory Maxwell, blockstream
    [Benedikt Bünz], Stanford University
    [Jonathan Bootle] University College London
    [Dan Boneh]Stanford University
    [Andrew Poelstra] Blockstream
    [Pieter Wuille], Blockstream

  3. How do Bulletproofs compare to zk-SNARKs?
    the use of NIZKP Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup for parameter generation** , like Zcash’s Powers of Tao ceremony. On the other hand, the verification of a Bulletproof is more time consuming than zk-SNARKs.

  4. How do Bulletproofs improve scalability of multi-output transactions on Monero?
    Bulletproofs have a much lower fingerprint (or size) relative to the proof systems used in blockchain networks today. Bulletproofs can be seen as an approach to vertical scalability as they can greatly decrease the size of a cryptographic proof from over 10kB to less than 1kB.

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  1. Bulletproofs is increasing privacy size of the digital currency transactions while decreasing their size…

  2. Greg Maxwell.

  3. Bulletproofs are more time consuming in compartion with zk-SNARKs.

  4. Through decreasing the transaction size.

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  1. Bulletproofs address one of the main draw backs of ringCT. The size of the range proofs.
  2. Some other projects the authors of bulletproofs are connected to are… blockstream, mimblewimble and the stanford applied cryptography group.
  3. zk-SNARKs rely on a trusted setup for parameter generation while bulletproofs don’t.
    Bulletproofs are more time consuming then zk-SNARKs.
  4. Bulletproofs improve scalability by reducing the size of the cryptographic proof from 10kB to 1kB.
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