Boolean Expressions Reading assignment

  1. Operators are actions that can be used to work with values
  2. β€œ+ - * / %”
  3. || (or) && (and) ! (not)

1. What are operators?
Operators take values act on them and produce a result. They can act on one or more values.

2. What binary operators do you know?
Binary operators take two values and give a result such as + - / * <> == % !=.

3. What logical operators do you know?
The logical operators are β€œand”, ”or” and not. They are represented by β€œ&&”, β€œ||” and β€œ!” respectively. There is also a conditional operator represented by β€œ?:”.


What are operators? Operators are symbols which can be used to calculate and compare values.
What binary operators do you know? =, < , > , Boolean
What logical operators do you know? !, &&, ||

1 What are operators?
An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform specific mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce final result.

2 What binary operators do you know?
+, -, *, /, %, <, >, ||, &&, ==, !=, ===, !==

3 What logical operators do you know?
&&, ||, !

What are operators?
They work with values to create a new value.

What binary operators do you know?
< <= > >= == === + - * / %
What logical operators do you know?
&& || !

  1. Operators can be used to reason with boolean
  2. Greater than">" Less than"<" equal to β€œ=” Not equal to"!=" +,-,/,*,%
  3. And"&&" Or"||" Not β€œ!”

What are operators?
They acts on values
Arithmetic; + - * / %
Unitary; typeof
Ternary; ?
Comparison; < > >= <= == != === !==
Logical; && || !
What binary operators do you know?
all operators listed above that take 2 values (all but the unitary and ternary)
What logical operators do you know?
Ternary ? and Logical operators && ||

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  1. operators are symbols which allow us to make conditions
  2. < > <= >= == !=
  3. &&, ||, !

What are operators?
Operators act on values to create or modify a new value.
What binary operators do you know?
What logical operators do you know?
&&, ||, !

Operators are a set of symbol which instruct computer to do different thing, such as math, comparing things in logical-wise or not.

==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=, and ?.

&& = logical and, || = logical or, and ! = logical not.

1. What are Operators?
Symbols that perform operations, they can be unary, binary or ternary and used to determine values in the following ways:

  • Arithmetic
  • Comparision
  • Logical
  • Assignment
  • Conditional

2. What Binary Operators do you know?
+, -, *, /, %

3. What Logical Operators do you know?

  1. operators assign values, compare values, perform arithmetic
  2. <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
  3. &&, ||, !
  1. Operators are generally a symbol which allows you to do something with or manipulate one or more values
  2. Binary operators are generally those you use for arithmetic such as * + - =, < > %
  3. Logical operators allow us to check if things are true or false and allow us to assign values accordingly, && || !=
  1. What are operators?
    In computer programming and at the command line, an operator is an object that is capable of manipulating a value or operator. For example, in β€œ1 + 2”, the β€œ1” and β€œ2” are the operands and the plus symbol is the operator.

  2. What binary operators do you know?

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • String Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Conditional Operator
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  1. What logical operators do you know?
    && logical and
    || logical or
    ! logical not

What are operators?
operators allow a programmer to assign value and change values of variables and also compare variables

What binary operators do you know?
β€œ+” Plus
β€œ-” Minus
β€œ>” greater than
β€œ<” less than
β€œ==” equal too
β€œ!=” not equal too
β€œ*” multiplication
β€œ/” divide

What logical operators do you know?
|| logical OR
&& logical AND
! logical NOT

  1. Putting operator between two values will apply it to those values and produce new value.
  2. ; + ;- ;/ ;* ; < ;> ;>= ;<=; ==; %
  3. &&; ||; ?;!

Operators are symbols that are used to perform certain operations with values. For example arithmetical operations.
Binary operators are those operators that use two values, for example +, -, *, /, %(modulo)
There are few logical operators and those are &&(and), || (or), ! (not) and (true/false ? X : Y)- conditional operator

  1. They act on values
  2. plus, minus , multiply, divide, == != > < >= <= && ||
  3. && || !
  1. Objects that perform an action
  2. +,-,*,/, %, <, >
  3. &&, ||, ==, !=
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  1. Operators are used on values to produce a result. 2 + 2 = 4. In this case the operator is the plus sign.

  2. Binary operators produce results between two values. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all binary operators.

  3. Logical operators are used to check a condition. The && sign means and – for example, a && b would be including a and b. The || sign is for or, a || b = a or b. != is for not equal to. == is for equal to, and === is exactly equal to in the most specific possible sense.