Boolean Expressions Reading assignment

1.operators are a tool to compare different objects and values
2. binary operators that I know: =, >, <, <=, >=
3. logical operators are operators such as AND (&&), OR (||), Not Equal To (!=)

1. What are operators?

Operators are arithmetic functions used in JavaScript (plus, minus, multiply, divide, modulo, etc.)

2. What binary operators do you know?

Plus, Minus, Modulo, Multiply, and Divide

3.What logical operators do you know?

And (&&), Or (II), and Not (!)

Btw, are the greater-than/less-than operators binary or logical?

  1. An operator when placed between two values is applied to those two values to provide a new value.
  2. Binary operators have two fuctions like true/false, off/on, yes/no.
  3. Some logical operators include && which denotes β€œand”, and II which denotes β€œor”
  1. What are operators?
    They do something with a value. ie: add,subtract,multiple,divide,compare
  2. What binary operators do you know?
    (+,-,*,/,%) and (==,!=,===,!==,<,>,<=,>=)
    3)What logical operators do you know?
    ( &&,||) and, or
  1. What are operators? Operators are symbols that indicate some basic and well known functions that receive one ore more values as input and return an output.

  2. What binary operators do you know? multiplication (*), remainder (%), division (/), addition (+), subtraction (-) , left shift (<<), right shift (>>) , less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=) , equality (==), inequality (!=), AND (&&), OR (||)

  3. What logical operators do you know? AND (&&), OR (||)

  1. Operators are actions executed on values or variables.
  2. +, -, *, /
  3. &&, ||, !
  1. What are operators?
    In computer programming, operators are most of the time symbols that usually represent an action or a process. In some few cases, some operators are not symbols, but written in words (such as the typeof operator).
    JavaScript operators are used to assign or compare values, perform mathematical operations, and more.
  2. What binary operators do I know?
    +, -, *, /, %, >, <, >=, <=, =, ==, ===, !==, etc.
  3. What logical operators do I know?
    &&, ||, !

1. What are operators?
operators can assign values, compare values, do arithmetric operations and etc

2. What binary operators do you know?
Arithmatic operators (+,-,*,/ and %)
string concatenation (+)
comparison (==,!=, ===,!==,<,>,<=,>=)
logic (&&,||)

3. What logical operators do you know?
|| (or)

  1. Operators are objects that are used to manipulate or determine values.
  2. Currently I know; <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, NaN
  3. &&, ||, !

1- Operators are constructs which behave generally like functions (manipulates and transform values), such as Unary operators, binary operators and ternary operator for arithmetic, string concatenation, comparison, logic values and more.

  1. Arithmetic - (+, -, *, /, and %) , comparison- (==, !=, ===, !==, <, >, <=, >=),
    logic (&&, ||), string concatenation (+).

  2. logic (&&, ||), !.

  1. Operators combine values and produce another value.
  2. Examples of binary operators are *, / , +
  3. Examples of logical operators are and, or, and not.
  1. What are operators? an operator is an object that is capable of manipulating a value or operator.
  2. What binary operators do you know? , %, /,+, -, >,<,>=,<=*
  3. What logical operators do you know? &&, ||, ==
  1. Operators act on values. They specify the evaluation method for the values.
  2. aritmetics, comparison, and, or, not
  3. typeof
  1. Operators are the functions that JavaScript has implemented by default in its source code.
  2. +, -, *, /, %, <, <=, >, >=, ==, ===, !=, !==, &&, ||
  3. <, <=, >, >=, ==, ===, !=, !==, &&, ||, !.

1.operators are logical methods that operate values

  1. operators are logical methods that manipulate values
    2.multiplication, addition, division, relational, equality, shift
    3.the &&

What are operators?

A symbol used to perform an operation. Putting an operator between two values will apply it to those values to produce a new value.

What binary operators do you know?

Greater than > / Less than < , Equal to == / Not Equal to !=

What logical operators do you know?

There are 3 kinds of logical operations, and &&, or ||, and not !, which are used to reason Booleans

  1. Operators are kind of function that allow us to make interaction between values and/or variables
  2. All basics arithmetic operators are binary like +, -, *, / but also %, ^
  3. Logical operators like || (OR), && (AND)
  1. Operators manipulate values given i.e. adding two numbers together
  2. < , > , + , - , * , /
  3. && (and) , | | (or) , ! (not)