Bitcoin Attacks that are Probably not a problem - Discussion

Hello guys, taking this course in 2022, guess nothing has really changed.
Anyway, good to be here :blush:


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I am wondering about a shadow mining / reorg attack on BTC.

  1. I assume that as more time passes and the legitimate BTC blockchain gets more POW / grows longer the cost to perform this attack increases?

  2. Central banks can basically print infinite money to fund an attack like this on Bitcoin because although there is financial disincentive, they might have a greater incentive in terms of power and control (e.g., financing destructive wars to keep power over other people even though it is costly).

  1. Obtaining the physical ASICs, mining infrastructure and electricity would be a non-monetary cost barrier which would help to prohibit this kind of attack, correct?

In other words, there is more than just game theory at play here preventing shadow mining / reorg attacks? Since BTC imposes physical cost constraints at the level of materials & energy those too must also be overcome, correct?

This is one of my main lines of reasoning for why I prefer Bitcoin to all other cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum and proof of stake networks. If the only thing securing them is financial disincentive and game theory it seems that central banks would have a much easier time coopting them with control over the money printers.

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Hi! Tell me such a question, how long can I find out the private key if the program does not randomly sort it out, but calculates it?