Become your own hedge fund | Yield Hacking Strategy - Discussion

I’m starting to understand yield hacking at last! We can have Defi work for us by investing in Stable tokens, Token Sets, Defi Hedge Funds and Liquity Pools. I find the many different examples and links very helpful, also the presentation docs. I’m starting with Furucombo to dive deeper…


Great information and lesson study to apply how to generate yields by risking some of the capital. It’s a great way to be your own bank and explore so many areas to implement different strategies. So far i’m only providing some liquidity for ETH/AMPL . 50/50% on geyser almost 2 months. Recently they add more pairs. Anyway, perhaps the only thing right now is hodling me back for using a big some of money in using CDP and other protocols for borrowing and lending is the technical and gas fees on the ETH network but so far is better way to start slowly while learning more. On other network like EOS and BNB is less fees but not much LIQUIDITY/DAPPs interaction like ETH . Still working on my yield hacking strategy. Greatly appreciate the yield hacking strategy and hedge fund stuff…@amadeobrands. Thank you. :smiley::pray:


Nice and noble Idea. I suggest you to go to Buenos Aires to implement it. It has all the ingredients you mentioned. Also, the city is beautiful as well as the people and the food :slight_smile:

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@mr_e @amadeobrands

Im trying to install the price-bot from Dapp university but the terminal is giving me de error:

npm install
-bash: npm: command not found

Can you please help to get my price bot online.




How long can you have a flashloan active?
In my understanding it has to be instant.
but how can you then profit by adding liquidity or staking with a flash loan? if that is not possible, then arbitrage is the only thing we can do with flashloans?
Let me know
Keep it up

Groetjes uit Rotterdam

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Hello @Gos, hope you are great.

It means that you have not installed NodeJS.
I suggest you to follow this instructions to install it properly. (install instructions)

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.


Your welcome please pay it forward and onboard more people to DeFi


There’s a lot of secrecy in this space. People often only give you a small piece of the pie and you would have to fill in the gaps yourself. On the topic of arbitrage, you would have to be actively seeking it and it almost instantly disappear in a flash. Arbitrage only really exist due to the inefficiency of markets. Once the market adapts and align to become efficient again, it will disappear. Usually the use of bots is more appropriate to take on these opportunities as they arise. High frequency traders usually out performs most professional traders in seeking to chase arbitrage trades and its really a game of speed, whoever is the fastest, FIFO (First In First Serve). So if you have the best bot gets the most of it. Best is in terms of speed of execution and the best location for latency, etc.


I agree with ponchooo. I played around with furucombo for hours. I found some arbitrage opportunities, but none that were more than $10. I also found a really lucrative opportunity but it vanished before I could complete the transaction, I’m assuming this is either due to Oracles delivering amazing data services or bots finding it before I can - or BOTH! I like the idea of furucombo and dydx because you just connect your wallet and go, its all on chain, but with the current bull run we’re in gas fees for eth transactions are outrageous.

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I played around with Furucombo, some tokens have some differences but the ETH Gas makes it impossible to use.

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have you got some new arbitrage strategies?
thank you Amadeo

I immediately had this concern in mind, but would the ETH upcoming updates bring opportunities back? Assuming one of the targets is to lower overall transaction costs…

Hi Super @amadeobrands, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us and teaching us so far! The only opportunity I smell now and perhaps, in the mid to long run, in regards to arbitrage opportunities, is if we could link DeFi and CeFi exchanges and explore the price + liquidity inefficiencies. I’m a noob in programming, but I just understand some maths. My guess is bots is the way to go. The robots wars might be already happening :slight_smile:

In my early student days, I used to explore arb opportunities in gambling exchanges in sports and I wrote a “sort of” thesis about this (used Betfair as an example).

very much information dense; opportunities are vast and customizable to one risk profile and desired activity level - hedge funds fascinating…need to look into this more = probably go over this again after i take the recommended in this segments Algorithmic 201 trading course by Ivan & Filip

enol and chi can probably help by lowering fee costs.

In case of enol they give a cashback if you hodl tokens.

It’s not yet a year since this course was created but so much have changed. When is Amadeo releasing updates for this course?


Hey @carolyn, hope you are great.

Amadeo already have in mind a DeFi 301 course, not sure about what could be or when is going to be released, but he is for sure motivated for a 301. Also you are right, not even a year and this entire space has evolved so much! How awesome is that!! :nerd_face:

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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I would love to see Yield farming covered in-depth in DeFi 301


so Synthetixs offers 163% APY on inverse ETH. Buying iETH may not be desirable when in a bull market. Could we
i) use Maker dao vault to lock up ETH and borrow DAI.
ii)Sell Dai for sUSD on uniswap.
iii)Then buy iETH with the sUSD on the synthetixs exchange
iv) stake iETH on receive rewards in SNX

Am I wrong in assuming that this would allow you have a hedged position in iETH by taking a CDP in ETH? while benefiting from the high yield. Sorry, im still trying to wrap my head around all of this. Feedback on the limitations of this strategy would greatly help with my understanding.

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I’ve been finding it extremely difficult to find a good Arbitrage opportunity currently. I’ve had fun tinkering with Furucombo to find different strategies. It becomes difficult trying to find arbitrage opportunities when gas fees are extremely high during the bull-run.

At this moment, if one has a lot of capital then it makes sense to just be earning interest on some collateral supplied on Compound or other lending/borrowing protocol.