Ans 1:
An array is a data aggregate which allows the complier to store data under one identifier.
Ans 2:
Index # 1
Ans 3:
The size of an array can be set to suit the amount of data that is required to be stored under that identifier. This name for these type are: => fixed ‘size-array’ or fixed ‘length-array’
Ans 1:
The long form for initializing an array is by writing the declaration with the integer amount in square brackets. Then on each corresponding line quote the declared name and in square brackets the index position followed by the ‘=’ symbol then the value that it equals.
The shorter form in C++ is to make the same declaration by using the keyword, ‘int’ followed by the declaration, ‘prime’ followed by the square brackets which nest the size or length of the array, followed by curly brackets where the values/elements by index, from left to right, are nested and separated by comma’s and spaces.
Ans 2:
By using the ‘sizeOf()’ operator to determine the bytes taken up in the RAM for that specified array.
Ans 3:
When using the sizeOf() operator to determine the number elements in an array, just divide the number of overall bytes determined by the base number of the variable type. Bytes for different variable types are: integer = 4, float = 4, double = 8, char = 1.
Ans 4:
When you write outside the bounds of the array it returns an error value.