Activity Lesson 5

The rise of Digital Currencies and the burning of paper money.


This pretty much sums up why I got into Bitcoin:


There is literally NO way to win with fiat. Which leads to gold being a better place to store your value. But then storing and transporting gold creates its own challenges, and the government can always just come and take your gold away. BTC solves all of those issues at once.


One can resist, and disregard Bitcoin, but eventually they will realise, what true money is, in this day and age.


Find or create a meme that communicates an aspect of bitcoin (i.e… monetary properties, monetary policy, proof of work or neutrality). Post the meme/gif or a link and add a 1-2 sentence description of what aspect it communicates and why you think it’s effective.

This just means bitcoin is not physical. However, bitcoin is actually unspent transactions output(s) that is registered on the blockchain. UTXO is created and signed from the wallet and broadcasted to the network. The network with all the nodes must come to consensus about the UTXO and then it sends the UXTO into a mempool, which the miners picks the UTXO along with previous hash and nonces. During this time, the miner chooses the highest UTXO for the fee and attempts to solve difficulty adjustment problem to get the block reward and fee. They do this since they have to spend electricity for proof of work and to secure the network. Therefore, there are no coins in bitcoin :slight_smile:

This is Leonardo DiCaprio. Pretty effective. Lots of coins out there. And I feel thirst.


Bitcoins uncensored abilities allowing anyone in the world to partake.

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Banks - “UNFORTUNATELY You don’t have to ask my permission to send your borderless unprintable and unconfiscatable money …”

Shines the light necessity for us in the community to onboard people by realistic education and not emotional fantasies
Patience and persistence

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All fiat currencies turn to zero value, being inflationary and centralized, they are doomed since conception.
It will unfortunately be too late for most when they will realize that Bitcoin could safeguard them from the inevitable global fiat collapse".

I think the proper term is Disinflation? The worlds currencies are pumping into oblivion, the quantity of the worlds fiat-currencies are rapidly expanding, in a pace never seen before. Bitcoin on the other hand, is hardcoded to disinflate its supply. Every 210,000 blocks, (roughly every 4 years), the production of new bitcoins is decreased permanently by half. This is called a halving, and the change is irreversible. There will only ever be slightly less than 21 million Bitcoins. This alone might make it the hardest money in human history.

I think this meme perfectly summarises the “quantative hardening” properties of bitcoin.

Don’t hold cash in the long run

PeterSchif meme

Bitcoin S2F ratio will be better than Gold in 2024 :- :wink:

Bitcoin’s ‘perfect’ Monetary Policy and a new class creator.


Find or create a meme that communicates an aspect of bitcoin (i.e… monetary properties, monetary policy, proof of work or neutrality). Post the meme/gif or a link and add a 1-2 sentence description of what aspect it communicates and why you think it’s effective

Bitcoin is the solution to our current monetary system!




This demonstrates that the extent governments will go to to stop people from using Bitcoins.

P.S. They can’t!!!


Here is an image of the interior of the Sistine Chapel, which to me reflects not only the proof of a great work of art and architecture but also the purity and the sanctity of Bitcoin’s monetary policies and the sturdiness, value density and overall “hardness” of its monetary properties. Inspired by something Pompliano said in one of his recent YouTube videos.

Bitcoin is the plan B that we have been waiting for.

The unstoppable power of Bitcoin and the Blockchain…